Practice Questions for Test 1

Applied Physiology of Exercise

1. Molecular oxygen is directly utilized in which of the following pathways?

1. Glycolysis 3. Electron Transport

2. Krebs Cycle 4. Beta Oxidation

2. The amount of ATP plus creatine phosphate (CrP or PCr) normally available in storage (without glycolytic or aerobic re-synthesis) would provide energy for high intensity muscular contraction for approximately how long?

1. 10-15 seconds 3. 1-2 minutes

2. 45-60 seconds 4. 4. 4-5 minutes

3. Under resting conditions, the primary function of the liver is to provide glucose to what tissue?

1. Skeletal muscle tissue 3. Nervous tissue

2. Heart tissue 4. Pancreatic tissue

4. At the end of each of their competitive performance, which of the following would you expect to have the highest blood lactate concentration?

1. A world class 440 yard dash person 3. A world class weight lifter (one maximal lift)

2. A world class marathoner 4. There would probably be no difference

5. In which of the following activities would carbohydrate be the more important fuel substrate compared to fat (i.e., carbohydrate would provide a greater % of the total energy)?

1. A marathon at 70% of a person's maximal aerobic capacity

2. A six mile run at 70% of a person's maximal aerobic capacity

3. A six mile walk at 3 mph

4. A one mile run at 90% of a person's maximal aerobic capacity

6. During the first 2-3 minutes of an aerobic activity, prior to the ability to consume enough oxygen to totally meet the energy needs, the difference in the energy requirement and the energy supplied by the aerobic systems is called the

1. oxygen debt

2. oxygen deficit

3.  EPOC

4.  oxygen demand

7. Runners A and B have identical VO2max values and anaerobic thresholds. However, runner A can run 5 miles significantly faster than runner B. Which of the following is (are) possible physiological explanations for the difference in running ability? (Assume runners have normal levels of glycogen)

1.  Runner A has a lower oxygen cost for running.

2.  Runner A uses more fat at higher running speeds.

3.  Runner B uses more fat at higher running speeds.

4.  All are possible explanations

8.  If one has a VO2max of 50 and they weigh 100 kg, what is their VO2 max in ml.min-1 ?

1.  20 3. 5000

2.  500 4. 0.5

9. The expected resting RER on a normal mixed diet would be approximately:

1. 0.7 3. 0.94

2. 0.82 4. 1.0

10. The contractile protein making up the thin myofilaments is

1. myosin

2. actin

3. troponin

4. tropomyosin