February 10, 2009
Dear Residents,
Preschool Applications are now being accepted atBarNunnElementary School for 2009-2010 school year. Children must be three years old by September 15th, and potty trained in order to attend. Applications may be picked up at Bar Nunn’s school office. At the beginning of May, 2009 the school will schedule screenings for the last week of May for all received applications. Parents will be notified about their student’s enrollment status before school is dismissed for the summer.
BAG YOUR TRASH!!! You signed an agreement with the Town of Bar Nunn when you signed up for sewer and garbage service. That agreement states you will bag your trash. With the winds that blow through our fair community, loose garbage goes everywhere! If blowing garbage can be identified as belonging to specific individuals/families, those persons can be cited for littering.
Building Permits are to be applied for at Town Hall. If you are planning on building a house, garage or shed; or any other building, you will need to apply for a building permit. Your plans will be approved via Bar Nunn Zoning and Planning, and City of Casper Building Inspector. All plans need to be scale drawings of what, where, when, and how much your project is going to be. Plans need to be submitted to BarNunnTown Hall at least two weeks prior to a Zoning and Planning Meeting. Zoning and Planning Meetings are the third Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m., BarNunnTown Hall.
Parks and Recreation Committee meets the first Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m., BarNunnTown Hall. ChairpersonMarianneMagee would like anyone interested in contributing and participating in committee projects to please come to the meetings. Parks and Rec have set this year’s Annual Garage Sale date for Saturday, June 13th. More information will be forthcoming nearer to the date.
Town of Bar Nunn phone number is 237-7269.
TanyaBennettPaulLegaspiJennifer JonesLeeShirleyMorgan
JaredAutumnPalenBeverly PollackWilliamWilson