Course Syllabus

AP World History

Teacher Name: / D. Owens
Telephone Number: / 832-484-4845
Contact Times: / 2nd Period 8:28 – 9:19
TEKS for Course
Advanced Placement World History covers the same TEKS as Grade Level World History. The History TEKS covered will be:
1 A-D, 2 A-B, 3 A-C, 4 A-B, 5 A-B, 6 A-C, 7 A-B, 8 A-D, 9 A-B, 10 A-B
The Geography TEKS covered will be:
11 B and 10 A-C
The Economics TEKS covered will be:
13 A-B and 14 A-C
The Government TEKS covered will be:
15 A-D and 16 A-B
The Citizenship TEKS covered will be:
17 A-B and 18 A-D
The Cultural TEKS covered will be:
19 A-B, 20 A-C, 21 A-B and 22 A-C
The Science, Technology and Society TEKS covered will be
23 A-E and 24 A-C
The Social Studies Skills TEKS covered will be:
25 A-I, 26 A-D, 27 A-B
For a more complete explanation of the World History TEKS, please refer to the TEA website,
Grading Determination
Approximately each 6-weeks period, students will take an objective exam covering material from the textbook, supplemental readings, discussions, and lectures. The design of each exam will be set up in a mock-AP test format. The exams will be timed and consist of a two-day assessment. The first day will be multiple-choice, while the second day will be an essay.
Short open note quizzes are given to measure each student’s understanding of the textbook reading assignments. Exams measure not only how well a student can answer basic factual information and also one’s ability to understand themes and concepts.
All major grades are worth 70%
All minor grades are worth 30%
Late Work Procedure
The student will lose 10 points for every day that a major assignment is late.
Daily work will lose 50% on the first day it is late, after that the work will receive a “0”
Reteach / Retest Procedure
When warranted by analysis of results, teachers will return to previous objectives, instructing with alternative approaches.
Projects will be assigned periodically throughout the school year. All projects will count as major grades.
Unit 1: Early Complex Societies, 3500 to 500 BCE, Chapters 1- 5, 2 weeks
Unit 2: Formation of Classical Societies, 500 BCE to 500 CE, Chapters 6-12, 4 weeks
Unit 3: Postclassical Era, 500 to 1000 CE, Chapters 13-17, 5 Weeks
Unit 4: Age of Cross-Cultural Interaction, 1000 to 1500 CE, Chapters 18-22, 5 Weeks
Unit 5: Origins of Global Interdependence, 1500 to 1800 CE, Chapters 23-28, 4 Weeks
Unit 6: Age of Revolution, Industry and Empire, 1750-1914 CE, Chapters 29-33, 5
Unit 7: Contemporary Global Realignments, 1914 to the Present 8 Weeks
Student Absence Procedure
The student is responsible for asking for the work s/he missed. The student is given 1 day for every day missed to complete the assignments.
Test Days
The social studies test days are on Tuesdays and Fridays, however in AP World History testing will take place over a two-day period.

Klein Independent School District

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