Park 1



English 1A

24 April2017

Charter School Should Be Expanded

Many peoplenormallysay that young people are the future of the country. It means that if children grow up well and learn well, the country, which the children live in, will be develop much more than other country because young people become adults.For helping the children, school system is important point. If so the school system is important, how can the schools give better chances and achievements to the children? The charter school could help the children to develop their ability. These charter schools started from trying to reform the lowest-achieved schools to make better. These schoolsare running themselves, not stocked in thegovernment regulations, and these schools can have own course of education. These charter schools can give better education for children.It should be expanded more. There are three reasons, such as theproper education, competition, and

First of all, a charter school has specific education system at the current time. By passing time, everything has been changed. For example, how fast people make products is important in the industrial agebecause the product become money, but by passing time, information is getting important than that. Thus, information becomes money. How much critical information people have is valuable. In other words, how much creative thinking people have is valuable.So, school system should be changed better. Even though the traditional publicschool`s system was made at Industrial age, most school still used the same system in the current age.The traditional public schools give the same way of education to students regardless of what students have a special ability. These charter school`s systemhas a new way to teach students. The charter help s student to find their charactersand what they like and what they are good. The charter school can focus on students` character because these school have own special education system, which educators can make effective course unlike the traditional public system. According to the article, Heat and light in the charter school movement, Joe Nathan, who is the author of the article, mentions that “The percentage of students scoring at or above the ninth-grade level in vocabulary on the Stanford 9 Achievement Test increased from 12.82% to 29.55%. The percentage of students scoring above the ninth-grade level in math increased from 18.95% to 25%”(Nathan).After changing to the charter school`s system, the students` scores increase. It seems that these system works. Therefore, the traditional school should be expanded more.

Secondly, the charter schoolencouragescompetition with the traditional public school. The competition is a good motivator to improve the charterschool`s system. These school moves like a company.The charter schools compare with the traditional public school for improving education. The charter school wants to give to satisfaction to students and their parents. These schools depended on the students` achievement results. If the school has lower students` achievement, the school will be search better methods to increase the results.

Work cited page

Protheroe, Nancy. "Charter schools."Principal's Research Review, July 2010, p. 1+.Academic OneFile, Accessed 23 Apr. 2017.

Nathan, Joe. "Heat and light in the charter school movement."Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 79, no. 7, 1998, p. 499+.Academic OneFile, Accessed 23 Apr. 2017.