MBBS III (Third) Professional Part-2 Examination 2013-14

Course Code:MBS402 Paper ID:0314135


Time: 2 Hours 10 Minutes Max Marks: 30

Note: Attempt all questions. Draw proper diagrams to support your answer.

Part ‘B’

1. Discuss in detail “Nephrotic Syndrome” in children. (7)

2. Classify Anaemia in children. Describe Iron Deficiency Anaemia in detail. (7)

Part ‘C’

3. Write in brief about any four of the following: (4x4=16)

a) Vitamin A Deficiency

b) HIV Infection in newborn

c) Complication of Diphtheria

d) Kwashiorkor

e) Jones criteria

MBBS III (Third) Professional Part-2 Examination 2013-14

Roll No. Student’s Name

Student’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature

Course Code:MBS402 Paper ID: 0314105


Part ‘A’

Time: 20 Minutes Max Marks: 10

Note: 1. Attempt all questions and return this part of the question paper to the invigilator after 20 Minutes.

2. Please tick (√) correct one only. Cutting, overwriting or any other marking are not allowed.

3. For answering please use Ball- pen only.

Q.1 Average normal height at age of 1 yr is:

a) 50 cm b) 75 cm

c) 100 cm d) 125 cm

Q.2 Neck holding is achieved by:

a) 1 month b) 3 month

c) 6 month d) 9 month

Q.3 Which of the following are the first incisors to erupt in an infant:

a) Lower central

b) Lower lateral

c) Upper central

d) Upper lateral

Q.4 A child draws circle at:

a) 12 m b) 24 m

c) 30 m d) 36 m

Q.5 Deficit in weight for height in a 3 yr old child indicates:

a) Acute malnutrition

b) Chronic malnutrition

c) Concomittant acute and chronic malnutrition

d) Under weight

Q.6 ‘Wind swept deformity’ is seen in:

a) Scurvy

b) Rickets

c) Achondroplasia

d) Osteoporosis

Q.7 Early Neonatal period is:

a) 1 day

b) 7 day

c) 28 day

d) 14 day

Q.8 Deficiency of Surfactant is seen in:

a) Neonatal asphyxia

b) Anencephaly

c) Hyaline membrane disease

d) Pneumonia

Q.9 Which of the following is not a sign of Vitamin A deficiency?:

a) Corneal Xerosis

b) Bitot spot

c) Beri-Beri

d) Night Blindness

Q.10 True about Rheumatic carditis:

a) Only endocarditis

b) Only myocarditis

c) Only Pericarditis

d) Pancarditis

Q.11 The most common etiological agent for acute bronchiolitis in infancy is:

a) Influenza virus

b) Para influenza virus

c) Rhinovirus

d) Respiratory syncytial virus

Q.12 Which of the following is not considered as specific sign of Nephrotic syndrome:

a) Anemia

b) Hypoproteinemia

c) oedema

d) Hyperlipidemia


Q.13 Commonest type of seizure in newborn:

a) Clonic

b) Tonic

c) Subtle

d) Myoclonic

Q.14 Kernig’s Sign is seen in:

a) Pneumonia

b) Acute bacterial meningitis

c) Mental Retardation

d) Cerebral Palsy

Q.15 Which is the commonest childhood haematological malignancy:

a) ALL

b) CLL

c) AML

d) CML

Q.16 Incubation period of Mumps is:

a) 5-7 days

b) 8-15 days

c) 14-24 days

d) 24-30 days

Q.17 Kenny Packs’ were used in the treatment of:

a) Poliomyelitis

b) Muscular dystrophy

c) Polyneuropathies

d) Nerve injuiry

Q..18 Zero dose of OPV is given at:

a) 1 month

b) Birth

c) One year

d) 3 months

Q.19 In National Immunization programme, all vaccines are included except:

a) OPV b) BCG

c) Measles d) Hepatitis A

Q.20 Compared with content of Cow’s milk, mothers milk has more:

a) Lactose

b) Vit D

c) Proteins

d) Fats