
World Civilization

Ch. 3 Study Guide

25 Pts.

  1. Which European empire led the way in terms of exploration?
  1. What were the three motives driving European exploration?
  1. What were the Europeans trying to find through exploration?
  1. ______was the Italian trader who reached the court of Kublai Khan in China in 1275.
  1. ______was a Portuguese explorer who rounded the tip of Africa but was forced to return to Portugal due to bad storms and lack of supplies.
  1. What treaty drew an imaginary line through the Atlantic Ocean and declared everything West belongs to Spain, and everything East belonged to Portugal?
  1. Which European country challenged Portugal by developing the largest fleet of ships in the world?
  1. The ______islands were taken over by the Portuguese, and lowered their cost of spices to 1/5 of what they originally cost?
  1. What city in the Netherlands became a leading commercial center after their dominance in Asian trade?
  1. What did the Portuguese trade for in Africa hat changed the world forever? Especially in terms of U.S. history.
  1. ______was an Italian explorer sailing forSpain that claimed he could find a route to Asia through the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the Americas?
  1. ______was a new ship designed by Europeans to hold more cargo/people, sail against the wind, and sail in shallow waters?
  1. Who was the 1st emperor of the Ming dynasty that drove the Mongols out of China?
  1. ______was the Chinese explorer who led seven remarkable exploration voyages?
  1. Where were the invaders that established the Qing dynasty from?
  1. ______is a ritual that required traders to bow down, touching their heads nine times to the ground in order to trade with China during the Qing Dynasty?
  1. What resulted from the Chinese adopting new advances in agriculture such as irrigation, fertilizers, rice, corn, and sweet potatoes?
  1. Who was the 1st emperor of the Qing dynasty?
  1. What is the time period of the Japanese Civil War referred to as?
  1. What policy did the Japanese implement in order to keep European influence out of their country?
  1. What Japanese city was controlled by the Shoguns and was the only city open to foreign trade?
  1. Which two countries were the Japanese still willing to trade with during after they adopted their closed country policy?
  1. ______were military chieftains who offered their protection for support of the people as they fought for control in Japan?
  1. ______is a style of Japanese poetry that presents images rather than ideas?
  1. ______is a Japanese theater where actors wear elaborate costumes and use music, dance, and mime to perform skits about modern life?