Margaret M. Manchester, Ph.D.

23 Beech Tree Road

Rumford, RI 02916

401/569-8543; email:

Teaching/Administrative Experience

2016/17: Faculty Resident Director, PC-Rome Program

Rome, Italy

2015 to present: International Advisory Committee, Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (University of Debrecen, Hungary).

2009 to 2015

Chair, Department of History

Providence College, Providence, RI

2009: Fulbright Teaching Fellow

University of Debrecen and Miskolc, Hungary

1994 to Present

Assistant Professor, Department of History

Providence College, Providence, RI

-Course Offerings in US History to 1877, US History Since 1877, Women and the American Experience, Women and the Modern American Experience, History of Modern Middle East, American Diplomatic History (to 1914) and Modern American Diplomatic History, Development of Western Civilization, Liberal Arts Honors: Development of Western Civilization

-Seminar Offerings in War and the American Family, History and Culture of the Cold War, The West in the American Imagination, Diasporas, and Strangers in the Land: The American Immigrant Experience

-Maymester Offerings: 2011, Flashpoints: The US and the Cold War in Eastern Europe (to Germany, Poland, and Hungary) 2013 and 2015, The US and Japan in the Modern Era.(to Japan)


1998 to 2008

Director, American Studies Program

Providence College, Providence, RI

1992 - 1994

Lecturer, Department of History

Assumption College, Worcester, MA 01615


1994  Ph.D.- American History, Clark University, Worcester, MA

Dissertation: “The Tangled Web: Eisenhower Confronts Communism and Radical Arab Nationalism in the Middle East”

1987  MA - American History, Providence College, Providence, RI

1975: BS of Foreign Service, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, DC

Works in Progress:

A Woman “much afflicted with conscience”: Jane Verin and the Puritan Order, Journal of Family and Community Studies (Under Review)

Walking the Tightrope: Nasser and the Desire for National Self-Determination during the Early Cold War, Journal of Cold War Studies, (revise and resubmit)

Book Manuscript: The Verins: Religion, Marriage, and Liberty of Conscience in 17th century New England (For submission to University Press of New England)

The US, the UK, ITT and Hungary: A Cold War Spy Story


“Camp David Accords,” The Oxford Companion to United States History, Oxford University Press, 2002.

“The Cold War on the Web,” History Highway 2000, Dennis Trinkle, ed., ME Sharpe, 2000.

“‘Doing History’: Evaluating Technologies that Promote Active Learning in the History Classroom,” in History.Edu: Essays on Teaching with Technology, Dennis Trinkle, ed., ME Sharpe, 2000.

Review, The Collapse of the Soviet Military by William Odom, in Providence: Journal of Western Civilization, Spring 1999.

Conference Participation:


A “Golden Age of Nasserism”? Changing Anglo-American Perceptions of Nasser’s Egypt in Light of the Global War on Terror”

26-28 June 2015, Historians of the Twentieth Century United States Annual Conference,

University of East Anglia, Norwich, England

“Wielding a ‘Golden Scepter of Grace’ and the ‘Rod of Iron’: The Paradox of 17th century Marriage in New England in Print Culture,”

March 2013, 59th Annual Conference of the British Association of American Studies, Birmingham, England

“Marriage, Liberty of Conscience, and the Puritan Hierarchy”

October 12-14, 2012: Midwest Conference on British Studies, Toronto, Canada

“The Verin Case: Gender, Religion and Order in Early New England”

June 3-6, 2007: Roger Williams University Conference on Church/State Relations

Bristol, RI

“Nasser and Non-Alignment” (Invited Presenter at Conference: The Global Impact of 1956: Race, Neutralism, and National Liberation at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 2006)

“The Verins: A Wife’s Liberty of Conscience” (Presented at Conference on “God’s Country: Religion and American Culture” - New England American Studies Association, Hartford, CT, April 2003)

“Using Multimedia to Enhance and Assess Student Learning in the History Classroom” (Presented at14th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL, April 2003)

“Doing History: Using the Technology to Promote Active Learning in the History Classroom” (Presented at Annual Conference of the American Association of History and Computing, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, April 1998)

“The Forgotten Pact: The Overlooked Centrality of the Baghdad Pact” (Presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Historians of American Foreign Relations, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, June 1996)

“From Containment to Accommodation: Eisenhower and Arab Nationalism,” (Presented at Annual Conference of the Missouri Valley History Society, Omaha, NE, March 1995)

“Containing Radical Arab Nationalism: The Eisenhower Administration and the Arab Middle East,” (Presented at the Annual Conference of the Southwestern Historical Association, Dallas, TX, March 1995)

Winner: Walter Craddock Prize on European/Asian/Middle Eastern History

“Eisenhower, the Arab Nationalists, and the US Intervention in Lebanon in 1958” Presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Historians of American Foreign Relations, Bentley College, June 1994).

“Eisenhower, Suez Crisis, and the Issue of Credibility,” (Presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Historians of American Foreign Relations, University of Virginia, June 1993).

Panel Participant

Panelist “American Studies Programs at Liberal Arts Colleges” at the American Studies Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA - October 2007.

Commentator, Panel on “Taking the Next Step: Exploring the Interactive Use of Technology in Teaching History,” at the Annual Conference of the American Historical Association, Washington, DC, January 1999.

Chair and Commentator, Panel on Economic and Social Developments in the Middle East,” at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Historians of American Foreign Relations, Annapolis, MD, June 1995.

Grants and Awards:

2015: Truman Library and Institute, Travel Grant for project entitled, “The US, the UK,

ITT and Hungary: A Cold War Spy Story”

2015-16: Providence College Committee on Aid to Faculty Research (CAFR) Grant for project entitled, “The US, the UK, ITT and Hungary: A Cold War Spy Story”

2008: Fulbright Scholarship – Universities of Debrecen and Miskolc, Hungary

February – May, 2009

2007: Joseph R. Accinno Excellence in Teaching Award, Providence College

2007: Providence College Committee on Aid to Faculty Research (CAFR) Grant for project entitled, “The Verin Case: Marriage, Religion and Liberty of Conscience in 17th Century Rhode Island”

2002: Davis Grant – Providence College Committee for the Enhancement of Learning, “Integrating Multimedia into the History Classroom”

1995: Winner of Walter Craddock European/Asian/Middle Eastern Paper Prize awarded at annual meeting of Southwest Historical Association, Dallas, TX.