June 16 is the Last Day of School: Start time is 8:00; Awards Assembly at 9:30 in the gym. Dismissal is 11:00; Bus departure is 11:05.

Last call for Climate Survey for Parents

If you haven’t completed the Parent Climate/Culture survey, we would really appreciate your input. If you have completed it (some of you submitted completed surveys at Spring conferences) we thank you! It is now available on line at

Thank you!

Next Year’s Supervised After-school Group: Interested Volunteers Needed!

Since we won’t have Boys and Girls Club next year at Libby, several parents are interested in organizing parents/volunteers to provide after school supervision at Libby, possibly in the form of a homework club. If you are interested, or have questions or ideas, please contact Tu Thai at .

Congratulations to Odyssey 5th Grade MATH IS COOL Team! Emma Wald, Gracy-Anne Long, Amelia Shriver and Samir Olivas took 4th place on the 2016 Robert Dirks Memorial Invitational Math is Cool competition, hosted by Whitworth University. The 5th grade Math is Cool team was coached by Mrs. Carol Numata.

Congratulations to Odyssey 6th Grade MATH is COOL teams! Team 1, consisting of Amanda Alexander, Grace Wang, Nathan Katz, and Serena Wen took 2nd Place, and Team 2, consisting of Ben Lok, Duff Overstreet, Georgia Kettrick, and Tommy McGivern took 4th Place last week at the 2016 Robert Dirks Memorial Invitational at Whitworth University in Spokane. Trophies were awarded to the top 6 individuals in each level. Congratulations to Nathan Katz (2nd place) and Serena Wen (6th place). Coach Jennifer Alexander said, “We were competing in the top level, so we had some tough competition. The kids have worked hard this year, and have done a great job!” Hard work pays off! Congratulations and many thanks to theMath is Cool Coaches for Odyssey, Carol Numata and Jennifer Alexander.

Upcoming Band/Strings Events:

Wednesday June 15 - Eighth grade jazz band to perform at Odyssey Promotion ceremony, 6:00 at Libby. Dress nicely. Submitted by Jill Cathey

June 15—8th Grade Promotion will begin at 6:00. Eighth Grade Jazz Bandwill perform at the Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremony on June 15, at 6:00. If your student is unable to attend please alert Mr. Meredith. Thank you!

Please help us find lost library books!

Parents, it would be very appreciated if you could be on the look-out for library books belonging to the Odyssey program. We have quite a few overdue and missingbooks, so if you notice that a library book has been hanging around your house for a while, please encourage your student to return it. If your student has lost a book, they can take care ofthat by buying a replacement copy or paying the cost of the book.Questions? Ask Ms. Oakes at

Submitted by Ms. Stephanie Oakes


June 14—Talent Show Dress rehearsal will be 6th period (1:35) on Tuesday, June 14. For dress rehearsal, wear your costume and be COMPLETELY ready to perform!

June 15--Talent Show (during school, in the afternoon, start time 12:30)—Theme is “Odyssey’s Got Talent.”

June 15—12:35-1:35 Talent Show; 1:35-- Locker clean-out and yearbook distribution

June 15—8th Grade Promotion will start at 6:00. Eighth Grade Jazz Bandwill perform at the Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremony on June 15, at 6:00. If your student is unable to attend, please alert Mr. Meredith. Thank you!

Final Wind Storm Make-up Day: School WILL be in session onJune 16.

June 16 is the Last Day of School: Start time is 8:00; Awards Assembly at 9:30 in the gym. Odyssey Brass Quintet will play during the assembly; Dismissal is 11:00; Bus departure is 11:05.

Spokane Public Schools complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, marital status, race, color, creed, national origin, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, sexual orientation including gender expression or gender identity, or honorably discharged veteran or military status. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in educational programs and/or extracurricular school activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district's Title IX/Staff Civil Rights Officer, ADA Officer and/or Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying (HIB)/Student Civil Rights/504 Compliance Officer. Title IX/Staff Civil Rights Officer, Tennille Jeffries-Simmons, (509) 354-7265 * Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying (HIB)/Student Civil Rights/504 Compliance Officer, Wendy Bleecker, (509) 354-7393 * ADA Officer, Tennille Jeffries-Simmons (509) 354-7265 * Affirmative Action Officer, Mary Templeton, (509) 354-5961* Equal Opportunity Officer, Ramon Alvarez, (509) 354-7344*200 N. Bernard Street, Spokane, WA 99201-0206.