NAPDS Membership Meeting

March 6, 2015

Hilton Atlanta Ballroom

Atlanta, GA

Welcome – Bryan Burgin

Call to Order – Cindy Stunkard

·  Called meeting to order and welcomed all

·  Thanked everyone for taking time to join the meeting

·  Welcomed new members and students

State of the Association –

·  Cindy explained to the membership the split with USC

·  Explained the two conference options

·  Explained the membership benefits that will be part of the DC conference

·  Launched the new website and explained that members only section would be coming soon

·  Explained that the Exemplary PDS Partnerships awards and NAPDS Doctoral research award were also benefits of NAPDS membership

Membership Report- Krys Goree absent, Karen Hassell reported

·  For the 2015-16 association year, we have 1044 members with people continuing to register for the conference on-site.

·  We do not have a statistical breakdown on this year’s membership, but for the 2014-15 year,

65% of our members were from IHEs

23% of our members were from P-12 school districts

12% of our members were from “other” categories—i.e. state departments of education, consultants, etc.

·  Explained Member Benefits

o  When members registered for the PDS conference, they were also paying for a membership in the NAPDS. Benefits include

·  School-University Partnerships Journal

·  PDS Partners Magazine

·  Access to the NAPDS website, including a soon-to-be launched members only portal

·  Networking with other PDS professionals

·  Celebrating Exemplary PDS partnerships

·  Acknowledging PDS Doctoral Research

Planning for the Future – Karen Hassell

Background: Meeting this morning to discuss the separation of USC and NAPDS.

Bruce Field provided some historical context of the two groups. It is important to note that NAPDS as an association grew out of PDS work that was being done in early 2000 in South Carolina and other states. For 10 years, they have been closely aligned with one another.

·  Management contract--$12,000 to office of conferences

·  Conference participation & dues collection

Who made this decision to separate and why was the membership not asked to weigh in?

·  Discussions about future independence for the Association have arisen at most leadership meetings in the last 4-5 years.

·  In fact, Bryan Burgin, Les Sternberg and others from Carolina have said that it was always their expectation that NAPDS would stand alone someday.

·  The conversations about this separation had grown more urgent with time.

·  In October, 2014, USC notified the Association leadership team that USC was exercising its option to cancel its management contract with the Association effective December 31, 2014.

·  In subsequent conversations, USC agreed to a six month extension to allow the Association time to prepare for the transition.

Where do we go from here and questions raised this morning

·  NAPDS as an association will continue

o  We will continue to provide the member services you have come to expect from NAPDS

o  We will host our own NAPDS conference in March, 2016

o  Our goals moving forward include

§  Advocacy for professional development schools

§  Connecting with other professional associations to move the PDS conversations forward

§  Strengthen relationships

§  Generate additional revenue through our own conference as well as other initiatives to provide additional member benefits

§  Surveying membership

o  Questions about how we would manage the association on a bigger stage

§  We have discussed an executive director and have brainstormed a list of duties and responsibilities but do not currently have the money to do so at this time.

§  Also talked about association management firms

Financial Report – Bryan Burgin

1.  FY2013/2014 (closed June 30)

·  Opening Balance: $103,161.89

·  Closing Balance: $112,349.40

·  Revenues: $65,776.40

·  Expenditures: $56,588.89

2.  Current Account Balance: $65,048.98 (as of 2/26/15)

3.  Anticipated Revenue from 2015 Conference: $65,710.00 (as of 2/26/15)

·  575 presenters + 196 participants - 4 institutional members = 767 x $80 = $61,360

·  145 students x $30 = $4,350

Journal – Kristien Zenkov

·  Recognized editors, associate editors, reviewers,

·  $5,000 per issue cost

o  asked Allen Press how to save money. They have agreed to publish both magazine and journal to a savings of $3,500.00

·  6 editors, 12 editorial teams, 75 reviewers

·  we will go live with a new on-line submission before Sunday

·  Since July 2011

o  Acceptance rate is 30%

§  Scaffolding journal, try to help people be successfully share their work

§  Research, cases in point (anecdotal pieces),

§  Sufficient articles for May and Nov. issues

§  Considering on-line journal

§  Time limits of reviews, clarity of reviews, hybrid to serve all partners

§  Goals

·  Online issue

·  Online submission almost done

·  Open to “special themed issues”

o  If you want to propose a special issue, email Kristien

Magazine- Ron Siers

·  Recognized section articles and those who have published

o  Good problem to have – next three editions are full

§  Could expand to 20,22, 24 pages to give more opportunities to publish

·  Updates

§  35-38% of states represented each year

§  Would like to do a special edition of submissions from interns, first year teachers who came from PDS partnerships

§  Publically thank all section editors

Website – Doug Rogers

·  New website- rolled out and independent so committee and make changes and manage the site

·  Stories from the field section for partners to highlight work

·  Future “members only” access when the association can afford to do it


·  Look for messages from Nanette and her committee about how to share

Awards- Elliott Lesson

·  Elliott will be retiring so new person will be taking his position

Announcements- Cindy Stunkard

·  Other open positions includePolicy/Open Position – currently open and interviewing

Introduction of NAPDS Leadership Team – Marcy Keifer Kennedy

·  Team members were introduced and asked to stand

New Officers – Cindy Stunkard

·  Cindy recognized that the new officer team would now assume their leadership roles. She then gave some closing statements regarding her Presidency and the future before adjourning the meeting.