Department of State of the United States of America

Treaty actions reported for the month of August 2006




Agreement amending the agreement of January25, 1962 regarding the mutual weapons development data exchange concerning weapons of mass destruction threat reduction technologies. Signed at Washington August14, 2006. Entered into force August14, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 14, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 14, 2006

Agreement amending the agreement of October8, 2001 concerning co-operative research, development and engineering. Signed at Canberra and Washington August3 and 7, 2006. Entered into force August7, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 07, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 07, 2006

Memorandum of understanding regarding assignment of an operational logistics liaison officer to USTRANSCOM, with annex. Signed at Canberra and Belleville July27 and August25, 2006. Entered into force August25, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 25, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 25, 2006


Agreement on the establishment of a free trade area, with annexes and related exchange of letters. Signed at Washington September14, 2004. Entered into force August1, 2006.

* Entered into force Aug 01, 2006


Agreement amending the strategic objective agreement of June3, 2005 concerning licit economy in coca-growing and associated areas increasingly sustainable, with annexes. Signed at La Paz August2, 2006. Entered into force August2, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 02, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 02, 2006


Agreement concerning the provision of training related to defense articles under the United States International Military Education and Training (IMET) Program. Effected by exchange of notes at Ouagadougou February20 and August26, 1986. Entered into force August26, 1986.
(11282 TIAS)

* Terminated Aug 29, 2006

Burkina Faso

Agreement regarding grants under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, or successor legislation, and the furnishing of defense articles, defense services and related training, including pursuant to the United States International Military and Education Training Program (IMET). Effected by exchange of notes at Ouagadougou August11 and 29, 2006. Entered into force August29, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 11, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 29, 2006


Agreement concerning North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Fighter Aircraft Command and Control Enhancement (FACE) Pod Operational Evaluation (COEVAL). Signed at Washington and Ottawa August21 and 25, 2006. Entered into force August25, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 25, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 25, 2006


Agreement regarding trade in beef and beef products of the United States, with annex. Effected by exchange of letters at Bogota and Washington August21, 2006. Entered into force August21, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 21, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 21, 2006


Agreement amending the memorandum of understanding of July16, 2002 concerning the imposition of import restrictions on Pre-Classical and Classical archaeological objects. Effected by exchange of notes at Washington August17, 2006. Entered into force August17, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 17, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 17, 2006


Agreement extending the agreement of January29, 2001 on science and technology cooperation. Effected by exchange of notes at Cairo May5 and August27, 2006. Entered into force August27, 2006, effective from September1, 2005.

* Concluded Aug 27, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 27, 2006


Agreement amending the strategic objective grant agreement of September10, 2004, as amended, for human capacity and social resiliency increased health, aids, population and nutrition program, with annex. Signed at Addis Ababa August8, 2006. Entered into force August8, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 08, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 08, 2006


Agreement regarding the technical exchange and cooperation arrangement in the field of nuclear safety research. Signed at Rockville July26 and August4, 2006. Entered into force August4, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 04, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 04, 2006


Memorandum of understanding concerning scientific and technical cooperation in the earth sciences, with annexes. Signed at Reston July21 and August9, 2006. Entered into force August9, 2006.

* Entered into force Aug 09, 2006


Millennium Challenge Compact, with annexes. Signed at Washington August1, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 01, 2006; not yet in force


Agreement amending the strategic objective grant agreement of August20, 2004, as amended, to support improved quality of decentralized basic education, with annexes. Signed at Jakarta August29, 2006. Entered into force August29, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 29, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 29, 2006

Agreement amending the strategic objective grant agreement of August30, 2004, as amended, to support higher quality basic human services utilized, with annex. Signed at Jakarta August29, 2006. Entered into force August29, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 29, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 29, 2006

Agreement amending the strategic objective grant agreement of July11, 2005, as amended, to support effective democratic and decentralized governance in Indonesia, with annexes. Signed at Jakarta August15, 2006. Entered into force August15, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 15, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 15, 2006


Agreement amending the strategic objective grant agreement of February23, 2004, as amended, for the improved economic opportunities for Jordanians strategic objective, with annex. Signed at Amman August10, 2006. Entered into force August10, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 10, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 10, 2006

Agreement amending the strategic objective grant agreement of June2, 2004, as amended, for the enhanced integrated water resources strategic objective, with annex. Signed at Amman August10, 2006. Entered into force August10, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 10, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 10, 2006

Agreement amending the strategic objective grant agreement of June2, 2004, as amended, for the improved social sector development and governance strategic objective, with annex. Signed at Amman August10, 2006. Entered into force August10, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 10, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 10, 2006

Agreement amending the strategic objective grant agreement of March23, 2004, as amended, for the cash transfer special objective, with annex. Signed at Amman August10, 2006. Entered into force August10, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 10, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 10, 2006


Air transport agreement, with annexes. Signed at Kuwait August30, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 30, 2006; not yet in force


Agreement concerning the status of private educational institution "The International School of Latvia". Signed at Riga March12, 2003. Entered into force August29, 2006.

* Entered into force Aug 29, 2006


Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain cultural properties. Signed at Vilnius October15, 2002. Entered into force August4, 2006.

* Entered into force Aug 04, 2006


Agreement amending the strategic objective grant agreement of August18, 2003, as amended, for health and population welfare, with annex. Signed at Islamabad August8, 2006. Entered into force August8, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 08, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 08, 2006


Agreement regarding the status of United States personnel who may be temporarily present in Panama. Effected by exchange of notes at Panama July27 and August10, 2006. Entered into force August10, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 10, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 10, 2006


Air transport agreement, with annexes. Signed at Asuncion May2, 2005. Entered into force August1, 2006

* Entered into force Aug 01, 2006


Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation in trade in textile and apparel goods. Signed at Kuala Lumpur August23, 2006. Entered into force August23, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 23, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 23, 2006


Protocol amending the Convention of September1, 1994 for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Signed at Washington September30, 2005. Entered into force August31, 2006.

* Entered into force Aug 31, 2006


Agreement for the partnership for peace information management system (PIMS) workstation and system access with annexes. Signed at Kiev and Washington May24 and August28, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 28, 2006; not yet in force

United Kingdom

Agreement concerning land warfare concept and experimentation (LWCE). Signed at Arlington and Shrivenbam Wiltshire July17 and August16, 2006. Entered into force August16, 2006.

* Concluded Aug 16, 2006
* Entered into force Aug 16, 2006



Amendments to Articles VI and XIV.A of the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency of October26, 1956, as amended. Done at Vienna October1, 1999.

TUNISIAConsent to be bound (Acceptance), Aug 10, 2006


Agreement amending the memorandum of understanding of June1, 2000 concerning the research, development and acquisition of chemical, biological and radiological defense material. Signed at Canberra, London, Ottawa and Washington August24 and 25 and September8, 2006. Entered into force September8, 2006.

AUSTRALIASignature, Aug 24, 2006

CANADASignature, Aug 25, 2006

UNITED KINGDOMSignature, Aug 24, 2006

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