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Christopher Martin Road
SS14 3HG
Our ref: FOI/MK/30.06.08 FOI/PBC/28.08.07
Date: 30th June 2008

Mr M Kumar

Dear Mr Kumar,

I am writing in response to your request for information, made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

You requested information on:

·  How many GP's who have retired but continued to practice, since 2004,

have had their entry on the performers list removed and had to reapply?

·  How many GP's who have retired but continued to practice, since 2004,

have had their entry on the performers list amended and not had to reapply?

Having now received this information from the relevant owners, we are pleased to enclose this.

GPs may take either a 24-hour retirement, one-month of full retirement. For those taking 24-hour or one month retirement they are not removed from the PCT’s Medical Performers List. The PCT would, however, expect them to make arrangements for the care of their patients with either other members of the partnership or, if single handed, ensure that robust locum cover is in place.

For GPs taking full retirement they would be asked whether or not they wished their names to remain on the Medical Performers List as GP locums. If this is the case, the Medical Performers List would simply be updated to record the change of status. In order to remain on the Medical Performers List as a GP Locum the GP would be expected to work at some point during each 12-month period within the PCTs area and would also be subject to appraisals.

Currently, the PCT has 23 GPs working in practices who have taken either the 24-hour or one month retirement. It is difficult to give the number of GPs who have retired and remain on the list as GP locums as this is not recorded.

There have not been any GPs who have retired and been asked to re-apply to join the South West Essex PCT’s Medical Performers List.

The PCT would, however, like to draw your attention to the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, which sets out rules for allowing individuals, including companies, the right to re-use public sector information for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

Should you wish to re-use the information supplied by the PCT, for commercial or non-commercial purposes you must apply, in writing, providing your full contact details, specify which document(s)/information you wish to re-use, and the purposes for which the document(s)/information is to be re-used.

The Trust will respond to your application for re-use within 20 working days.

Anyone who has made a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 can appeal or complain about the answer to their request. If you feel that your request has not been answered satisfactorily or you have any further questions, please contact the Head of IM&T, at the above address.

If you are still not happy with the way your request for information has been handled you can contact the PCT Complaints Manager by writing to the address at the top of this letter.

Yours sincerely

Tracey Kalp

Head of Information Governance


Chief Executive: Pam Court Chair: Derek Morrison