Kennedy High School

Professional Development


September 25, 2012

Test Results and Common Core Standards

Teachers: The purpose of today’s Professional Development is to tie the professional development from last week to the Common Core State Standards that we have discussed briefly this year and last. Last week, you identified areas of needed improvement by using your content strand data. Today, you will have an opportunity to look at the Common Core State Standards and work with them as well as with your data.

Teachers are to report to the rooms as indicated below:

English…………………………………………...Room A211...... Jamie Koskela

Math…………………………...... ……….……Room C108...... Mitra Golzy

Physical Education………………………….Room A216………………….…………. Craig Raub

Social Studies...…………………………..…...Room C111...... Kenny Thomason

Science……………………….……………….….Room C205...... Jenny Green

Electives……………………………………...…Room E100...... JJ Turner-McMillan

Foreign Languages & Culture…………..Room K105...... Maria Prado

Special Education……………………………Special Ed Office……………………... Amy Harrison

(All RSP, SDC, & Assistants)


·  Welcome and Purpose……….…………………………………………………….Department Chairs

·  Review the content strand results from last week, specifically looking at the areas of needed improvement.

·  Review and discuss the two Common Core State Standards (CCSSs) shown on the poster.

·  Break up into smaller groups either by grade level or content taught.

·  Each group will develop a lesson plan for their content that addresses one of the two CCSSs within their grade level or subject (ie: physics, world history, performing arts, computer science). Each group only needs to pick one of the two CCSSs.

·  Each group should use the LAUSD Daily Lesson Plan Template as a guide in the development of the plan. The lesson plan may be turned in on the template, or in any other preferred format.

·  Lesson plans are to be turned in to the department chair. The lesson plans will be demonstrated at a later Professional Development time.

·  Conclusion/Evaluation

Department Chairs are to collect teachers’ My Data print outs and attach those to the lesson plan template. Turn in Sign Ins, Template and Teacher test results to Mrs. Blake at the end of the PD.

We will follow immediately at 3:00 PM with a faculty meeting in the Little Theater.