Coal City Community Unit School District #1

Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


President Shawn Hamilton called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Coal City Middle School Community Room. In attendance were Board members Armand Bianchi, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller and Shawn Hamilton. Superintendent Kent Bugg, Director of Business Services/Technology Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Tammy Elledge, Director of Special Populations Sandy Rakes and Karen Vota were in attendance. Teachers Jane Provance and Jill Vironda, as well as, Mr. Vargas, member of the press Ann Gill were also in attendance.


President Hamilton led the Board of Education and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Grove seconded to go into closed session at 6:31p.m. for the purpose of considering information regarding the review of closed session minutes; the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; collective negotiating matters and imminent litigation.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Armand Bianchi, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller, Shawn Hamilton


Motion Carried.

When the board returned to open session President Hamilton called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the board members answering roll call present: Armand Bianchi, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller, Shawn Hamilton.


1. Mr. Bianchi moved and Mr. Miller seconded to extend the unpaid Family Medical Leave for Rich Monbrum from January 4 – January 29, 2010, pending receipt of required documentation.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Armand Bianchi, Ken Miller, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Quint Harmon, Shawn Hamilton


Motion Carried.

2. Mr. Harmon moved and Ms. Gill seconded to approve the 5 week paid maternity leave for Jacqueline Mark with use of accumulated sick leave in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement and pending receipt of required documentation.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Armand Bianchi, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller, Shawn Hamilton


Motion Carried.

3. Mr. Emerson moved and Mr. Miller seconded to accept the resignation of Linda Naiden, reading aide at the Early Childhood Center, effective January 22, 2010, and to thank her for her years of service to the district.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Jeff Emerson, Ken Miller, Armand Bianchi, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Quint Harmon, Shawn Hamilton


Motion Carried.

4. Mr. Grove moved and Mr. Miller seconded to approve the following extra-curricular positions:

Intramural – 5th grade volleyball – Neil Nicholson

Intramural – 4th/5th grade girls basketball – Andy Leve

Roll Call.

Ayes: Curtis Grove, Ken Miller, Armand Bianchi, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Shawn Hamilton


Motion Carried.

5. Mr. Bianchi moved and Mr. Emerson seconded to adopt a resolution, and to waive the reading of the resolution, authorizing notice of non-renewal and to issue a not-to-re-employ letter to Patricia Monk.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Armand Bianchi, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller, Shawn Hamilton

Abstain: Curtis Grove


Motion Carried.

6. Mr. Bianchi moved and Mr. Harmon seconded to approve the employment of Lynn Pearson as custodian.

Roll Call.

Ayes: Armand Bianchi, Quint Harmon, Jeff Emerson, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Ken Miller, Shawn Hamilton


Motion Carried.


Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Grove seconded to approve the consent agenda including the minutes and closed session minutes from the regular meeting of December 21, the Board Study Session of the Whole of January 4, the November Activity Fund Reports; November Treasurer’s Report, the December Monthly Manual Checks report; the December Payrolls, the January Accounts Payable and the following building usage request:

Group Building Ins. Date

Coal City Soccer Club HS Yes March-November, 2010

Coal City Soccer Club ES Yes March-November, 2010

Coal City Miners ES Yes January-May, 2010

PDA Class HS No Mitch Hamann

Roll call.

Ayes: Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Armand Bianchi, Jeff Emerson, Quint Harmon, Ken Miller, Shawn Hamilton


Motion Carried.


  1. Introduction/acknowledgement of guests. President Hamilton welcomed those in attendance.

2.  Principal Perucca was present to introduce the 8th grade girls’ basketball team and their coach Andy Leve. The team qualified for the state tournament after winning the regional and sectional championship and finished their season with a record of 17-9. Members of the team are: Brittany Jezik, Autumn Grimes, Gugi Shabani, Karissa Perkins, Courtney Torino, Natalie Norris, Morgan Leopold, Emily Smerling, Kassie Aldridge, Emily Halliday, Kristen Pearcy, Taylor McCollough, Britta Spelde, Olivia Jakubowski, and Hayley Holmes.

3.  Principal Johnson organized the Board presentation for this month. Cindy Bennett presented her Precorder Karate Program. CCES students have been working in class as well as voluntarily during their recesses to practice, test and earn a series of nine tassels or "belts" which are displayed on their instruments. On any given Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday lunch recess there are between 20 and 90 students in the music room practicing, asking musical questions, getting help and testing. All of this hard work has resulted in over 500 belts awarded to both 2nd and 3rd graders. Just within the last month the school has been the proud home to four Black Belt Masters! Students who participated in the presentation were Zach Smith, Samantha Churovich, Preston Johnson, Alyssa Sanders, Ashley Russell and Blaire Harseim.

4.  A note was received from the Grundy Economic Development Council thanking the Board for continued support of the organization.



Calender of Events

Jan 12 RTI

Jan 14 Student Activities Committee

Jan 14 Lacey Anderson meets with reading aides for Aims web training

Jan 15 First day of Aims web

Jan 18 Martin Luther King Jr. No school

Jan 19-22 Completion of Aims web

Jan 19 Admin at ECC

Jan 19 A-team

Jan 19 Parent Advisory team, 6:30 in ECC library

Jan 19 PBS district wide meeting at MS

Jan 28 First Love and Logic Parent Training workshop at ECC library


We will have two teachers visit our kindergarten and pre-school staff on January 13 from Wilmington. They will be observing the Daily 5, in Amy Aichele’s class, and talking about how we manage the developmental kindergarten class with Jill Duffy.

Pupil Personnel

Report cards were sent home on January 8. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers if they need information.

We will be hosting the second after school art series beginning January 28. This is offered through Young Rembrandt’s.

Guidance Curriculum

Responsive Services
·  Continue Social Skills Groups
·  Continue individual counseling with at-risk students (behavior and social/emotional issues)
Guidance Curriculum
·  Second Step with all students
System Support
·  Bi-monthly Student Services meeting
·  Letter home to group students

Student Achievement

Students continue to practice new skills learned at the ECC. The lunchroom lessons focus on leaving it tidy for the next group. Hallways are quiet zones. Students have learned to move quietly from one station to the next. Bathrooms are left tidy by placing paper in appropriate containers when finished, and toilets are flushed.

Staff Recognition

At our recent teacher institute following the winter break, ECC staff read a chapter together from the book by Richard Allington called What Really Matters in Response to Intervention—Research Based Designs. This particular chapter discusses research on the best way to use intervention time. The ECC currently uses 30 minutes daily for helping students who need an extra boost to learn reading or math skills.

Staff learned that in order to increase more than a year’s reading growth, struggling students have to be engaged in actual reading for approximately two-thirds of the intervention time. Typically reading specialists focus on individual skill lessons. Skill lessons are important, however, actual reading improves reading. Staff will take this information into account when planning intervention lessons.



January 4 Teacher’s Institute

January 5 School Resumes

PSO Meeting – 6:30pm – CCES

January 6 District Evaluation Committee Meeting

January 8 2nd Quarter Report Cards Sent Home

January 11 – 15 AIMSweb Winter Benchmarking at CCES

January 13 LLT at CC Fire Barn

January 18 No School – Martin Luther King’s B-day

January 19 RTI Day at CCES

District PBS Meeting


Grade / Teacher / Males / Females / Total / Special Needs
Second / Foley / 10 / 10 / 20
Hausman / 11 / 9 / 20
McLuckie / 11 / 9 / 20
Petersen / 11 / 9 / 20
Provance / 12 / 8 / 20
Rutkowski / 11 / 7 / 18 / 1f, 3m
Terrel / 11 / 9 / 20
Vironda / 13 / 7 / 20
Total / 2nd = / 90 / 68 / 158
Third / Adkins / 10 / 10 / 20
Bernstein / 9 / 11 / 20 / 1f, 1m
Doster / 10 / 10 / 20
Feeney / 9 / 11 / 20 / 2f, 1m
Hanley / 10 / 11 / 21
Skubic / 10 / 10 / 20
Watson / 9 / 12 / 21
Zafran / 10 / 11 / 21
Total / 3rd = / 77 / 86 / 163
SN / Vahle / 5 / 4 / 9
Total / 172 / 158 / 330
Out of District / 1 / 1 / 2 / 1/6/2010




*PSO held their monthly meeting on December 1st. Items discussed were the PSO By-laws, Santa’s Workshop and future PSO Events.

*On Wednesday, December 2, CCES staff members participated in a District Staff Development Day. Coal City staff members participated in a building meeting that focused on understanding and using student achievement data from Pearson Benchmark. I lead the teachers through the reports that were available to them through the Pearson site and which reports would be useful for different situation. We also discussed the next step in the using data process as identifying classrooms that scored above the others and finding out what types of instruction they are using to be successful with their students. After this meeting, CCES staff members worked on the formal assessment reviews process and completed curriculum and assessment validation activities.

*On December 7, Jim McCord and I delivered over 1,300 items of food to the Berst Center for the Coal City Food Pantry. This delivery was the culmination of the CCES Food Drive that we held at the end of November. I am extremely proud of our students and all of the donations they were able to bring into the school. The students also helped count the items as well as bag them and take them to the vehicles for delivery. In addition to the food items, CCES collected over $250 in monetary donation. There were six classes that earned treats for the most donations. Classes are Ms. Terrel, Mr. Petersen, Mrs. Foley, Mrs. Skubic, Mrs. Watson and Ms. Bernstein. You can view a webpage that highlights the Food Drive at

*On December 9, PSO sponsored Santa’s Workshop at CCES. CCES students were able to purchase Christmas presents for their family and friends at Santa’s Workshop. The students always enjoy this experience. Special thanks to PSO especially Amanda Mellen for organizing this event. Also special thanks to Terese Bruzzino and Kelly Kauzlaric, CCES PE Department, for helping the students while they were shopping in the gym.

*On December 17, CCES hosted a Family Game Night where students and families could come to school and play a variety of games. There was an excellent turnout to the event with over 60 students and parents attending. Students and families played a variety of family oriented/critical thinking games to promote spending positive time together as a family. Mr. Johnson spoke to the students and families about the academic, social and mental benefits of playing games. We also had eight 5th grade Accelerated/Enrichment students help out with the event. At the end of the night, some of the games were raffled off to the students so they could continue to play the games at home. It was a great opportunity for families to spend time together and do a little thinking while playing the games. I would like to thank the 5th grade Accelerated/Enrichment students who helped with the event; Christian Johnson, Reid Scott, Jake Scerine, Kyle Cowherd, Xavier Estrada, Cal Smolik, Kenedy Clayburn, and Luke Rogers. I am looking forward to CCES hosting other types of Family Nights in the future.

*On December 18, CCES held their annual Christmas Assembly. For the assembly, we had Mrs. Bennett and 2nd grade perform a Christmas skit. In addition, Mrs. Zafran’s 3rd Grade Classroom performed a Reader Theater of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. All of the students performing did a great job. The entire student body also sang Christmas songs and then Santa Claus himself made an appearance at the assembly and spoke with the students. After the assembly, Santa visited every classroom at CCES and gave each class a bag of candy canes for Christmas. The students had a great time at the assembly and getting to see Santa.

*From December 19 – January 3, CCES students enjoyed their Christmas Vacation and Winter Break.

Coal City Elementary School Student Services

Social Worker activities planned for the month of January
Responsive Services
·  Individual counseling with at-risk students (behavior and social/emotional issues)
·  Continue Social Skills groups and divorce group
Guidance Curriculum
·  Second Step – all students
System Support
·  Bi-monthly student services meeting
·  Letter home to group students


Calendar of Events

Mon., Jan. 4 Teacher Institute (Welcome Back!)

Tue., Jan. 5 PSO Mtg. @ CCES Café ~ 6:30 PM

CCIS hosting CCMS Volleyball

Market Day @ CCIS Café ~ 4-5:00 PM

Fri.. Jan. 8 Student Council Elections (2nd Sem.)

Wed.. Jan. 13 Market Day @ CCIS ~ 4-5:00 PM

Sat., Jan. 16 CCIS hosting CCMS Volleyball

Mon., Jan. 18 No School ~ Martin L. King Day