Minutes of the Meeting of Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 9th November 2010 in the main hall at the Parish Hall, Addison Road Wimblington at 7.00pm
Present Cllrs C Brown, P Crawford, M Davis, A R Knowles, S Redhead, S Spurr (Chairperson), R Wright (Clerk) P Hart, B P Cody, M Moulton, J Young
Apologies for Absence
Cllrs J Tuck, H J Moore, E Wright, E Gowler, R Bridge.Declaration of members interest
The Chairperson reminded members that Pursuant to the National Code of Local Government Conduct members that they must declare any direct or indirect pecuniary or personal interest in respect of any item to be discussed at the meeting. The register is displayed at each meeting for members to record any interest.The Clerk reported that correspondence written to the Council can only be disclosed under the Foi Act with the consent of the person that originated it. Any matters for discussion by the Parish Council should be addressed to the Clerk. Councillors who receive individual letters should direct these onto the Clerk so that the appropriate action may be taken.
S Spurr Parish Plan 441/10(b) 50+ 456/10(f)
M Davis 50+ 456/10(f)446/10 Confirmation of minutes RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday12th October 2010 accepted as being correctly recorded and were signed as being a true record.
447/10 Police representative report
Psco D Williams was not present due to illness. The Council were concerned that in her absence no police presence had been observed.
448/10 Matters arising
a) Car park – Further to minute 441/10 (a) The Clerk reported that FDC had confirmed that all slip and trip areas were to be made safe on the car park. Cllr Brown was still concerned regarding the damage being made by the mobile gym to the car park surface. RESOLVED – That in view of the comments made by FDC regarding liability of maintenance and the fact that the matter has been on going for so long it was agreed that the lease be signed. Cllr Brown abstained from voting on the matter.
b) Parish Plan – Further to minute 441/10(b) the Clerk confirmed that he had contacted both the Parish Plan Group and FDC regarding the future of the Parish Plan Group. The Clerk explained that the Council did not have the power to disband the group and the Parish Plan Group needed to resolve how they were to progress. They needed to decide whether to publish the plan or do it again as the response was only 15% and what should happen to the fund left over and those collected for the pavilion refurbishment. The Council had asked them to look into refurbishing the pavilion but after additional vandalism the Council felt that they should drive the refurbishment programme.
c) Land Registry – The Clerk reported that registration has been completed for the Parish Hall Addison Road CB357333 and land on the west side of Doddington Road CB357332. Under title CB322168 the roadway to the allotments has been included with Roddons Housing Association Ltd who acquired the title from Fenland District Council. The Clerk has written to Roddens. / Clerk
449/10 Income and Expenditure
a) The members considered and approved the following accounts for payment
R Wright October salary 571.21 571.21
Mrs M Moulton Caretaker/booking duties 195.69 195.69
Cambs CC Clerks Pension 162.20 162.20
Fenland D C hall rates 114.00 114.00
B Gas maintenance 20.00 3.50 23.50
A M Fisher Electrical Cont Ltd PIR testing 538.04 94.15 632.19
Land Registry Register of land 150.00 150.00
This replaces voucher 60 for £40.00 cheque number 002366
Thomas Eaton School Donation 64.92 64.92
Parkfield Sports Club Insurance claim 1608.00 1608.00
Ridgons Ltd Paint & locks 207.38 36.30 243.68
Cambs ACRE Attendance fee 15.00 2.63 17.63
S Spurr Newsletter 179.71 179.71
British Gas Gas – hall 106.66 5.33 111.99
T Hampson Grass cutting etc 875.00 153.12 1028.12
Fifty Plus Donation 50.00 50.00
b) The Clerk presented a schedule of income and expenditure to date. Income of £33,215.42 and expenditure of £32,560.27. The Clerk confirmed that the grass cutting contact had expired but would the Council approve that T Hampson continues to undertake village duties and additional grass cutting until the new contact is formulated. Cllr Brown confirmed that he would arrange for the capping to the pillar to be replaced.
c) The Clerk presented an estimate for the Concurrent Functions Grant. RESOLVED – That an estimate of £10,353 and additional items of £3,895 be approved.
d) Risk Management & health & Safety
The Clerk reported that he and Cllr Davis had reviewed the risk investigation system for the Council and their risk assessments in general. An action plan had been prepared and would be executed. The Clerk spoke about an E Mail disclaimer which was available to the members to inspect. / Clerk
450/10 Planning
Observations on the following application –
FYR10/0770/extime A Kinninmouth 8 Eastwood End replacement dwelling - no objections
FYR10/0791/F A Fuller 34 March Road – detached double garage – no objections
An appeal has been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate against FDC decision to refuse planning permission for the erection of 5 wind turbines with associated infrastructure at land south of Boarding house farm, Knights End Road, March.
451/10 Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport
a) Street lights – The Clerk reported that FPC8 at Bridge lane was put in by the Parish to assist pedestrians crossing the road and Cambs CC are not prepared to upgrade. The Council considered that the junction was used extensively as it served the Eastwood End Industrial Estate and Fen Grain.
b) Footpaths and highway issues
Manea Road – Cllr Brown has confirmed residents concerns to highways – P Vale confirmed that all works under the small Traffic Works budget had been completed but that additional keep clear signs would be funded under maintenance plus faded slow signs.
Cllr Brown referred to a newspaper article regarding £175,000 being spent on Woodman’s Way. The Clerk would investigate further regarding the article.
452/10 Recreation Grounds
a) WMPF – i) The Clerk reported that an inspection of the pavilion area with Cllr Knowles was undertaken. It was suggested that a light may be fitted in the corner of the depot but would mean that a small tree would have to be removed; also extensive pollarding of the willow tree near to the youth shelter is recommended. The goal posts at the rear of the pavilion are causing a problem and Parkfield Sports Club has been contacted and asked to remove them. T Hampson had now installed the new bin, but the Clerk reported that it had been uprooted once already.
The trees that overhang the existing play area were considered a risk to children using the equipment and the Council resolved that a quote be obtained for safety works on them.
Cllr Davis reported that Cllr Brown has reported further criminal damage to the police that happened on 30/31 October. The exterior light pulled away (Cllr Brown had made safe), Damage to brickwork, capping dislodged and damage to hedge. A Fisher Electrical Contractor was called in to check the electrics. The Council were concerned over lack of police presence. The matter would be referred to Serjeant Munger
Cllr Brown stated that he had been checking the area at least twice a day.
The Clerk confirmed that funding to refurbish the pavilion may be available through the Football Foundation.
Cllr Davis reported that the Allotment association were asking about using the toilets.
RESOLVED – That the Clerk obtains quotes for the pollarding of the Willow tree, removal of small tree, making safe trees overhanging play equipment and tress that overhang the football pitch.
The Allotment Association be told that until repairs to the water leak are undertaken opening and using of the toilets is deferred.
The Clerk looks into applying for a Football Development Grant.
The cost of a CCTV system would have to be high tech and would be too costly for the location.
ii) Cllr Brown reported upon progress over re-furbishment of play equipment. He had attended lunch at Thomas Eaton School and obtained a wish list and was still in talking with play equipment manufacturers. Use of the field for educational purposes was also be considered. Cllr Crawford was concerned that as the School representative Cllr brown had not informed her that he would be attending at the school and that was not the correct protocol. Cllr Brown apologised to Cllr Crawford.
b) Parkfield – The Clerk reported that all was in order at Parkfield.
c) E Gowler was not present to report upon Parkfield. / Clerk
453/10 New Cemetery/Churchyard
a) New Cemetery – The Clerk reported that quotes from ADC and Blockaway had been received regarding the drainage system. RESOLVED – That the quote from Blockaway that included a CCTV inspection be approved
b) Wimblington St Peters Churchyard - Cllr Crawford reported that all was well with the Churchyard and that the PPC were raising funds to improve the heating system in the Church
c) Remembrance Service – Cllr M Davis will lay the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council. Concern has been registered that the wreath has not been ordered from the Wimblington branch of the RBL. Due to past problems with obtaining a wreath from Wimblington a wreath has been obtained from the RBL March branch.
The Council have received a request from the Wimblington Poppy Appeal for a donation.
RESOLVED – That no donation be made to the Wimblington Poppy Appeal as a donation had already been made to the RBL. The question of where a wreath be obtained be reviewed next year. / Clerk
454/10 Parish Hall
a)CATS – They were now unable to use a hall in Chatteris and no alteration to the hire charges were made. Cllr Davis had offered assistance with advertisements but had not heard from them. The Chairperson reported that they have been told to contact Fenland Arts who would assist but to date they had not contacted them.
The fans were working well but the Chairperson still felt that more radiators were required.
The outside light on the shed was not working, a tube in the hall was broken and the question of senor’s on the outside lights was raised. RESOLVED – That repairs to the outside light, replacement of the broken tube and senor’s to the outside light fitted be undertaken.
ii) Decorating – Martin Dent was well advanced with the decoration of the hall. / Clerk
455/10 Web Site Cllr Davis reported that the site was now operating but to date she had had no feed back about the contents.
The Clerk reported that he had contacted Fen Web to cancel the agreement with them.
456/10 Correspondence & Other matters
a) Wimblington & Stonea Parish Council Journal – The November 2010 issue 7 has been distributed
b) Victim Support – Request for donation RESOLVED – No donation be made
c) Magpas – Request for donation – RESOLVED – That no donation be made at present.
d) CWU – support of non privatisation of Royal Mail. RESOLVED – That a letter of support be sent.
e) Cambridgeshire Flood Risk Management Partnership Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Memories consultation. - Public event Tuesday 19th October at March Library
f) 50+ Club – to consider additional donation of £50.00 as the club has progressed and proved successful. RESOLVED – That an additional £50 donation be made. (Cllrs Spurr and Davis did not take part in the voting)
g) Fenland Citizens Advice Bureau – a letter thanking Council for last year’s contribution. Last year they helped with 426 enquiries. RESOLVED – That the Council were committed to funding the Outreach worker for the current year.
h) Cambs County Council – Promotional material for the local Mobile Library Service
i) Fenland D C – Proposed changes to the opening hours of the Fenland@ your service shops, Contact Centre and Business reception. Hours to be 9.00am to 5.00pm across the customer access network, with the exception that the Business Reception at Fenland Hall, would continue to close at 4.45pm on Friday. The Fenland @ your service shops and telephone contact centre would continue to open 9.00am to 12 noon on Saturdays.
j) Cllr Brown reported that road signs in Blue lane were covered by vegetation, vegetation at the junction of Old Station Way and Doddington Road was causing problems and lights FPC 5a Doddington Road, FPC1 Church Street were out and the one at the junction of Old Station Way was flickering. The Clerk confirmed the
issue of vegetation was a highways issue and Street light problems could be reported on an 0800 number.
It was suggested that the Clerk contacts Mr Bellamy regarding the tress at Old Station Way. The Clerk agreed to contact him and reported that he had highlighted vegetation problems to Rod Marshall of Cambs CC. / Clerk
456/10 Dates of next meeting 14th December 2010 The meeting was closed at 20.30
Public Time No member of the public had any matter to raise