Freshman Volleyball Study Guide


Block: a play that occurs when a front row player places their hands and arms above the net so that a spiked ball rebounds into the opponent's’ court or back to their own. It does not count as one of the team’s three hits.

Lift/Carry: holding the ball momentarily.

Spike: a hard driven ball hit with an open hand.

Double Hit: a ball hit twice in a row by the same player.

Foot Fault: stepping on or over the baseline on the serve.

Serve: the method of putting the ball in play over the net by striking it with the hand; overhand & underhand.

Line Violation: stepping over the centerline during play.

Net Foul: touching the net anytime the ball is in play with your body.

Bump/Pass: ball contacted on arm between wrist and elbows that usually sets up the set.

Set: ball contacted with fingertips that usually sets up the spike.

Side-Out: Occurs when the serving team does not score and loses the right to serve.


●  A team wins the game when that team scores 25 points and has a 2-point advantage.

●  The sequence of hits a team strives for in volleyball is: bump, set and spike.

●  When setting, you should use your fingertips and not the palm of your hand.

●  You change sides of the net after each game and alternate the team that serves first.

●  Only 3 hits per side ( a block does not count as a hit)

●  If the ball hits the boundary line it is in.

●  If 2 people hit the ball at the same time it counts as 1 hit and either one may hit it again.

●  The ball may touch the net on a serve.

●  The server has 5 seconds to serve the ball.

●  You rotate clockwise.

●  You earn one point each time the other team makes a mistake.

●  You cannot spike a serve.

●  Touching the Net: Players are permitted to touch the net provided that the action does not interfere with an opponent’s attack, the state of play, or an unfair competitive advantage.

●  Double Hit: A player is not allowed to contact the ball in consecutive hits unless; the first hit was a partial or full block or the contacts were made as part of one singular act.

●  Hitting the Ceiling: Balls that strike the ceiling and cross the net are ruled out of play. However balls that strike the ceiling and remain on the same side, are ruled playable as long as the contact did not occur after the third hit on that side.

●  Foot Faults: The server is not allowed to touch or cross the end line until after contact has been made with the ball during a serving act.

Safety and Courtesy Rules:

-Always roll the ball under the net, do not throw it over.

-Play your position, not the entire court.

-Call ball when taking it.

-Never kick the ball.