SCC Agenda

October 5, 2016


Glatfelter in Mayer Common


  1. Donte Jones, Moderator
  2. Amy Fishburn, Vice-Moderator
  3. Kelsey Wallace, Treasurer
  4. Jane Dutton, Secretary
  5. Meg Mathieson, At Large
  6. Marion Smith, At Large
  7. TaWanda Hunter, At Large
  8. Zoe Dhedene, At Large
  9. Mark Harris

Agenda / Action
6:00pmDinner with Officers and New At-Large Members
6:30Devotion / Marion opened the meeting with prayer before Donte’s devotion. Theme: reflection on SCC’s mission statement
6:45Adoption of the Agenda / Amy moved to approve the agenda, Kelsey seconded. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
6:47Orientation to SCC / Value of timeliness and being present; quorum is 6 people; order of agenda; old business is primarily reports and updates; new business consists of voting and new ideas; brainstorming/vetting ideas from the community; new information for agenda needs to be submitted to Secretary 7 days in advance of the meeting; agenda will be distributed 48 hours prior to the scheduled meetings; distribution of minutes upon approval.
7:00Unfinished Business
oModerator / Donte met with Cabinet for monthly meeting where he reported on issues/actions of SCC. Topics presented included campus security concerns.
Donte will be making list of safety tips for community – to be completed by the end of October.
oVice Moderator / Amy presented her role as main communicator to the community. Others are welcome to assist and provide ideas.
oTreasurer / Kelsey presented budget information. Monies for SCC come from SCC fees from previous year. Total of $4,825 in SCC account. Budget is based on actual spending from last year. Reimbursements are given to Kelsey. Major line items include: Social Justice Grants, $1,200. Student Emergency Fund, $1,200. End of fall and spring events, $500. Kesley will send budget to SCC EC.
oSecretary / Jane reported on election results and increased communication with administration.
See results below.
oAt Large Members / None for this meeting
●Project Reports
oE&D / Dr. Crumpton requested resubmission of names from SCC’s recommendations.
TaWanda volunteered to be SCC representative.
Amy will complete this request. Susan Mull, Gabby Kennedy, Teman Cooke, Kecia Munroe, and TaWanda Hunter
oSocial Justice Grants / Need team leaders for this SCC process.
Zoe volunteered to lead this process.
oEvent Planning
▪Calendar of Events / Meg will team lead all day potlucks
Amy will team lead Oct 14th potluck
Marion will team lead Nov 11th potluck
Donte and Meg will team lead Chat ‘n Chews
Zoe to team lead Friday unwinds for rest of the year
Kelsey, Zoe, and Marion will team lead Winter party
Kelsey, Jeremy, and TaWanda will team lead Spring party
TaWanda, Meg, and Marion will assist with 10/21, 11/4, 2/24, 3/31/, 4/21 Lilly foundation set up and tear down
See updated list below
7:45New Business
●Meeting dates for 2016-2017 / November 2 and December 7 at 6pm-7:30pm.
●Fitness / Mark Harris presented proposal for fitness program. Document below.
Kelsey made motion to endorse, support, and assist in promoting the LTS Fitness Plan. Seconded my Marion. Motion passed with unanimous vote.
Donte will include this proposal for the next Cabinet Meeting.
Jane will email the Dean indicating support from SCC
●Bylaws / Committee will include: Kelsey, Jane, Zoe, Meg
Topics: elections, student assistance program, budgeting
●Food Pantry / Marion will be team leader for food pantry.
8:10pm / Kesley motioned to end meeting, Meg seconded. Meeting ended at 8:13pm

2016-2017 Election Results

Calendar Dates

SCC Dates For 2016-2017 Academic Year
Date / Day of Week / Time / Location / Event / Notes / Column1 / SCC Host
9/14/2016 / Wednesday / noon-1:30 / Mayer / Pot Luck / Amy
9/28/2016 / Wednesday / 1-2pm / Library Common Area / Chat 'n Chew / Munchies with Myka/Gatorade with Greg / Donte/Jane
10/8/2016 / Saturday / 12:15-1:15 / Mayer / Chat 'n Chew / Munchies with Myka/Gatorade with Greg / Amy
10/12/2016 / Wednesday / noon-1pm / Mayer / Pot Luck / Meg
10/14/2016 / Friday / 5-6pm, 9-10:30pm / Lark 102/Quad firepit / 5pm - Pot Luck, 9 - Friday Evening Unwind / - fire pit? / Zoe/Amy
10/28/2016 / Friday / 2-6:30pm / Mayer / Afternoon of Caring / Amy
11/9/2016 / Wednesday / noon-1pm / Mayer / Pot Luck / Meg
11/11/2016 / Friday / 5-6pm, 9-10:30pm / Bricker / 5pm - Pot Luck, 9 - Friday Evening Unwind / Marion/Zoe
12/9/2016 / Friday / 6-11pm / Mayer / Winter Party / Kelsey/Zoe/Marion
2/8/2017 / Wednesday / noon-1:30 / Mayer / Pot Luck / Meg
2/10/2017 / Friday / 5-6pm, 9-10:30pm / Bricker / 5pm - Pot Luck, 9 - Friday Evening Unwind / Dean wanting us to change these to start at 5
3/8/2017 / Wednesday / noon-1pm / Mayer / Pot Luck / Meg
3/10/2017 / Friday / 5-6pm, 9-10:30pm / Bricker / 5pm - Pot Luck, 9 - Friday Evening Unwind
3/29/2017 / Wednesday / 1-2pm / Library Common Area / Spring Chat 'n Chew
4/1/2017 / Saturday / 12:15-1:15pm / Mayer / Spring Chat 'n Chew
4/19/2017 / Wednesday / 1-2pm / Libray Common Area / SCC Year in Review
4/28/2017 / Friday / 6-11pm / Refectory / Spring Party After Senior Awards / Kelsey/Jeremy/TaWanda
10/21 / Friday / 4:15 - 6:45 / Hafer ? / Lily Panel Discussion / Marion, TaWanda, Meg
11/4 / Friday / 4:15 - 6:45 / Hafer ? / Lily Panel Discussion / Marion, TaWanda, Meg
2/24 / Friday / 4:15 - 6:45 / Hafer ? / Lily Panel Discussion / Marion, TaWanda, Meg
3/31 / Friday / 4:15 - 6:45 / Hafer ? / Lily Panel Discussion / Marion, TaWanda, Meg
4/21 / Friday / 4:15 - 6:45 / Hafer ? / Lily Panel Discussion / Marion, TaWanda, Meg


Proposal for Fitness Outreach at Lancaster Theological Seminary – 3OCT2016

Initial Program Staff: David Fehr and Mark Harris, two first year MDiv students at the seminary.

Timeline: A progressive roll out and development of programs throughout the remainder of school year 2016-2017. A continuation and solidification and assessment of programs and initiatives in the next school year, 2017-2018.

Vision and Mission: As Lancaster Theological Seminary continues to progress with regard to the financial, spiritual, and mental health of its students, we believe that with some student commitment, we can also address the physical health of the students to a meaningful degree. We believe this can be done through a series of programs, clubs, and classes offered on a voluntary basis to all seminary students, staff, and faculty. The end-point mission of the program is to do all we can while in seminary to extend the ministries of our classmates and ourselves for as long as possible by markedly effecting the physical health of every seminarian we can reach.

Principals: All of us can be healthier. The program envisions a model in which all seminarians are served, from the oldest to the youngest, from those in peak health to those struggling with health issues. The goal for all participants is improvement, plain and simple. Improvement can mean many things, from a small weight loss, to a small drop in blood pressure, to simply feeling better on a more regular basis. We seek to be a judgement free zone, with the exception of each individual’s judgements about themselves and what they want and how they feel. There is no model for a perfect seminarian. The best measurement of this diverse group of people is self-measurement of one’s individual goals.


  1. Program creation: Through surveys of the student body and faculty, we will assess what programs among those we have conceived have the highest likelihood of participation, and also absorb ideas from the survey that were not on the list of programs we presented. We will choose among these programs on the basis of interest, and resources, and launch them one at a time, soliciting more help from the student body as needed.
  2. Program assessment: Using measurable statistics, but avoiding the keeping of actual health records, we will assess the programs we start after an agreed duration. Examples of statistics recorded would be participation level, cost, and some benefit analyses. Any analysis performed would be objective, and would not include information that would be covered under HIPPA laws. For example, we might track students who recorded their blood pressure regularly, and their own statements about whether or not they observed an improvement over the length of the program, but we would not keep records of actual blood pressures. This we would leave to the individual students. This will allow us to collect meaningful data, without the onerous requirements of keeping medical records.
  3. Program continuation: Using the collected statistics, as well as further surveys, we would assess which programs should continue, and with what modifications. We would also open the way for new programs to be introduced.

This process provides for a framework of the Fitness Outreach to continue into future years.

Support Structure: We are asking for the buy-in and support of the SCC, and of the Office of the Dean of Students. We will seek the guidance of the seminary’s administration to ensure that programs fall within legal guidelines, and insurance requirements. We may ask for a specific grant of space within the physical plant of the seminary in order to collect paperwork and equipment.

Potential Programs: What follows is a list of brainstormed ideas of programs that could be offered:

  1. Walking club: A set time and place meeting of students to engage in walking at a variety of levels, scheduled at a time convenient to class gatherings.
  2. Running club: Same thing, but for running.
  3. Support groups: Various groups based on weight-loss, better eating, blood pressure, or other aspects of physical health to meet, measure, and talk about strategies to improve.
  4. Seminary 5K: Group training, and fundraising, based around an agreed upon charitable cause, leading up to a public 5K walking/running race.
  5. Meditation group: A set time and place meeting of students for various methods and durations of meditation. Alternatively, student or faculty led, and possibly led by guests.
  6. Cooking club: A group centered on learning and trying recipes for healthier eating.
  7. Classes: Utilizing students, faculty, and volunteers from the community, an offering of single session classes on health and exercise for students and faculty. Utilize the seminary’s relationship with Franklin and Marshall to invite pre-med instructors to offer classes.
  8. Health Center: A location on campus open to all students and faculty with equipment to measure weight, blood pressure, and other aspects of health.
  9. Yoga: Incorporate and help to advertise the already existing yoga program for students and faculty.
  10. Seminary Gym: A spacious location on campus with some exercise equipment for use by students and faculty. This could also serve as a location for Yoga, Meditation, and future programs like Zumba. (Please note, Big Ask, at the end)

Thank you for your consideration,

David and Mark