
NHS Lothian works utilising the standards set by the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative (link to UNICEF BFI)to support parents in developing close and loving relationships with their babies no matter the chosen method of feeding.

Parents to be are provided with a very useful resource to every mother to be during her pregnancy. This leaflet is called “Building a Happy Baby” A Guide for Parents (link).

During pregnancy(do we have a link to ante natal education?) where parents are encourage to relax and take time to talk to the rapidly growing developing baby. You can help your babies’ development during pregnancy by taking time to talk to it, stoke mum’s baby bump and by playing music. Playing music you like not only makes you feel good but also transfers that feeling to baby.

At birth where possible the baby is dried and placed onto mums’ chest to be held in skin to skin contact. This contact allows baby to adapt to being outside the womb but with the familiar sound of mums heartbeat, voice, smell and warmth from her body. Keeping the baby in skin contact for its first feed no matter what method mum chooses helps promote closeness and bonding. This is a precious time and our aim would be for parents to use this time to get to know their baby as a family.

In the early dayskeeping your baby close to recognise the signs they are hungry or need a cuddle. Responding to these signs will make your baby feel safe. Cuddling your baby next to your skin lets your baby hear your heartbeat which will comfort and calm them.

Feed your baby when he shows signs of being hungry.Look out for cues (moving head and moth around, sucking on fingers). This is known as responsive feedingand the principles remain the same no matter the feeding method.

Crying is the last sign of baby wanting a feed so wherever possible try and you’re your baby before they start to cry. Young babies are not capable of learning a routine so responding to their cues for feeding and comfort makes babies feel more secure.

Feeding your baby is a special time between mother and baby. If bottle feeding it is important to limit the number of people feeding the baby to the mother and her partner so that they can bond and form a close loving relationship.

Ongoing supportis available from your Health Visiting Team. The team supports parents to continue to develop their parenting skills and offers advice on many subjects including child development, feeding and weaning. The Health visiting Team can also signpost parents to what’s available in their local area e.g. Support Groups, Peer Support, Child Smile etc.