Table S1. Carbon substrate absorbance unitsa of thrombolitic microbial mats
Carbon Substrates (n = 95) / Zone 1b ± SEM / Zone 2 ± SEM / Zone 3 ± SEM / P-value
1,2-Propanediol / 22.00 ± 3.00 / 24.33 ± 4.67 / 24.67 ± 3.18 / 0.860
2-aminoethanol / 56.00 ± 11.50 / 40.33 ± 12.84 / 51.00 ± 17.50 / 0.739
2-Deoxy-Adenosine / 47.00 ± 6.24 / 32.33 ± 9.84 / 20.33 ± 1.20 / 0.082
a-D-Glucose / 31.00 ± 7.21 / 19.33 ± 3.33 / 22.00 ± 6.66 / 0.408
a-D-Lactose / 23.67 ± 1.20 / 21.00 ± 0.58 / 19.33 ± 0.67 / 0.032
a-Hydroxy Butyric Acid / 7.67 ± 3.38 / 5.67 ± 3.84 / 2.67 ± 1.76 / 0.556
a-Hydroxy Glutaric Acid-g-Lactone / 19.67 ± 9.87 / 22.00 ± 3.06 / 15.67 ± 1.33 / 0.763
a-keto-Butyric Acid / 11.00 ± 1.73 / 7.00 ± 2.08 / 9.00 ± 0.58 / 0.284
a-keto-Glutaric Acid / 145.67 ± 23.25 / 26.33 ± 14.08 / 68.67 ± 25.30 / 0.020
a-Methyl-D-Galactoside / 13.33 ± 1.67 / 13.33 ± 0.67 / 12.00 ± 2.00 / 0.789
Acetic Acid / 59.67 ± 1.86 / 61.67 ± 1.67 / 56.33 ± 0.33 / 0.101
Acetoacetic acid / 63.67 ± 1.20 / 64.33 ± 1.76 / 64.00 ± 1.73 / 0.957
Adenosine / 59.00 ± 0.00 / 42.67 ± 5.78 / 35.67 ± 4.63 / 0.021
Adonitol / 15.00 ± 2.08 / 16.33 ± 1.20 / 15.00 ± 2.00 / 0.838
b-Methyl -D-Glucoside / 23.00 ± 3.61 / 19.00 ± 1.73 / 20.00 ± 2.08 / 0.560
Bromo Succinic Acid / 102.67 ± 14.90 / 116.3 ± 54.27 / 52.33 ± 6.39 / 0.403
Citric Acid / 175.67 ± 45.67 / 137.0 ± 22.28 / 279.33 ± 10.53 / 0.037
D-Alanine / 10.00 ± 3.51 / 15.33 ± 5.55 / 13.67 ± 5.78 / 0.757
D-Aspartic Acid / 4.00 ± 3.06 / 3.33 ± 0.88 / 9.67 ± 2.73 / 0.207
D-Celiobiose / 27.33 ± 2.03 / 31.00 ± 2.00 / 18.00 ± 1.00 / 0.005
D-Fructose / 31.00 ± 3.51 / 28.33 ± 3.48 / 18.67 ± 0.67 / 0.050
D-Fructose-6-Phosphate / 57.33 ± 34.83 / 30.67 ± 6.33 / 24.67 ± 2.60 / 0.525
D-Galactonic Acid-g-Lactone / 4.33 ± 3.84 / 5.33 ± 0.33 / 1.33 ± 1.33 / 0.500
D-Galactose / 71.33 ± 16.34 / 32.67 ± 5.21 / 43.33 ± 9.26 / 0.116
D-Galacturonic Acid / 43.67 ± 3.33 / 37.00 ± 6.43 / 42.33 ± 4.41 / 0.619
D-Gluconic Acid / 99.33 ± 13.57 / 88.33 ± 17.23 / 41.00 ± 19.35 / 0.104
D-Glucosaminic Acid / 20.33 ± 2.03 / 20.67 ± 2.03 / 25.67 ± 3.71 / 0.360
D-Glucose-1-Phosphate / 18.00 ± 2.08 / 20.67 ± 0.33 / 20.00 ± 1.00 / 0.403
D-Glucose-6-Phosphate / 43.00 ± 3.06 / 34.00 ± 3.61 / 33.67 ± 1.86 / 0.110
D-Glucuronic Acid / 122.67 ± 54.57 / 27.67 ± 10.67 / 39.67 ± 6.96 / 0.157
D-Malic Acid / 28.67 ± 6.12 / 20.00 ± 3.06 / 21.67 ± 7.51 / 0.572
D-Mannitol / 39.00 ± 3.21 / 36.33 ± 2.91 / 25.67 ± 1.67 / 0.028
D-Mannose / 62.00 ± 2.31 / 43.33 ± 3.93 / 40.67 ± 8.19 / 0.050
D-Melibiose / 29.67 ± 1.20 / 27.00 ± 1.00 / 30.33 ± 2.03 / 0.312
D-Psicose / 23.00 ± 3.79 / 20.33 ± 5.24 / 22.33 ± 4.41 / 0.911
D-Ribose / 71.67 ± 2.33 / 71.67 ± 3.18 / 67.67 ± 2.33 / 0.507
D-Saccharic Acid / 23.67 ± 3.71 / 24.33 ± 6.64 / 21.33 ± 4.91 / 0.914
D-Serine / 26.33 ± 1.33 / 27.00 ± 2.08 / 24.67 ± 2.60 / 0.727
D-Sorbitol / 9.33 ± 5.90 / 13.00 ± 5.00 / 9.67 ± 4.18 / 0.856
D-Threonine / 20.00 ± 2.52 / 17.67 ± 0.33 / 19.67 ± 1.45 / 0.599
D-Trehalose / 34.33 ± 9.17 / 32.00 ± 5.13 / 25.00 ± 3.00 / 0.582
D-Xylose / 60.00 ± 5.20 / 54.33 ± 2.73 / 53.67 ± 1.76 / 0.432
D,L-a-Glycerol Phosphate / 13.00 ± 3.79 / 9.67 ± 2.03 / 3.00 ± 1.53 / 0.088
D,L-Malic Acid / 177.67 ± 64.24 / 108.0 ± 18.19 / 194.67 ± 61.75 / 0.506
Dulcitol / 58.00 ± 9.87 / 67.67 ± 6.89 / 54.00 ± 13.05 / 0.646
Formic Acid / 3.00 ± 3.00 / 6.33 ± 3.18 / 2.33 ± 2.33 / 0.598
Fumaric Acid / 67.00 ± 10.12 / 24.00 ± 18.77 / 29.00 ± 14.01 / 0.158
Glucuronomide / 47.33 ± 4.81 / 38.67 ± 6.98 / 40.00 ± 6.08 / 0.579
Glycerol / 35.67 ± 6.36 / 17.67 ± 2.85 / 21.67 ± 9.28 / 0.217
Glycolic Acid / 13.00 ± 1.00 / 7.67 ± 2.03 / 9.67 ± 4.18 / 0.433
Glycyl-L-Aspartic Acid / 19.33 ± 2.03 / 18.33 ± 3.28 / 16.00 ± 3.21 / 0.719
Glycyl-L-Glutamic Acid / 13.00 ± 1.00 / 8.67 ± 3.93 / 9.33 ± 2.03 / 0.494
Glycyl-L-Proline / 19.00 ± 2.65 / 14.33 ± 0.67 / 21.00 ± 2.31 / 0.142
Glyoxylic Acid / 31.00 ± 1.00 / 25.33 ± 6.23 / 28.67 ± 1.20 / 0.583
Inosine / 54.67 ± 2.85 / 46.67 ± 3.76 / 43.33 ± 5.9.3 / 0.248
L-Alanine / 17.33 ± 2.91 / 16.00 ± 4.51 / 15.67 ± 2.85 / 0.939
L-Alanyl-Glycine / 21.33 ± 2.19 / 10.67 ± 4.70 / 14.33 ± 6.36 / 0.338
L-Arabinose / 49.33 ± 3.71 / 47.33 ± 3.38 / 47.33 ± 4.91 / 0.923
L-Asparagine / 19.33 ± 3.33 / 20.33 ± 2.40 / 18.00 ± 1.73 / 0.819
L-Aspartic Acid / 14.67 ± 6.69 / 19.00 ± 4.36 / 20.00 ± 5.13 / 0.774
L-Fucose / 39.33 ± 5.55 / 40.00 ± 5.29 / 35.00 ± 8.33 / 0.846
L-Galactonic Acid-g-Lactone / 19.33 ± 0.88 / 9.67 ± 5.36 / 14.67 ± 3.84 / 0.281
L-Glutamic Acid / 51.00 ± 19.30 / 56.00 ± 7.51 / 37.67 ± 9.67 / 0.621
L-Glutamine / 13.67 ± 2.60 / 19.00 ± 4.04 / 19.00 ± 0.58 / 0.361
L-Lactic Acid / 65.33 ± 21.40 / 34.00 ± 3.51 / 21.33 ± 4.33 / 0.116
L-Lyxose / 95.00 ± 1.53 / 92.67 ± 1.33 / 93.33 ± 1.86 / 0.592
L-Malic Acid / 142.33 ± 27.42 / 77.67 ± 41.45 / 110.67 ± 56.05 / 0.599
L-Proline / 18.00 ± 7.09 / 7.33 ± 2.03 / 12.00 ± 4.62 / 0.383
L-Rhamnose / 35.67 ± 3.71 / 34.33 ± 1.76 / 37.67 ± 1.33 / 0.656
L-Serine / 18.67 ± 0.88 / 20.00 ± 1.53 / 19.33 ± 2.19 / 0.848
L-Threonine / 33.33 ± 9.28 / 23.67 ± 8.29 / 23.33 ± 5.61 / 0.619
Lactulose / 18.67 ± 0.88 / 18.00 ± 3.51 / 16.33 ± 2.40 / 0.802
m-Hydroxy Phenyl Acetic Acid / 30.00 ± 2.08 / 27.67 ± 5.55 / 21.33 ± 3.18 / 0.332
M-Inositol / 26.00 ± 1.00 / 25.33 ± 1.86 / 29.00 ± 3.79 / 0.574
M-Tartaric Acid / 3.00 ± 2.00 / 6.00 ± 1.53 / 2.33 ± 1.45 / 0.327
Maltose / 24.33 ± 4.63 / 13.00 ± 2.52 / 15.33 ± 4.33 / 0.181
Maltotriose / 22.67 ± 2.96 / 21.33 ± 2.60 / 20.00 ± 0.58 / 0.727
Methyl pyruvate / 149.00 ± 24.11 / 140.0 ± 32.75 / 136.33 ± 21.67 / 0.942
Mono Methyl Succinate / 5.00 ± 0.58 / 6.00 ± 1.00 / 5.00 ± 2.08 / 0.842
Mucic Acid / 12.00 ± 2.89 / 7.00 ± 0.58 / 9.67 ± 1.33 / 0.244
N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine / 28.33 ± 2.33 / 22.33 ± 3.18 / 25.00 ± 2.65 / 0.364
N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine / 35.33 ± 1.20 / 29.33 ± 0.67 / 27.00 ± 2.52 / 0.029
p-Hydroxy-Phenyl Acetic Acid / 20.00 ± 3.06 / 8.00 ± 3.46 / 19.67 ± 2.60 / 0.053
Phenylethylamine / 30.33 ± 2.60 / 27.33 ± 4.84 / 29.33 ± 4.18 / 0.866
Propionic Acid / 26.33 ± 8.35 / 25.00 ± 3.21 / 15.33 ± 2.67 / 0.354
Pyruvic Acid / 254.67 ± 28.85 / 129.0 ± 67.99 / 184.67 ± 29.69 / 0.233
Succininc Acid / 7.33 ± 3.76 / 4.00 ± 2.00 / 6.33 ± 6.33 / 0.863
Sucrose / 30.67 ± 6.89 / 27.67 ± 8.21 / 27.33 ± 10.40 / 0.956
Thymidine / 52.33 ± 4.91 / 54.33 ± 4.18 / 54.00 ± 5.29 / 0.952
Tricarballylic Acid / 22.00 ± 6.51 / 8.00 ± 1.53 / 9.00 ± 5.20 / 0.158
Tween 20 / 38.33 ± 9.84 / 40.00 ± 11.50 / 23.33 ± 3.18 / 0.404
Tween 40 / 16.00 ± 1.15 / 28.33 ± 8.84 / 19.00 ± 1.53 / 0.293
Tween 80 / 23.67 ± 0.88 / 30.67 ± 6.17 / 24.00 ± 1.73 / 0.387
Tyramine / 39.00 ± 4.58 / 27.00 ± 4.58 / 33.67 ± 3.33 / 0.211
Uridine / 47.00 ± 1.73 / 43.33 ± 1.86 / 43.67 ± 7.06 / 0.809

aSubstrates were considered utilized if absorbance readings were above threshold of 50 units. bValues represent mean absorbance unit for three replicate phenotypic microarrays.