Friday, January 18, 2013 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

USFSM Campus Board Room C306

Present: Susan Allen, Christopher Davis, Steve Lang, Jody McBrien, Scott Perry, Gregory Teague

Conference call: Patricia Hunsader, Patricia Pettijohn, Christine Probes, Barbara Spector

Guests: Kofi Glover, Vice Provost for Human Resources & Facilities; Sandy Quillen, Associate Dean, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine and Professor & Director, USF Health School of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences

Recorder: Judy Buffa

USF Sarasota-Manatee Regional Chancellor Arthur Guilford and Regional Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Bonnie Jones welcomed the USF System Faculty Council to the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus.

1. USF System Faculty Council (SFC) President Christopher Davis called the meeting to order at 9:34a.m.

2. Approval of AgendaA motion was made by Dr.Perryand seconded by Dr. McBrien to approve the agenda with a correction to item 6b to read: Assessment of Student Perceptions of Instruction. The motion unanimously passed.

3. Approval of December 14th MeetingA motion was made by Dr. McBrien to approve the minutes from December 14, 2012 and seconded by Dr. Perry. The motion unanimously passed.

4. President’s Report Academicand Campus Environment Advisory Council(ACEAC)met recently. Thenewly implemented state process forapproving new degree programs is reviewing the proposals for program content rather than duplication of degrees within the state. New degree programs are being put on hold at the state/top level. Faculty concerns about the confusion of roles and responsibilities within the process are being put forward at ACEAC, the Board of Trustees Academic and Campus Environment (ACE) workgroup.Drs Davis and Teague will bring the matter forward for discussion at the Advisory Council of Faculty Senates(ACFS) when they meet in Tallahassee on February 1, raising the issue to the BOG through DrManoj Chopra.

5. New Business

a. Conversion of the School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitative Sciences to College of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitative Sciences (DrSandy Quillen).In accordance with USF System Policy 10-055 Policy and Procedures for Proposed Changes in Academic Units of the USF System, Dr. Quillen presented the reasons for the conversion and the steps this proposal followed.

President Davis moved and Dr. Allen seconded: Whereas, concerning the proposed conversion of the School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitative Sciences to College of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, the USF System Faculty Council finds that the development process of the proposal has included sufficient consultation for what is proposed at this stage and that it appears likely that proceeding as proposed would yield the benefits described for the University of South Florida System; we resolve that the USF System Faculty Council highly commends the proposal and recommends to the administration that the proposed steps be taken, with consideration of issues identified in debate and reflected in the report.Unanimously approved.

b. Proposed Amended USF System Policy 6-018 Cart/Utility Vehicles

Feedback to General Counsel will include discussion/issues regarding the training process when ad hoc use is required as well as the presence of carts/vehicles not owned by the USF System.

c. Proposed USF System Policy 6-033 Animals on Campus

Feedback to General Counsel willinclude concerns regardinginability of some disabled people to clean up after their dog/animal (line 84) andregistration of one time visitors and time limits to who must be registered (line 133). The term ‘university’rather than ‘campus’ police should be used consistently throughout the policy and UP articulated as an abbreviation for University Police. In order to accommodate animal services departments from the whole of the USF System area, delete ‘Hillsborough’(Line 182).

d. Proposed Amended USF System Policy 10-002 Student Academic Grievance Procedure

Feedback to General Counsel will include concerns regardinglanguage/clarity of positions that are not applicable on regional campus (for instance, at line 51 (and forward throughout the document) replace ‘Department’ with ‘Unit’; at line 228 consider replacing ‘Dean of Undergraduate Studies’ with ‘Chief Academic Officer’ since the currently named individual has no role in the grievance process at USF Sarasota-Manatee or USF Saint Petersburg.

e. USF SFC sub-committee on USF System definition

Several key members with information were not present. President Davis moved and Vice President Teague seconded to table the formation of a SFC subcommittee at this time but to continue fact gathering andinformal discussions. Unanimously approved

6. Old Business

a. Distinguished University Professorships (Patricia Pettijohn)

President Genshafthad requested a review of the Distinguished University Professorships (DUP) process to encourage more nominations. Initial suggestions presented by the SFC were quickly implemented.Dr. Pettijohn has researched the program and created a document with recommendations for improving DUP application process: MsPettijohn will circulate the document for review and discussion of the recommendations therein at the next SFC meeting.

b. Assessment of Student Perceptions of Instruction (Gregory Teague) The pilot was conducted and response rate was 50% which was good considering the short lead time. Problems were identified and will be fixed. Meetings will be taking place to provide input on the implementation of the assessment being fully online.

7. Issues from the FloorUpdate (Gregory Teague): the Tampa Campus is developing a Tenure and Promotion Policy and reviewing their Tenure and Promotion guidelines.

8. Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.