Windorah Whisperer

Windorah State School

Windorah State School Victoria Street, Windorah Qld 4481

Principal: Jenny Hughes Ph: (07) 4656 3128 Fax: (07) 4656 3120


Principal’s Note

Professional Experience

Welcome to Roisin Wada. Roisin is doing her final teaching experience with us. She will graduate at the end of this Term. The children have enjoyed working with Roisin and have benefited from her interesting and engaging lessons. Roisin will be with us for a further two weeks.

Governor’s Visit

The Governor and his wife will be visiting the school on October 27 at 2:00pm.

School Concert

In was decided at the P & C meeting, held at the school on Thursday 13 October, that the combined end of school concert and the Christmas tree will be on Friday 2 December at the Community Hall commencing at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Small Schools Swimming Carnival

The Small Schools Swimming Carnival will be held on Monday 28 November in Barcaldine. Years 2 to 6 will attend. Miss Helen will be at school on the Monday to teach Prep and Year 1. We will leave from Windorah on the Sunday afternoon, stay overnight at the Longreach Pastoral College and travelon to Barcaldine Monday morning. After the Carnival we will return by bus to Windorah. This means a long day for all of the students. Too long for the Preps and year 1’s. I will send a letter home later in the term outlining the program.

School Photographs 2016

Miss Helen will take the school photographs this year. You will be able to view the photos that she takes and she will then order any if you wish to purchase them. I will let you know the date soon.


Miss Jenny has a transfer at the end of this year. She is returning to teach in Brisbane near her family. I know that I will miss Miss Jenny and would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all that she has done for the school during the last two years.


Charlie and Bindi have joined us each Thursday morning.


In the English Unit this term we are looking at the persuasive genre. I am starting to see the students manipulating texts to persuade readers. These are some of the first drafts exploring the use of paragraphs, punctuation and persuasive techniques.

Windorah is the best place to live

Do you dream about living in the bush? You must live in Windorah! It’s the best place you could be.

Everyone adores the country; the beautiful fresh water. Imagine swimming in the cool fresh creek, drinking clean cool water and living so close to the creek that you only have to drive a tiny 10km to get there. What a dream!

The best, most fantastic place is Windorah, and the best thing about it is that there’s so many fantastically exciting things to do! You can go to the gorgeous red sandhills and watch the sun set and see how the sun lights up the hills a glows a gorgeous glow. What a hot spot for a photographer!

Another great thing about Windorah is that the jobs are thrill seeking. One such job is being a station worker. Those big mickey bulls charging at you. Rescuing little innocent claves and riding horse out into the bush to recapture runaway cattle. What a Life!

I have only told you so much about Windorah. Come and live here to find out how great it is. I love Windorah! Will you love it too?

Lily Tonner Year 6

Thargomindah is the best place to live

Thargomindah is the best place to live. Would you like to live in the countryside? Thargomindah is the perfect place for you.

Everyone loves the country. You can go fishing, swimming and rope diving in the creek. There is an awesome skate park and a pool with a slide. Best thing for swimming lessons!

What an incredibly amazing playground you would have. In town we have two parks, a motor bike/bike track, skate park, pool and a river walking track.

There are very very friendly people in Thargomindah. You can have dinner at the Oasis Caravan Park or you could eat at the hotel motel.

In my opinion I think that Thargomindah is the best place because you have lots of things to keep you very very active.

Jerome Wall Year 6

Thank you, Lily and Jerome. I will include other samples as the term progresses.

Attendance at WSS

Term / 2015 / 2016
1 / 94.8 / 91.1
2 / 97.4 / 93.2
3 / 90.4 / 94.4
4 / 95.6 / ?

Homework – Every Week

Prep – Sight Words and Reading,

Year 1 – Sight Words, Spelling and Reading,

Year 2 – Spelling and Reading,

Years 3 to 6 – Spelling, Reading and Tables.

Helen Kidd, Jenny Boyne and Jenny Hughes