Rotary Club of McLean
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
April 15, 2008
In attendance:
President: Scott A. Mills
Vice President and President Elect: Lois S. Wilson
Secretary: Paul A. Frank
Director - Community Service: Kathleen Martin
Director - International Service: Sam Agarwal
Director - Vocational Service: David Coyle
Director –MRCFI Liaison: Wm. Glenn Yarborough
Director - Public Image: Tom Mangan
Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 1:26 p.m. by President Scott Mills.
Community Service – Kathy Martin
- Timber Lane Elementary School
- Last reading scheduled for May 5 or 6
- School is extremely happy with the program
- Volunteer Corp
- No new info to report
Public Image – Tom Mangan
- Media Communication
- Press releases being sent out
- Committee is working on
- developing contacts
- sending releases
- inviting reporters to attend/cover events
International Service
- Books for India Library
- Shortage of empty container
- Next shipment scheduled for May 24, depending on availability of container
- Next boxing day: April 19
- GSE to India
- Sam Agarwal is submitting an application to lead a one month GSE to India.
Rotary Foundation
- Paul Harris
- Need 2 to 3 more to reach 20 Paul Harris Society Members
- Dominican Republic Project
- Grant request has been accepted
- No additional info need before review
- Swaziland
- No status
- Expended all funds for this year
- Came up with $9500 for the Club – Spent $8500 to date
- Nothing slated to be left over
- Scholarship program
- Might have been over-funded because the quality this year was lower than last year. Two factors:
- Need
- Ability/academic achievement
- Money goes to the school which in turn makes the determination
- Reserves
- MRCFI is struggling to grow the reserves
- Considering skipping a year of spending in order to build the endowment
- Lois Wilson suggested the MRCFI Board consider emulating RI by leaving contributions in the fund for three years before disbursing.
- Duly noted.
Vocational Service – David Coyle
- Ethics Day – Langley
- Did not need our services this year
- Interact Club
- No response to our communications
- Scott Mills suggested we consider either dropping them or reaching out to assist them since they don’t have organizational experience
- David responded that he will reach out and will also consult with Deborah Jackson, Principal.
- Tom Mangan noted two keys to success:
- Get a faculty member to sponsor
- Get the Interact handbook to the student leader
- Still no students identified
Vocational Service - Continued
- Music Competition
- Paul Frank suggested a follow-up to the successful competition:
- Arrange for the winner to solo with the McLean Orchestra
- Rotary sponsor the soloist resulting in
- Recognition in the program insert
- Rotary members attend the concert
- Recognition and acknowledgement at the concert from the podium
- Publicity surrounding the concert
- Adds value to the entire competition program
- Paul to explore the possibility
Membership – Scott Mills for Scott Monet
- Chuck Thornton
- In between jobs.
- Agrees to pay up in arrears
- REQUEST for monthly billing APPROVED without objection.
- Jerry Tankel
- Per Bob Rosenbaum, may have to drop out because of poor health
- Member prospect
- Guest of Nick Kalis may be interested
Pimmit Hills Grant
- $3000 has previously been approved for medical screening and check-up. It has been determined there is no need for it this year. We are asked to consider holding it over for next year.
- MOTION by Glenn Yarborough to use $1331 dollars of the above approved funds to complete funding of a grant $2000 grant for equipment and supplies, SECONDED by David Coyle, CARRIED.
New Business
Lori Shepherd - Caterer
- Most likely Lori will not be returning next year
- Scott Mills suggested we be prepared to discuss terms with Jimmie, who owns Jimmie’s Pizzaria in Sterling, and who has been substituting for Lori.
- MOTION by Lois Wilson to authorize Scott Mills to approach Jimmie and negotiate terms for the Club’s catering needs and report back to the Board, SECONDED by Dave Coyle, CARRIED.
- David Coyle noted that acoustics in the main hall were poor and that many were unable to hear, even when a microphone is used.
- AGREED, David will ask Bob Rosenbaum to bring in a person he knows to look at the situation and identify the problem and then talk the matter over with Father Bob.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Paul A. Frank