Trophies will be awarded for many classes
See pages 21 and 23 for more details
We hope you all enjoy the show
and would like to thank everyone
who has helped and supported us
in any way
The Committee and landowners cannot be held responsible for
any accident, injury, loss or damage
Exhibitors must have appropriate public liability insurance
All persons attending the show do so at their own risk
Saltersgate Farmers’ Hunt
Please note that timings are approximate
11.00 am / Open Sheepdog Trial
9.30 am / Tack & Turnout / Main Ring
10.00 am / Youngstock / Main Ring
10.00 am / Handy Hunter Classes / Ring 2
10.00 am / Horse/Pony Showing / Ring 3
10.00 am / Clear Round Jumping / Ring 4
10.45 am / Show Jumping / Ring 1
11.30 am / Tents closed for judging of Cookery, Produce,
Photography, Children’s & Scarecrow classes
12.00 noon / Hound Show
12.00 noon / Dog Agility
12.30 pm / Eagle Eye Falconry flying demo - weather permitting / Main Ring
1.00 pm / Terrier Show
1.00 pm / Lurcher & Whippet Show
1.00 pm / Trail Hound Parade followed by First Trail / Main Ring
1.30 pm approx / Chase me Charlie - puissance style show jumping knockout competition / Main Ring
2.00 pm / Draw of Raffle followed by / Refreshment marquee
Announcement of successful Auction bids
2.15 pm / Gun Dog Scurry / Main Ring
2.15 pm / Fun Dog Show
2.30 pm / Gymkhana / Ring 4
3.00 pm / Parade of Saltersgate Hounds / Main Ring
3.30 pm / Welly Wanging competitions / Main Ring
Junior, Ladies & Gents
Children’s Games and Sports / Main Ring
NB Main ring timings are approximate
Entry £5 (Taken on field)
Rosettes to 4th place
Judge: J Brotherton
Entries to be in by 11.30 am Entry fee 20p Prizes: £1.50; £1.00; 50p
£5 prize for the Best Chocolate Cake
Trophy for most points in classes 1 - 9 & 32 and
Trophy for WI member gaining most points in these classes
1. / Victoria sandwich (jam filled)
2. / 4 decorated buns
3. / Savoury flan
4. / 4 cheese scones
5. / 1 jar of jam any variety
6. / 6 ginger biscuits
7. / 4 sausage rolls (short pastry)
8. / Apple pie
9. / Chocolate cake (no filling, no decorations)
10. / Bottle of sloe gin
11. / Bottle of fruit gin
Judge: Mrs M Leckenby Stewards: M Leckenby & J Henderson
Entries to be in by 11.30 am Entry fee 20p Prizes: £1.50; £1.00; 50p
Trophy for most points in classes 12 - 31
12. / 3 potatoes
13. / 1 cabbage
14. / 2 beetroot
15. / 1 cucumber
16. / Single vegetable not scheduled
17. / 3 onions as grown
18. / 3 carrots
19. / 6 pods of peas
20. / 2 sticks of rhubarb
21. / 6 soft fruit
22. / 4 hen eggs – brown
23. / 4 hen eggs - any colour
24. / 4 bantam eggs
25. / 4 marigolds
26. / 3 blooms any variety
27. / 4 sweet peas
28. / Single rose
29. / Pot plant foliage
30. / Pot plant flowering
31. / Cactus
32. / Miniature flower arrangement (not exceeding 4”)
Judge: J Edmond Stewards: M Leckenby & J Henderson
All photography class entries must be unmounted & no more than 7” x 5”
Entries to be in by 11.30 am Entry fee 20p Prizes: £1.50; £1.00; 50p
Trophy for best photograph
33. / Animal subject
34. / Bird subject
35. / Humorous caption
36. / Hunting
37. / Portrait
38. / Land- or sea-scape
39. / Winter landscape
40. / Wildlife
41. / Action
42. / Famous landmark
43. / View from a horse’s back (must include horse’s ears)
44. / Any subject
Judge: D Pickering Steward: N Wraith
Artwork must not exceed A3 size
Entries to be in by 11.30 am Entry fee 20p Prizes: £1.50; £1.00; 50p
45. / An edible necklace
46. / A fruit and/or vegetable animal
47. / A drawing or a painting of a farm animal
48. / 4 decorated buns (decoration only to be judged)
10 - 16 YEARS
49. / A fruit and/or vegetable animal
50. / A miniature garden in a seed tray
51. / A drawing, painting or collage of a favourite animal
52. / 4 decorated biscuits (decoration only to be judged)
Entries to be in by 11.30 am Entry fee 20p Prizes: £1.50; £1.00; 50p
53. / Best scarecrow
Judge: D & J Pickering Steward: N Wraith
Pre-entries £4 or double on the day
Pull out entry form on middle pages of this schedule
Prizes: 1st - £6; 2nd - £5; 3rd - £4; 4th - rosette Trophies for many classes
The judge’s decision to be final
Native breeds to be shown in natural state
Hard hats to meet current British safety standards to be worn at all times
SHOW JUMPING / RING 1 / 10.45 am start
‘Chase Me Charlie’ in Main Ring after Class 7
Class 8 will not start before 2.00 pm
1. / Minimus jumping Fences approx 45cm On/off lead rein (Trophy)
Not to compete in any other SJ classes
2. / Show jumping warm-up class All double clears win 1st rosette
First round 45cm Second round 55cm
3. / Novice horse/pony Not to have been placed in any jumping event Fences approx 55cm (Trophy)
4. / 55cm Ponies (Trophy)
5. / 55cm Horses (Trophy)
6. / 65cm Ponies
7. / 65cm Horses
8. / 75cm Ponies Class 8 will not start before 2.00 pm
9. / 75cm Horses after ‘Chase me Charlie’ in Main Ring
10. / 85cm Ponies
11. / 85cm Horses (Trophy)
Judge: S McCulloch Steward: R Feaster
At each jump height horses and ponies may jump in any order but will be judged separately.
If class entries are large a two phase jump off system will be introduced at the judge’s discretion
TACK & TURN OUT / MAIN RING / 9.30 am start
12. / 10 yrs and under including lead rein (Trophy)
13. / 11 yrs and over (Trophy)
Trophy to best local/Saltersgate turn out
Judge: N Coldbeck Steward: R Feaster
HANDY HUNTER / RING 2 / Not before 10.00 am
Each competitor to complete all 3 phases - gate, jumps and show of hunting paces
Special rosette in each class for best horse/rider combination having ridden with Saltersgate in 2015/16 season
BHS rosette to be awarded to best BHS member in Handy Hunter classes
Please indicate if you are a member when entering
14. / Genuine lead rein Not to compete in other Handy Hunter classes
Fences 40cm max Class kindly sponsored by L Bargh (Trophy)
HANDY HUNTER (continued) / RING 2
15. / 10 yrs and under, pony under 14.2hh (Trophy)
Fences 50cm max Class kindly sponsored by A Sibsey
16. / 16 yrs and under (Trophy)
Fences 60cm max Class kindly sponsored by D & F Cockerill
17. / Novice horse/pony Not to have been placed 1st in any jumping event
Fences 60cm max (Trophy) Class kindly sponsored by G & H Cockerill
18. / Open (Trophy)
Fences 75cm max Class kindly sponsored by J Bargh
TIMED TEAM RELAY / RING 2 / after Handy Hunter
19. / £10 entry on the day Teams of 4 Rosettes only (to 3rd place)
If entries warrant class will be split
Judge: F Harrison Steward: C Steele
SHOWING CLASSES / RING 3 / 10 am start
Native breeds must be shown in natural state
20. / Youngstock in-hand, any breed, 3 yrs old & under Main Ring
Special rosette each for best foal, yearling, 2 & 3 yr old
Rosettes kindly sponsored by J Bargh
21. / Mountain and Moorland in-hand (Trophy)
22. / Miniature Shetland in hand
23. / Standard Shetland in hand
(Trophy for best in classes 22 & 23)
24. / Ridden Mountain and Moorland, open to rider any age
Trophy for best small & large breeds (ridden)
25. / Coloured in-hand open (Trophy) Class kindly sponsored by R Mackley
26. / Cob in hand (Trophy)
27. / Ridden coloured horse/pony, open to rider any age (Trophy)
CHAMPIONSHIP - All 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes 20 - 27
Aislaby Welsh Pony Trophy
Judge: N Coldbeck Steward: C Dring
SHOWING CLASSES (continued) / RING 3
28. / Lead rein 8 yrs and under, pony 12.2hh and under (Trophy)
29. / Bonny Pony In hand or ridden (Trophy)
30. / Ridden Horse, open to rider any age (Trophy for best Cob)
31. / Riding/pony club type pony 14.2hh and under, open to rider any age,
to include optional small jump
32. / Riding/pony club type horse over 14.2hh, open to rider any age,
to include optional small jump
33. / Retrained race horse - ridden (Trophy)
34. / In-hand or ridden veteran horse/pony 18 years and over (Trophy)
Judge: A Collier Steward: E Smith
CLEAR ROUND / RING 4 / 10.00 am 45 cm
11.00 am 55 cm
12 noon 65 cm
Closed at 1.00 pm
Entry £2
The Maurice Milestone Trophy will be awarded for the fastest clear round
GYMKHANA / RING 4 / 2.30 pm start
Entry on the day £3
Prizes: 1st - £4; 2nd - £3; 3rd - £2
35. / Bending race 8 yrs and under, lead rein
36. / Bending race 11 yrs and under
37. / Bending race open
38. / Mug race 8 yrs and under, lead rein
39. / Mug race 11 yrs and under
40. / Mug race open
41. / Walk, trot 8 yrs and under, lead rein
42. / Walk, trot & canter 11 yrs and under
43. / Walk, trot, canter & lead open
44. / Non-winners race (Entry free)
Genuine lead rein only - not allowed to compete in other classes
Only undocked and legally docked dogs may be exhibited in these shows
or participate in the scurry
All owners of docked dogs born after 6th April 2007 must hold certification
Entries taken from 1.00 pm Judging at 2.15 pm
Rosettes to 4th place
Entry fees: / Classes 1 - 2 / Free
Classes 3 - 10 / £1.50
1. / Child handler (9 yrs and under)
2. / Child handler (10 - 16 yrs)
3. / Puppy (6 - 12 months) (Trophy)
4. / Veteran 8 yrs and over (Trophy)
5. / Best cross breed bitch
6. / Best cross breed dog
7. / Best sporting
8. / Best non-sporting
9. / Dog or bitch in best condition
10. / Waggiest tail
Best in Show Trophy (Classes 3 - 9)
Judge: L Everett Steward: P Everett
FUN DOG AGILITY - 12.00 noon
Entry fee: £1
Rosettes kindly sponsored by M Yorke
‘Have a go’ / 12 noon - 3.30 pm / Rosette if clear
Timed competition / 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm / Rosettes: 1st - 3rd Juniors
& 1st - 3rd Seniors
Judge: D Knight
TERRIER SHOW - 1.00 pm
Entry fee £1.50 Rosettes to 3rd place
Entries taken in ring
Qualifier for Cock of the North, North Wales, Best in the West
& Countrymans Weekly Championships
1. / Young handler - under 16 yrs - free entry -
qualifier for Cock of the North Championship
2. / Lakeland dog
3. / Lakeland bitch
Best Lakeland
4. / Jack Russell rough dog
5. / Jack Russell rough bitch
Best rough Jack Russell
6. / Jack Russell smooth dog
7. / Jack Russell smooth bitch
Best smooth Jack Russell
8. / Border dog
9. / Border bitch
Best Border
10. / Patterdale dog
11. / Patterdale bitch
Best Patterdale
12. / Best Bedlington terrier
13. / Cross-bred dog
14. / Cross-bred bitch
Best Cross-bred
15. / Pairs - any age, any sex
16. / Best puppy - up to 12 months
17. / Veteran - 8 yrs and over
18. / Best entered terrier - North Wales qualifier
Terrier Best in Show £20 & Wilf Ridley Cup
(Classes 2 - 14)
Classes 15 - 18 are not eligible for
Cock of the North Championship
Entry fee £1.50 Rosettes to 3rd place
Entries taken in ring
Qualifier for Cock of the North, North Wales, Best in the West,
Chatsworth & Countrymans Weekly Championships
1. / Young handler - under 16 yrs - free entry -
qualifier for Cock of the North & Chatsworth Championships
2. / Whippet puppy
3. / Whippet dog
4. / Whippet bitch
Best Whippet - Best in the West qualifier
5. / Over 23” Rough dog
6. / Over 23” Rough bitch
7. / 23” and under Rough dog
8. / 23” and under Rough bitch
9. / Over 23” Smooth dog
10. / Over 23” Smooth bitch
11. / 23” and under Smooth dog
12. / 23” and under Smooth bitch
13. / Bull Cross dog
14. / Bull Cross bitch
Best Bull Cross - Best in the West qualifier
15. / Bedlington cross Lurcher
16. / Pairs - any age, any sex
17. / Best puppy - up to 12 months
18. / Veteran - 8 yrs and over
Lurcher Best in Show £20 & D Brown Cup
(Classes 5 - 12)
Best Lurcher Puppy - SFH Cup
(Class 17)
Classes 2 - 4 and 13 -18 are not eligible for
Cock of the North Championship
SHOW OF HOUNDS - 12.00 noon
Rosettes to 3rd place
1. / Fox hound
2. / Fell hound
3. / Beagle
4. / Fox hound
5. / Fell hound
6. / Beagle
7. / Fox hound
8. / Fell hound
9. / Beagle
10. / Fox hound
11. / Fell hound
12. / Beagle
13. / Fox hound
14. / Fell hound
15. / Beagle
Horn blowing competition to be held in the refreshment marquee
Frank Hildreth Cup
followed by
TRAILS run under YHTA rules
Entry fee 50p Prizes: £3; £2; £1; 50p Rosettes to 4th place
Two separate trails will be run
A cup to be presented to the winner of each trail
and the Pickering Trophy for 1st puppy
GUN DOG SCURRY - 2.15 pm Main Ring
Judged on points system - not timed
Entries on the day
Entry fee £1.50 Rosettes to 3rd place
Saltersgate Farmers Hunt
