Appendix 1

Executive Summary – Wrexham Local Housing Strategy 2013 – 2018

The New Housing Landscape – Responding To The Challenge


This Local Housing Strategy sets out Wrexham County Borough Council’s proposed direction of travel in housing over the next five years. It has a pivotal role in helping to deliver sustainable communities in well-designed neighbourhoods where people can access quality, affordable housing.

The theme of this Local Housing Strategy is to set a clear direction in a rapidly changing political and economic landscape as it relates to housing. It responds to the changes that have been brought about by the effects of the recession and the new demands imposed by impending Welfare Reform. New legislation, both at UK level and that implied by the Welsh Government’s first Housing White Paper - Homes for Wales have shaped this strategy. Changes in social housing, namely the new Code of Guidance on Allocations and the proposed Rent Setting Policy significantly affects Wrexham Council as it still retains a large housing stock

The draft strategy sets out the evidence base, and drawing from that, the policy direction. It includes statements of intent, which will guide Wrexham County Borough Council’s work on housing issues over the next 5 years, but it does not detail the projects that will be needed to achieve those commitments. Nor does it set out plans for the numbers or distribution of housinggenerally - this is covered within the current Unitary Development Plan and will be covered in the forthcoming Local Development Plan. Through joint work between Housing and Planning, the Local Development Plan will be informed by this Local Housing Strategy.

Drafted in a time of economic uncertainty, the Wrexham Local Housing Strategy sets commitments which will be relevant for its lifetime, but it will have Delivery Plans which will be reviewed every year to explore new ways of working to achieve those commitments.

Policy Context

The Wrexham Local Housing Strategy has been informed by, and underpins the national and local strategies covering regeneration, economic prosperity, community planning. The Strategy is also mindful of the changes to be brought about by Welfare Reform, and whilst much of this is difficult to quantify, the theme of Welfare Reform is a thread running through the Strategy.

Strategic themes

Based on the three strategic themes of the Wales National Housing Strategy – 2010, this Strategyshows how, over the next five years we will be working towards:-

  • More Housing, More Choice;
  • Improved Homes and Communities; and
  • Better Services to Improve People’s Lives

More Housing, More Choice

This chapter looks at housing need and supply and the different ways in which people and households access and afford decent housing.

In the current economic climate it is harder than ever for first time buyers to buy a house, and many of them are turning to private renting. This, in turn keeps the private rental market buoyant, but makes it hard for people on a lower income or on benefits to be able to afford decent housing to rent. In considering how to provide More Housing, More Choice, the strategy considers new build housing, affordable housing for sale or for rent and the trend towards the intermediate rental market, as a way of meeting housing need at the same time as funding new developments. It also looks at the way housing finance is currently restricted and what can be put in place to keep the housing market moving.

Over the lifetime of the strategy, to achieve More Housing, More Choice, we will:-

  1. Deliver a wide range of low cost home ownership products and keep abreast of the latest developments in these products, amending policies as necessary;
  1. Work with partners to bring about a range of intermediate rental products
  1. Through the emerging LDP, seek to maximise delivery of affordable housing on new development sites in accordance with targets to be approved as part of the Plan making process
  1. Deliver a range of affordable housing through the Affordable Housing Project
  1. Aim to deliver sufficient new homes through a phased programme, over the lifetime of the LDP. This figure will be formalised through the LDP process and this document updated when appropriate.
  1. Of these new homes, the LDP will determine how the affordable element will be met, and progress will be monitored on an annual basis
  1. Of those new homes seek 18 -25% that are accessible to those with mobility difficulties.
  1. Encourage the development of one and two bedroomed homes, and properties with flexible spaces.
  1. Work with developers to bring forward affordable housing schemes without grant
  1. Work with the financial sector to make housing finance easier to obtain
  1. Provide more units to meet the needs of older people
  1. Subject to final member approval, establish a Private Sector Leasing scheme in partnership with an external organisation.
  1. Work towards a Common Housing Register

Improving Homes and Communities

In this chapter the strategy looks at housing conditions in both the public and private sector and about the wider role of regeneration in both improving house conditions and contributing to the economy through jobs, training and supply chains.

In the social housing sector both Wrexham County Borough Council and other social housing organisations are working to achieve the Welsh Housing Quality Standard, but funding is a big issue. In the private sector, the economic downturn has meant that people are spending less than ever on maintaining and improving their home. Fuel poverty is becoming more common as the costs of heating the home rise, and different ways of combatting fuel poverty are considered.

Many people live in houses which are unsuitable for their needs and this chapter looks at the role of Disabled Facilities Grants as well as loans to help people carry out basic improvements to safety and comfort levels.

As we have seen in the previous chapter, the private rented sector is growing, and is now for many people, the tenure of choice. However, it also houses some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in society and Wrexham County Borough Council are using a mixture of partnership working and enforcement to improve housing conditions in the private rented sector.

Over the lifetime of the strategy, to Improve Homes and Communities we will:-

  1. Establish a mechanism for a Home Improvement Loan to tackle Category 1 Hazards in Private sector stock
  1. Widen the scope of the Housing Renewal Strategy to include a range of initiatives to improve private sector properties
  1. Develop a business plan to improve the quality of social rented housing and continue to work towards the Welsh Housing Quality Standard
  1. Reduce fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency
  1. Bring empty properties back into use, preferably for affordable housing
  1. Support the Townscape Heritage Initiative and other schemes to refurbish private properties and enable living space to be developed over shops
  1. Lobby the Welsh Government for a commitment to extend renewal area funding
  1. Establish to evidence base to declare more Renewal Areas
  1. Prepare for the growth of the private rented sector, and for the White Paper proposal to register all landlords
  1. Strengthen the enforcement role of the Council in respect of neglectful landlords
  1. Work with the Welsh Government, landlords and other partners to improve housing conditions in the private rented sector
  1. Work with private sector landlords to improve business skills in managing properties

Better Services to Improve People’s Lives

Many people need to have the right kind of support to help them stay in their home, and this chapter looks at the way vulnerable people are helped to access housing and to maintain their tenancy once they have one. The chapter also looks at the housing and support needs of particular groups including Gypsies and Travellers, Older People, the homeless etc. and how these need to be met in a more appropriate way.

We are currently carrying further research to inform our work on this chapter and this research will be incorporated into the strategy as it becomes available.

Over the lifetime of the strategy, to provide Better Services to Improve Lives we will:-

  1. Undertake an Older Persons’ Housing Needs Assessment and implement recommendations.
  1. Improve the access to housing through a simple, fair and transparent allocations policy, backed up with realistic housing options advice
  1. Review the future of the Councils’ own sheltered housing stock, especially the bedsits.
  1. Develop an Adapted Housing Register
  1. Undertake a Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment and implement recommendations from.
  1. Develop administrative frameworks in line with the new Supporting People regime to ensure continuity of service"
  1. Substantially increase the amount of homeless prevention work
  1. Work with the Private rented sector, to improve the range of information and housing options for those accessing services.
  1. Work towards establishing a ‘one stop shop’ housing advice service, to cover all tenures.