Mass Lesson 2 for 3rd-6th Grade

Can anyone tell me how many parts the Mass has? (If no one can, then give them a hint: If you attended Vacation Bible School this past summer you learned this! Then if still no one can, tell them.)

The Mass has 4 parts. Let’s name those parts: (see if they can name any of them, in any order, write them on the board so that when all 4 are written they are in order)

Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Closing Rites

Let’s see how much you know about the Introductory Rites…

What do we do first? (Stand and sing as the Procession comes in)

Who walks in the procession at the beginning of Mass? (help guide the children to the answer if they don’t know it – Altar Servers, Deacon or Lector, and the Priest)

What are they carrying? (Altar Servers with the cross and candles, Deacon with the book of Gospels…in other churches it might be a lector with the Lectionary)

Why do you think we have a procession instead of the Priest and everyone just starting out at the Altar? (The Procession suggests the procession of God’s people through history, led by Jesus on a journey leading to the heavenly city. It is orderly, with each person taking their particular place according to their role. It should remind us of the variety of gifts that the community brings to the celebration of the liturgy. It is not just about those involved – altar servers, deacon, priest , it is about our moving toward a life in Christ. It is important that it moves through the church and among those gathered together for worship. Remind the students that we are all pilgrim people…we are on a holy journey together. The Procession symbolizes this holy journey. It is the first sign of our communal worship.)

(If you think it’s appropriate for your students do the following activity)

Let’s practice the procession. (Have a student carry the crucifix/cross, have one carry the Bible, and one be the “priest” and have the rest be the congregation. Start the procession at the doorway of the classroom and you announce the opening song, one the kids know already. Have everyone stand and sing as the 3 children in the procession walk slowly to the prayer area to place the cross and Bible on your “altar”.)

What does the priest do when he gets to the altar? (he kisses it, because it is blessed and holy and so he reverences it)

How does the priest start the Mass? (with the Sign of the Cross)

The Sign of the Cross reminds us of the Trinity, professing our faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Sign of the Cross is a sign of the most perfect act of love, Christ’s death on the cross for our salvation. There is no greater love than this. We also make the Sign of the Cross to ask God to bless us.

Next, we offer the ancient blessing to each other as we respond to the priest’s greeting:

“The Lord be with you.” (Gesture to the students to see if they know the response. If not, then say: We respond “And with your spirit.”) Practice it a couple of times.