Committee Meeting
Opened meeting at 6:00pm Monday 21st March 2016
Agenda Items for Meeting
1.Apologies – Peter Rodgers
2.Past Minutes – 8th October 2015
Approved: Graham CampbellSecond: Graham White
3.Matters Arising - None
4.Financial Report
- Approve Payments
- P.O. Box- Payment to be approved
- Cash at Bank $______
Approved: Malcolm WhiteSecond: Mark Tailby
5.New Members
- None
6.Available Moorings
- Move List
- Mark Tailby
- ______
- Waiting for Mooring
- ______
- Available Moorings
- John Goddard Mooring
- ______
- Bruce Ritchie mooring not serviced and has since been done so and it has been recommended that Bruce will miss the next service and inspection in June.
- The following mooring buoys lost (found by Fuzzy) and replaced
- Stephen Ells
- Mark Tailby
- The following mooring repaired as sinking
- Margaret Hill
- The following mooring is lost and needs a diver
- FerrieOosterhoff
8.Insurance - MT advised he will have quotes ready for the next meeting.
9.National Parks Update
- The following is the email advise to National Parks of the surrender and the notification and acceptance of John Battaglia as a CPMC member and notification of getting mooring 58.
- Then the following correspondence from NP leaving Betty Martin as the owner of mooring 58.
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2015 14:33:11 +1100
To: Mark Tailby <
Cc: Stephanie
Subject: Cottage Point mooring application
Hi Mark,
We wish to introduce ourselves. Stephanie and I recently purchased 6 Cowan Drive, Cottage Point.
We understand that an application for a swing mooring is to be coordinated via you with the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Services.
Please advise the due process in making such an application. It may be best we discuss the same over the phone, if this is the way to go initially. My contact number is 0417 550 746.
Hope to hear from you soon.
John Battaglia
On 17 Nov 2015, at 2:31 am, Mark Tailby <> wrote:
Hi John and Stephanie,
Welcome to Cottage Point.
At the Cottage Point Mooring Corporation Meeting on Sunday a mooring became available.
It is at the wrong end of Cottage Point for you and it has a mooring minder in it which is sinking and the owners need to remove it, but that will happen soon.
You will need to buy the mooring tackle and such from them and I will put you in contact with them when the boat is removed.
We have a wait list of members who would like to change locations which is a new policy and if we can do our job properly it may benefit you by getting a mooring much closer to your home.
Can ask for some patience as we sort out issues which may involve National Parks to get approval for us to move boats. Very political.
You will need to become a member which will cost a years membership ($150) to join and a years membership starting the 1st June 2015 ($150).
Can I please ask for $300 to be deposited into our account and to return the attached forms which are able to be typed on and saved and returned by email to me or faxed or mailed.
Bank Account Details
C.P. Moorings Corporation Ltd.
BSB 062-295
Account 028021980
My mobile is 0419 012 873 if you would like to discuss any issues.
Mark Tailby
On 17 Nov 2015, at 2:36 am, Mark Tailby <> wrote:
Hi Margaret,
It was a pleasure to meet you on Sunday.
The new residents have contacted me about joining the mooring corporation and I have sent off the forms.
Please let me know when the boat is removed and the mooring is available.
There is no rush as I would like to take the opportunity of swapping boats closer to peoples homes.
If you have any issues I may be able to help.
Mark Tailby
From: Margaret Hill <
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2015 14:16:52 +1100
To: Mark Tailby <
Subject: Re: Cottage Point Mooring 58
Thanks Mark! It was great to match some faces to names at Sunday's meeting! I have some queries that you may be able to clarify for me? Who owns the moorings? We have had a mooring for so long I can't remember if my parents purchased it? Do we sell it to you? Do you take over the payment for the insurance, cleaning and OEH Licence fee of mooring 58 next year? Is the mooring the right size for your boat? You may want to consider the moorings position as we are more exposed to weather at the point? Thanks again for your assistance in this matter!
On 17 Nov 2015, at 3:20 PM, Mark Tailby <> wrote:
Hi Margaret,
You own the concrete weight and tackle which you can sell and I think the sell price is about $300.
I believe your mooring is currently paid up to the 30th June 2016.
With the new Mooring Wait List Mike Bowden will be asked if he wants your mooring and then we will start a cycle of moving boats to optimise the best outcome for all mooring owners.
Your mooring should be suitable for his boat but at the end of the day it is for B-Moor to confirm.
Depending on when you have the boat removed we can then deal with what needs to happen after.
I will communicate with National Parks now what we would like to do.
Please let me know when the mooring is available.
Mark Tailby
On 17 Nov 2015, at 10:35 pm, Mark Tailby <> wrote:
Hi Margaret,
I was put on the spot on Sunday and hadn't had time to think.
I haven't looked at the boat to know how bad it is so moving it could cause problems which I don't want.
But if the boat is towable then I am happy to use my boat and tow it to Akuna Bay so it could be lifted by a tow truck.
I have a mate who owns Retreiver Trucks so I will ask Gavin on Monday night for a cost and to see if it can be done.
Where do we take it?
Probably to Kimbriki.
But all of this will cost.
This is only a suggestion the best option is to get someone else to take it for free off Gumtree or EBay.
Mark Tailby
From: Mark Tailby [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 1:34 PM
To: Nicole Shotter
Subject: Re: Cottage Point Moorings
Hi Nicki,
Hope this email finds you well.
At last Sundays AGM I was voted in as Secretary again.
Was wondering when we could catchup.
Do you get to Sydney and if so could we meet.
At the AGM Margaret Hill’s Mooring 58 was handed in and because of this we would like to move boats around moorings to have them in front or closer to their owners homes.
We have created a Wait List of people (5 total) wanting closer moorings and would like your help to make this happen.
We do not plan to move moorings but this in discussion with you may be the best option.
How would you like to progress with this.
We also have a new resident that wants a mooring and they are located near the restaurant.
Hense it kind of makes sense if we can move boats and have a win winwin situation.
When would be a good time to talk?
Mark Tailby
From: >
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 16:57:32 +1100
To: Mark Tailby <>
Cc: Stephanie >
Subject: Re: Cottage Point mooring application
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your time today.
The completed forms are attached.
As discussed, timing is to suit your due process.
John Battaglia
On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 10:37 PM, Mark Tailby <> wrote:
Hi John,
Can I please ask what type of boat you have or plan to put on the mooring.
As indicated I have a series of moves planned to get a mooring for you close to you house and believe there are a few options.
Mark Tailby
On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 9:39 AM, > wrote:
Hi Mark,
It is a 42 ft sail yacht, LOA - 12.24m (40'2"), Beam - 3.87m, Draft - 1.9m.
I'll include the above details in the application forms.
John Battaglia
From: Mark Tailby [mailto:
Sent: Monday, 30 November 2015 2:05 PM
To: Nicole Shotter
Subject: Re: Cottage Point Moorings
HI Nicki,
Hope this email finds you well.
We have just had Mooring 58 handed in by Margaret Hill.
The boat attached needs to be removed (which may take a while) and we have a new member join wanting a mooring.
His name is John Battaglia and his Application Form is attached and he has paid his fees.
We have a number of members wishing to change location to get their boats closer to their house which is possible by using the existing mooring locations.
How would you like me to proceed.
I have spoken to the members wanting to change locations, to seek their approval to raise this matter with you.
They are all aware that we need National Parks approval before can move boats and that it may take some time.
Are there any forms you want me to fill in or would you like a map of the area and an understanding of what is being suggested.
Mark Tailby
From: Nicole
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2015 08:41:51 +0000
To: Mark Tailby <
Subject: RE: Cottage Point Moorings
Hi Mark,
Thanks for info re mooring change – we will update our records and issue a new licence to MrBattaglia.
Can you please send me a map showing the proposed swaps of moorings. I will talk to Area Manager and then discuss with you when we meet on the 14/12.
With the recent sale of 36a Cowan Dr Mooring 88 will become available.
Therefore I have been in contact with the following mooring owners and have the following accepted.
- FerrieOosterhoff 94 moves to John Goddard 88
- Tim Edmunds 70 moves to 94
- Stephen Ell 79 moves to 70
- Trent White 80 moves to 79
- Mooring 80 is now available.
- Mike Bowden 71 swap with John Battaglia 58
That leaves me on the 'Move Waiting List' with mooring 78 wanting to move the mooring location to an old mooring location that has beenabandoned on the point of Little Botany Bay.
From: Mark Tailby <
Date: 5 January 2016 at 11:36:40 PM AEDT
To: Margaret Hill <
Cc: Grahame Campbell <>, John & Pat Colquhoun <
Subject:Re: Cottage Point Mooring 58
Hi Margaret,
This is an interesting problem and I have attached Grahame Campbell and John Colquhoun so we could discuss.
At face value the position is.
The mooring has been surrendered and National Parks have been advised and it has been reissued to a new member.
In addition to this we have verbal approval (waiting for written confirmation) from National Parks to swap boats around moorings (6 in total) to relocate boats in front of owners houses.
Regarding your problem.
According to the CPMC Constitution and National Parks requirement the property owner and mooring owner need to be the same and be the major owner of the boat. Orthe property needs to be rented and the tenant needs to go on the wait list and then be allocated a mooring and be the major owner of the boat. The moorings are for the exclusive use of Cottage Point residents only.
I have made additional, more detailed comments below in blue.
Mark Tailby
From: Margaret Hill <
Date: Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 12:52 PM
To: Mark Tailby <
Subject: Re: Cottage Point Mooring 58
Happy new year Mark!Hope you have had a great Christmas and New Year.I am letting you know the boat minder has now been removed !Thanks heaps it has been recognised as a mooring minder by NP andI feel they were planning on moving on the issue in the New Year as it was in breach of CPMC agreement with NP.However a family member has expressed an interest in using the mooring? I was of the understanding that the Name on registration for boat and mooring site had to be the same.? Am I right?Yes you are right and needs to be the same as the property owner or tenant of Cottage Point.
At present Betty Martin(mum ) owns site and lease till mid year! Does a grandson qualify as he is Still a Martin?? Thanks for your assistance!Yes Betty is still a member of CPMC and is probably entitled to a mooring because of paying the fees required, but the CPMC has advised NP of the change and NP has re-allocated the mooring and therefore the site and lease are now in another name. Does a Grandson qualify, probably not because he is not the property owner yet and is probably not leasing the property and in either case he would need to apply to become a member and restart the process. Since the AGM we have had a property sold and another mooring become available with no one on the wait list. Not with standing whatIhave already said a Grandson probablydoesn’tqualify unless he owns part of the house.
Now having said all of this, all I have done is consider the position following the rules set down by National Parks and the CPMC Constitution. My interpretation of the rules may not be correct and NP or CPMC may override my opinion which I am happy to accept.Ihave attached Grahame and John to this email however would you like me to consult with the committee which will require a meeting to discuss and may take a month to happen because of summer holidays by the committee.
Also mooring yellow buoy has sunk just below surface! Is that normal?Not normal, probably the line knot has slipped or the chain has moved pulling the buoy down, whenIam on the water in the next few daysIwill look at.
Thanks again Margaret
On 6 Jan 2016, at 5:45 PM, John Martin <> wrote:
Hi Mark
Thanks for providing the below information to Margaret. I have two additional questions, and thank you in advance for your time and knowledge.
I understand from Margaret that Betty Martin has paid the associated fees for Cottage Point mooring 58 until June 2016. I note from your email the following sentence “The mooring has been surrendered and National Parks have been advised and it has been reissued to a new member”. As per Margaret’s query on my behalf, I am looking into purchasing a boat with the intent of mooring it on mooring 58. My current understanding is that the majority share of ownership of this boat needs to be in Betty’s name. Can you please clarify if mooring 58 remains within the possession of Betty Martin until June 2016? If the answer is yes, is it an option in June 2016 to renew the annual lease of mooring 58 for the use of a boat registered in Betty’s name?
Again, thanks
Kind regards
0447 487 094
From: Mark Tailby [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, 6 January 2016 11:07 PM
To: John Martin
Cc: Margaret Hill; ;
Subject: Re: Cottage Point Mooring 58
Hi John,
I have had it confirmed the mooring has been surrendered and National Parks have allocated it to a new member who has been advised.
The mooring is no longer in Betty's name.
Mark Tailby
From:John Martin <
Date: Thursday, 7 January 2016 at 8:34 AM
To: Mark Tailby <
Cc: Margaret Hill <>, Grahame Campbell <>, John & Pat Colquhoun <
Subject: RE: Cottage Point Mooring 58
Thanks Mark
I’ll discuss adding Betty’s name to the waiting list with Margaret and be in touch.
Kind regards
From: Mark Tailby [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, 25 February 2016 5:40 PM
To: Katarina Simunic
Subject:Fwd: Cottage Point Mooring 58
Hi Katarina,
Sorry but I am swapping between 2 email addresses because we sold Graphic Art Mart just before Christmas.
Could you please use this email address and contact information for all communication.
From this series of emails reading from the bottom up.
Summary of events and comments.
1I confirmed the mooring was going to be let to a new resident and please let me know when the boat was removed and the mooring available.
2Then Margaret Hill accepted the position and asked additional questions.
3I answered these questions on the 17th November 2015.
4Then 6 weeks later on the 5th January 2016 they advised the Mooring Minder was removed. They then asked additional questions with the intention of getting the mooring back. By this time the mooring should have been reallocated toJohn Battaglia by National Parks as CPMC have an email from Nicky confirming such would happen. (Email has been forwarded to you)
5I answered these questions considering my understanding of the right to have a mooring at Cottage Point.
aYou need to be a member of the C.P. Mooring Corporation. (Margaret Hill is still a member)
bYou need to be a resident to have a right to a mooring. (John Martin the boat owner is not a resident of Cottage Point)
cNo mooring minders. (The family have abused the situation for years putting us in conflict with NP and it is my intention to work with NP and obey their rules as directed by the POM)
dYou need to own an acceptable sized boat. (John Martin at this point of time does not own a boat suitable for a mooring)
I am a little annoyed at the inference by the family that i have not done everything above board.
I hope from the emails chain you can see the intent of working with National Parks to have a good working relationship that can be mutually beneficial.
Can we please talk tomorrow.
Mark Tailby.
From: Katarina Simunic <>
Subject: RE: Cottage Point Mooring 58
Date: 26 February 2016 at 9:34:12 AM AEDT
To: Mark Tailby <>
Thank you for your assistance with this Mark.
I have read through all of the correspondence and would like to discuss it with my Team Leader before committing to anything further.
The details that you have provided SHOULD be sufficient however I am not in a position to make that judgement and will get back to you as soon as possible, likely to be early next week as my Team Leader is not in today.
Enjoy your weekend and I am sure we will resolve this without further complications.
Katarina Simunic
Senior Property Officer
Park Assets Branch
National Parks & Wildlife Service
From: Katarina Simunic <>
Subject: Cottage Point
Date: 7 March 2016 at 11:26:37 AM AEDT
To: Mark Tailby <>
Morning Mark,
Thank you for providing me with the emails regarding 58.
The Licence agreement clearly states that NPWS are to be given 7 days written notice to discontinue the licence by Ms Martin. To date we have not received such notice therefore MsMartins agreement is still valid.
Unfortunately intentions of not keeping the mooring does not terminate the agreement and we do have to follow protocol sorry.