Song Book
3 Chartreuse Buzzards 1
Alice the Camel 1
Aloha 1
America 1
America the Beautiful 2
An Austrian Went in Yodeling 2
Announcements 2
Baby Bumble Bee 2
Banana Slug Rock 3
Barges 3
Bazooka Bubblegum 3
The Bear (repeat song) 4
Birdie Song 4
Black Socks 4
Boom Chicka Boom (repeat song) 5
Bring Me a Rose 5
Brownie Smile Song 5
Buddies and Pals 5
Butano Song 6
Cabin in the Woods 6
Camp Boogie 6
Camp Song 7
Campfire's Burning 7
Charmin' Betsy 7
Chester 7
Chicken 8
Circle Game 8
Come and Go 8
Cookies 8
Dip, Dip and Swing 9
Donut Song 9
Down By the Banks 9
Dreams 9
Dry Bones 9
Eagle 9
Flame of Friendship 10
Fried Ham 10
Friend are Nothing 10
Friendship Is 10
Frog Round 10
Girl Scouts Together 10
Grey Squirrel 10
Gump Gump 11
Happiness Runs 11
Hello! 11
Herman the Worm 11
The Hills 11
Hippo Song 12
I'm A Little Piece of Tin 12
I'm A Nut 12
I'm Going Crazy 12
I'm Going to Camp 13
I'm On My Way 13
I Love the Mountains 13
I Think You're Wonderful 13
It's a 60s Party 13
King Tut 14
Kooka Burra 14
Late Last Night 14
Like a Ship in the Harbor 14
Linger 14
Little Piece of Tin 14
Make New Friends 15
Me & My Dinosaur 15
Moose Song 16
Music Alone Shall Live 16
My Ol' Man's A Sailor 16
Oh I Wish I Were... 16
Old MacDonald Had a Farm 17
On My Honor 17
On the Loose 18
One Day 18
One Tin Soldier 19
Oyster Stew 19
Percy the Pale Faced Polar Bear 20
Pink Pajamas 20
Pirate Song 20
The Princess Pat 21
Rainbow Connection 21
Ram Sam Sam 21
Reason 21
Re-mem-mem 22
Rise Up Old Flame 22
Rock, Rock, Rock! 22
Rose 22
Running Bear 22
Sarah Sponda 23
Say Why? 23
Shark Song 23
Sing Me a Rainbow 23
Skunk Song 24
Slap Bang 24
Snap, Crackle, Pop 24
Star Spangled Banner 24
Stay on the Sunny Side 24
Suitors 25
Swimming 25
Swinging Along 25
Taps (solemn version) 26
Taps (more fun version) 26
Tarzan 26
Tennessee Wiggle Walk 26
Tiny Blue Planet 26
This Land is Your Land 27
Today 27
Waddley-Achah 28
We Come From the Mountains 28
Wearing My Long-Winged Feathers 28
Weenie Man 28
When Ever You Make a Promise 28
White Coral Bells 28
Who Can Sail? 29
You Are My Sunshine 29
3 Chartreuse Buzzards
3 chartreuse buzzard; (buzzard screech)
3 chartreuse buzzard; (buzzard screech)
Sitting in a dead tree; ugh!
Sitting in a dead tree; ugh!
Oh look, one has flown away, what a shame; darn!
(Repeat verse with 2, then 1 buzzards)
No chartreuse buzzards; (buzzard screech)
No chartreuse buzzards; (buzzard screech)
Sitting in a dead tree; ugh!
Sitting in a dead tree; ugh!
Oh look, one has returned, let us rejoice; yeah!
(Repeat verse 2, then 3 buzzards)
Alice the Camel
Alice the camel 5 humps,
Alice the camel has 5 humps,
Alice the camel has 5 humps,
So go, Alice, go! Boom, Boom, Boom!
Alice the camel has 4 humps...
(Continue until you reach 0 humps, then)
Alice the Camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has no humps,
Because she is A HORSE!
When you say "boom, boom, boom", bump hips together
Aloha my friend
We'll see you again
Around the campfire on land or at sea
Girl Scouts together we'll always be
And though we may part
You're friendship will live in my heart
May God go with you to guide your way
Aloha my friend.
My country! ‘tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my father's died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountain side
Let freedom ring.
My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills,
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above.
Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees,
Sweet freedom’s song;
Let mortal tongues awake,
Let all that breathe partake,
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.
Our fathers’ God to thee
Author of Liberty,
To thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light,
Protect us by thy might,
Great God, our King.
America the Beautiful
O, beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
O, beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern impassioned stress,
A thoroughfare for freedom beat,
Across the wilderness!
America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law
O, beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife
Who more that self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!
O, beautiful for patriot dream,
That sees beyond the years,
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
An Austrian Went in Yodeling
An Austrian went yodeling on a mountain so high,
When along came a avalanche interrupting his cry!
Yo-delaaayyy, keeee....
Yo-delayy ki ki, yo-delayy ki koo, ki koo
Yo-delayy ki ki, yo-delayy ki koo, ki koo
Yo-delayy ki ki, yo-delayy ki koo, ki koo
Yo-delayy ki, ki, yo!
Announcements, announcements, announcements!
What a horrible way to die,
What a horrible way to die,
What a horrible way to be talked to death,
What a horrible way to die.
Have you ever seen a windbag,
A windbag, a windbag,
Have you ever seen a windbag,
A windbag like her (point at leader).
Make your speeches nice and short,
Nice and short, nice and short,
Make your speeches nice and short,
We don't like them!
The window, the window,
With a heave ho and a mighty throw,
They threw her out the window!
We sold our cow, we sold our cow,
We have no use, for your bull now.
Rent a nag, rent a nag, rent a nag today,
Our directors are the best in each and every way, Hey!
Baby Bumble Bee
I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee,
Ouch! It stung me.
I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee...
Oh! What a mess!
I'm licking up my baby bumble bee...
Oh! I feel sick!
I'm barfing up my baby bumble bee,
Oh! What a mess!
I'm mopping up my baby bumble bee,
Now my mommy likes that!
Banana Slug Rock
Words: Motions:
Baaaaaaaaa (beating your tummy)
Naaaaaaaaa (beating your chest)
Nuhhhhhhhh (beating your head)
Slug! Slug! Slug! Slug! (making slugs - aka "hang loose" - with your hands)
To the tune of Twist and Shout:
Baaaa Na Nuh Slug, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba
Baaaa Na Nuh Slug, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba
Baaaa Na Nuh Slug, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba
Out of my window looking in the night
I can see the barges flickering light.
Silently flows the river to the sea
And the barges they go silently.
Barges, I would like to go with you
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasure in your hold
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?
Out of my window looking in the night
I can see the barge's flickering light.
Starboard shines green and port is glowing red
You can see them flickering far ahead.
How my heart longs to sail away with you
As you sail across the ocean blue.
But I must stay beside my window drear
As I watch you sail away from here.
Out of my window looking from my bed
I can see the barges far ahead.
Taking their cargo far across the sea
Oh I wish that someday they'd take me.
Bazooka Bubblegum
My Mom gave me a penny
She said go eat at Denny's
But I didn't eat at Denny's
Instead I bought some bubblegum,
Bazooka Zooka bubblegum
Bazooka Zooka bubblegum.
My Mom gave me a nickel
She said go buy a pickle...
My Mom gave me a dime
She said go buy a lime...
My Mom gave me a quarter
She said go buy some water
My Mom gave me a one
She said go have some fun
My Mom gave me a five
She said go stay alive
But I didn't stay alive
Instead I choked on bubblegum...
The Bear (repeat song)
The other day
I met a bear
Out in the woods
Oh way out there
He looked at me
I looked at him
He sized up me
I sized up him.
He says to me
Why don't you run?
I see you ain't
Got any gun.
And so I ran
Away from there.
But right behind
Me was that bear.
Ahead of me,
There was a tree.
A great big tree,
Oh glory be!
The nearest branch
Was 10 feet up.
I'd have to jump
And trust my luck.
And so I jumped,
Into the air.
But I missed that branch
On the way up there.
No don't you fret,
And don't you frown.
'Cause I caught that branch
On the way back down.
This is the end,
There ain't no more.
Unless I meet,
That bear once more.
Birdie Song
Way up in the sky, the little birds fly
While down in the nest, the little birds rest.
With a wing on the left, and a wing on the right,
The little birds sleep, all through the night.
SHHHHHHH! They're Sleeping!
Black Socks
(can be done as a round)
Black socks they never get dirty
The longer you wear them the blacker they get.
Someday I think I shall wash them
But something inside me says don't do it yet.
Not yet, Not yet, Not yet.
Boy Scouts, they never get smarter
The long you teach them
The dumber they get.
Some day, I think I shall marry one,
Something keeps telling me,
Don't do it yet!
Not yet, Not yet, Not yet.
Girl Scouts, they never shut up,
The more that you shush them,
The louder they get.
Some day, I think I shall tape their mouths,
Something keeps telling me,
Don't do it yet!
Not yet, Not yet, Not yet.
Thin Mints, they only come once a year
Buy some and freeze them,
They're not in the stores.
Thin Mints, they're so very tasty
The more that you eat them
The more you want more
And more and more and more.
Boom Chicka Boom (repeat song)
I said a boom chicka boom
I said a boom chicka boom
I said a boom chicka rocka, chicka rocka, chicka boom
Uh huh
Oh yeah
One more time
Janitor Style
I said a broom sweepa broom
I said a broom sweepa broom
I said a broom sweepa moppa, sweepa moppa, sweepa broom
Mom Style
I said a go clean your room
I said a go clean your room
I said a go clean your room and don't come back until next June
Underwater Style
Same except jiggling finger over mouth
Really Loud
Really Quiet
Valley Girl Style
Done with a "like" and a hair flip between each word
Bring Me a Rose
Bring me a rose in the winter time,
When it's hard to find.
Bring me a rose in the winter time,
I've got roses on my mind.
For a rose is sweet most anytime and yet,
Bring me a rose in the winter time
Oh how easy we forget.
(repeat above replacing underlined words with these:)
Bring me a smile when I'm all alone,
I've got smilin' on my mind.
Bring me a friend when I'm far from home.
I've got friendship on my mind.
Brownie Smile Song
I've got something in my pocket
That belongs across my face,
I keep it very close at hand
In a most convenient place.
I'm sure you couldn't guess it
If you guessed a long, long while.
So I'll take it out and I'll put it on,
It's a great big brownie smile!
I've got something in my pocket
That I found behind that log
My leader said to "Put it Back!"
But I want to keep this frog.
It's cool and green and slimy
As it wiggles in my hand.
I also found a wooly worm
And a pocket full of sand!
Buddies and Pals
You and me, we're going to be partners
You and me, we're going to be pals
You and me, we're going to be partners, buddies and pals.
Butano Song
Friendly gathering place
Starlit skies above
Redwood covered hills
Outdoors that I love