“Tim was the oil that kept the Ipswich Humane Group running smoothly. He was the person who called the volunteers to care for the animals at the shelter. This meant a roundup of people every single weekend and holiday all year long. It also meant sometimes finding volunteers to give medicine to the sick and injured animals on a daily basis. He did this work voluntarily for many years. It was a major task because most people would rather be doing something else on a weekend or holiday. Somehow, Tim would be able to fill the empty slots, juggle people’s schedules and make it all work. He cared about the animals at the shelter and showed it by working tirelessly to see to it that they would get the necessary care when Animal control was not available. Tim’s generosity and dependability was a huge part of the Humane Group. May he rest in peace.” Clare Herron, Vice President and IHG Founder


“Tim always called to find out what we had at the shelter so that the volunteers he scheduled would know what to expect, even 2 days before he went into the hospital he called…Thinking about the animals well being at the shelter..That was Tim, always thinking about coverage and care for the animals at the shelter!” Matt Anzak, Animal Control Officer


“Tim always put the animals first. He was dedicated to helping in any way possible to finding forever homes for every cat that came through our shelter. Our community has suffered a great loss and he will be so missed.” Meryl Baier, Director of Adoptions


“My fond memories of Tim would include all the great animal videos that he sent to all of us.” Sonia Johnson, Director of Foster Care


“I think of his dedication and reliability making sure that the shelter was covered every weekend and he did this for so many years. Not an easy task but I never heard him complain. He would always fill in if something went amiss. I will miss his dry humor and his presence on the Board.” Prudy Markos, Board of Directors, Nominating Committee


Michele and Nick Elward were especially close to Tim, here are their thoughts:

“When we think of Tim, many things come to mind, here are a few:

Humane Group:

Helping coordinate Olde Ipswich Days activities * Leading volunteer group for weekend

shelter coverage

Recycling Committee:

Town of Ipswich Recycle Committee Lead * Collecting old batteries brought to various

businesses in town for recycling * Leading the annual electronics recycling event at

Winthrop School * Leading the boat shrink wrap recycle each spring


Interested in what’s happening in your life * Always wanting to help with any challenges

(Ex. Would always check Consumer Reports for us if we had a question about a product.)

Enjoyed rides around town, as well as out to Atlantic Ave. in Gloucester

Committed worker for the State’s unemployment office for the last 10+ years

Enjoyed Sunday morning coffees to catch up on what’s happening in life with friends

When our daughter Jackie was a toddler, instead of saying Tim Bishop, she used

to say Tim Ketchup. She couldn’t say the word Bishop. Tim used to get a kick

out of that.” Michele Elward, Secretary, Board of Directors


“He was always so even tempered. He loved animals and put himself to service volunteering as coordinator of volunteers so that our shelter could be the great place it is for animals.” Catherine Carney-Feldman, Director of Public Relations


“If it weren’t for Tim my family would not have become volunteers for the shelter or the recycling committee. A subtle salesman, he somehow convinced us that cleaning cat boxes and wrapping batteries would be a fun thing for us to do together, and he was right! His kind, unassuming nature and can do attitude made whatever you were doing for him a joyful experience. He taught my family the value of giving back to the community and for that we will be forever grateful. His enthusiasm for the causes he loved was infectious and our family was blessed to have had the opportunity to experience it first hand. We will truly miss him”

Tracy Halliday, Director of Fundraising

Note: The last meeting Tim attended was to vote Tracy onto the Board, never letting on how sick he was.


“Wanted to mention that inspeaking with our group of volunteers over the past couple of weeks, in addition to expressingshock and sadness over the loss of Tim, almost all have commented as tohow they will miss hearing his voice and how much they appreciated his work. It's clear he was very well liked amongst our group.

In my own personal experiencegetting to know Tim over the years, a couple of things stand out. One was his taking the time, and ability to remember, what was going on in my life, the people in my life (and always offering my husband a friendly hello or wishing him well), remembering my pets, the million different projects in my house, and on and on. He remembered them all. I suppose it was the fact that he always cared enough to remember and ask thatstands out to me. I genuinely appreciated this, and will miss greatly.

Another thought that makes me smilewhen thinking of Tim, would be the silly and cuteemail forwards we would share. I knew, without doubt, that a funny or sweetanimal clip was sure to bring him a smile or chuckle. Without fail, he always commented in return, and would send his share along my way to brighten my day as well.”

Nikki Bernardi, Coordinator of Volunteers (Tim’s job)

Soon to be a Board member