Crimes Act 1914

Act No.12 of 1914 as amended

This compilation was prepared on 2 April 2007
taking into account amendments up to Act No.21 of 2007

Volume 1includes:Table of Contents


The text of any of those amendments not in force
on that date is appended in the Notes section

The operation of amendments that have been incorporated may be
affected by application provisions that are set out in the Notes section

Volume 2 includes:Table of Contents


Note 1

Table of Acts

Act Notes

Table of Amendments

Notes 2 – 5

Table A

Prepared by the Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing,
AttorneyGeneral’s Department, Canberra

Crimes Act 1914 1



1Short title [see Note 1]


3AAState offences that have a federal aspect

3AOperation of Act

3BArrangements with States, Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory and Norfolk Island

3BAApplication of the Criminal Code

PartIAA—Search, information gathering, arrest and related powers



3CANature of functions of magistrate

3DApplication of Part

Division2—Search warrants

3EWhen search warrants can be issued

3FThe things that are authorised by a search warrant

3GAvailability of assistance and use of force in executing a warrant

3HDetails of warrant to be given to occupier etc.

3JSpecific powers available to constables executing warrant

3KUse of equipment to examine or process things

3LUse of electronic equipment at premises

3LAPerson with knowledge of a computer or a computer system to assist access etc.

3LBAccessing data held on other premises—notification to occupier of that premises

3MCompensation for damage to electronic equipment

3NCopies of seized things to be provided

3POccupier entitled to be present during search

3QReceipts for things seized under warrant

3RWarrants by telephone or other electronic means

3SRestrictions on personal searches

Division3—Stopping and searching conveyances

3TSearches without warrant in emergency situations

3UHow a constable exercises a power under section3T

Division3A—Powers to stop, question and search persons in relation to terrorist acts

Subdivision A—Definitions


Subdivision B—Powers

3UBApplication of Subdivision

3UCRequirement to provide name etc.

3UDStopping and searching

3UESeizure of terrorism related items and serious offence related items

3UFHow seized things must be dealt with

3UGApplication to magistrate

3UHRelationship of Subdivision to other laws

Subdivision C—Prescribed security zones

3UIApplications for declarations

3UJMinister may make declarations

Subdivision D—Sunset provision

3UKSunset provision

Division4—Arrest and related matters

3VRequirement to furnish name etc.

3WPower of arrest without warrant by constables

3XArrest of prisoner unlawfully at large

3YPower of arrest without warrant of person on bail

3ZPower of arrest without warrant by other persons

3ZAWarrants for arrest

3ZBPower to enter premises to arrest offender

3ZCUse of force in making arrest

3ZDPersons to be informed of grounds of arrest

3ZEPower to conduct a frisk search of an arrested person

3ZFPower to conduct an ordinary search of an arrested person

3ZGPower to conduct search of arrested person’s premises

3ZHPower to conduct an ordinary search or a strip search

3ZIRules for conduct of strip search

3ZJTaking fingerprints, recordings, samples of handwriting or photographs

3ZKDestruction of identification material

3ZLOffence of refusing to allow identification material to be taken

3ZMIdentification parades

3ZNIdentification parades for suspects under 18 etc.

3ZOIdentification by means of photographs

3ZPIdentification procedures where there is more than one suspect


Division4A—Determining a person’s age

Subdivision A—Preliminary


Subdivision B—Determination of age during investigation

3ZQBCircumstances where investigating official may seek authority to carry out a prescribed procedure

3ZQCObtaining of consents for the carrying out of a prescribed procedure

3ZQDWithdrawal of consent

3ZQERecording of giving of information about carrying out a prescribed procedure and relevant responses

Subdivision C—Determination of age during proceedings

3ZQFCircumstances where judge or magistrate may order carrying out of a prescribed procedure on own initiative

Subdivision D—Communication of orders by judges or magistrates

3ZQGOrders made by judges or magistrates concerning carrying out of a prescribed procedure

Subdivision E—Matters relating to the carrying out of prescribed procedures

3ZQHAppropriate medical or other standards to be applied

3ZQIReasonable and necessary force

Subdivision F—Disclosure and destruction of age determination information

3ZQJDisclosure of age determination information

3ZQKDestruction of age determination information

Division4B—Power to obtain information and documents

Subdivision A—Definitions


Subdivision B—Power to request information or documents about terrorist acts from operators of aircraft or ships

3ZQMPower to request information or documents about terrorist acts from operators of aircraft or ships

Subdivision C—Power to obtain documents relating to serious terrorism and nonterrorism offences

3ZQNPower to obtain documents relating to serious terrorism offences

3ZQOPower to obtain documents relating to serious offences

3ZQPMatters to which documents must relate

3ZQQPowers conferred on Federal Magistrates in their personal capacity

3ZQRDocuments must be produced

3ZQSOffence for failure to comply with notice under section3ZQN or 3ZQO

3ZQTOffence for disclosing existence or nature of notice


3ZRConduct of ordinary searches and frisk searches

3ZSAnnouncement before entry

3ZTOffence for making false statements in warrants

3ZUOffences relating to telephone warrants

3ZVRetention of things which are seized

3ZWMagistrate may permit a thing to be retained

3ZXLaw relating to legal professional privilege not affected


4AAACommonwealth laws conferring nonjudicial functions and powers on officers

4AABArrangements for conferral of nonjudicial functions and powers

4AMeaning of certain words

4AAPenalty units

4ABConversion of pecuniary penalties expressed in dollar amounts to penalty units

4BPecuniary penalties—natural persons and bodies corporate

4COffences under 2 or more laws


4EPecuniary penalties

4FEffect of alterations in penalties

4GIndictable offences

4HSummary offences

4JCertain indictable offences may be dealt with summarily

4JASome indictable offences punishable by fine only may be dealt with summarily

4KContinuing and multiple offences

4LSpecified defences not to preclude other defences

4MChildren under 10

4NChildren over 10 but under 14

6Accessory after the fact

9Seizure and condemnation of forfeitable goods

9AForfeited articles to be dealt with by Official Trustee

9BCosts etc. payable to Official Trustee

13Institution of proceedings in respect of offences

15Remand of defendant

15AABail not to be granted in certain cases

15ABMatters to be considered in certain bail applications

15AEnforcement of fines etc.

15BTime for commencement of prosecutions

15CForm of indictments, informations and summonses

15EPrivilege of Parliament not affected

15FCivil rights not affected

PartIAB—Controlled operations for obtaining evidence about Commonwealth offences

Division1—Objects of Part

15GObjects of Part

15GAConcurrent operation of State and Territory laws


15HWhat is a controlled operation?

15HAMeaning of engage in conduct etc.

15HBWhat is a serious Commonwealth offence or a serious State offence that has a federal aspect?

15ILaw enforcement officers etc. not liable for offences committed for purposes of authorised controlled operation

15IAIndemnification of law enforcement officers etc.

15IBRequirements that must be met for the purposes of sections15I and 15IA

15ICEffect of sections15I and 15IA on other laws relating to criminal investigation

15IDCompensation for loss or injury

15JApplication for certificate authorising a controlled operation—by whom and to whom made

15KForm and contents of application

15LUrgent applications

15MOn what grounds may a certificate authorising a controlled operation be given?

15NForm and contents of certificate

15NAVariation of certificate

15OSurrender of certificate

15OATermination of certificate

15OBExpiry of certificate after 6 months or 3 months

15OCWho are nominated Tribunal members?

15PPeriod for which certificate is in force

15PAEffect of being unaware etc. of variation, surrender, termination or expiry of certificate

15QChief Executive Officer of Customs to be notified of certain certificates

15RQuarterly reports to the Minister

15SContents of quarterly reports

15TMinister to table report before Parliament

15UEvidentiary certificates

Division2A—Monitoring of controlled operations by the Ombudsman

15UAOmbudsman to be notified of certain matters

15UBInspection of records by Ombudsman

15UCAnnual reports by Ombudsman

15UDAncillary matters concerning reports

Division3—Controlled operations started before commencement of this Part


15WMinister may give certificate about controlled operation that involved unlawful importation of narcotic goods by law enforcement officer

15XEvidence of illegal importation etc. of narcotic goods not to be rejected on ground of unlawful conduct by law enforcement officer

PartIAC—Assumed identities

Division1—Definitions etc.

15XADefinitions etc.

Division2—Effect of an assumed identity

15XBAssumed identities may be acquired and used

15XCProtection from criminal liability

15XDIndemnification of approved officers and persons

15XEEffect of being unaware of variation or revocation of authorisation

15XFDocuments authorising use of skill or qualification

Division3—Authorising the acquisition or use of assumed identities

15XGCommonwealth authorisations of the acquisition or use of assumed identities

15XHState or Territory authorisations of the acquisition or use of assumed identities

15XIContents of an authorisation for an assumed identity

15XJWhen an authorisation is in force

15XKVariation and revocation of authorisations

Division4—Issuing and cancelling evidence of assumed identities

15XLAuthorising person may request agencies and bodies to issue evidence of assumed identities etc.

15XMRequesting Commonwealth agencies to issue evidence of assumed identities etc.

15XMARequesting State agencies or Territory agencies to issue evidence of assumed identities etc.

15XNRequesting nongovernment bodies to issue evidence of assumed identities etc.

15XOCancelling evidence of assumed identities etc.

15XPProtection from criminal liability

15XQIndemnification of issuing agencies etc.

Division5—Offences relating to assumed identities

15XRMisuse of assumed identities

15XSDisclosing information relating to assumed identities


15XTDisclosing real identities during court proceedings etc.

15XUKeeping and auditing records of assumed identities

15XUAMatters to be reported

15XVConcurrent operation of State and Territory laws


PartIAD—Protection of children in proceedings for sexual offences


15YProceedings to which this Part applies


Division2—Admissibility of evidence

15YBEvidence of sexual reputation

15YCEvidence of sexual experience

15YDLeave under this Division


15YEDisallowing inappropriate or aggressive crossexamination

15YFUnrepresented defendants—crossexamination of child complainants

15YGUnrepresented defendants—crossexamination of child witnesses

15YHRepresented defendants—crossexamination of child witnesses and child complainants

Division4—Special facilities for child witnesses to give evidence

15YIClosedcircuit television

15YJGiving evidence by closedcircuit television

15YKViewing evidence given by closedcircuit television

15YLAlternative arrangements for giving evidence

Division5—Use of video recordings

15YMUse of video recordings

15YNAdmissibility of evidence given using video recordings


15YOAdults accompanying child witnesses

15YPExclusion of people from the courtroom

15YQWarnings etc. not to be given about children’s evidence

15YRPublication identifying child witnesses or child complainants

15YSGeneral powers of a court

15YTDivision5 of PartIIIA unaffected

PartIAE—Video link evidence in proceedings for terrorism and related offences etc.

15YUProceedings to which this Part applies

15YVWhen court may take evidence by video link


15YXAdjournment after a section15YV direction or order etc.

15YYTechnical requirements for video link

15YZDirection to jury

15YZAApplication of laws about witnesses

15YZBAdministration of oaths and affirmations


15YZDAppeals against section15YV directions or orders etc.

15YZEOther laws about evidence not affected

15YZFSaving of other laws

PartIB—Sentencing, imprisonment and release of federal offenders



Division2—General sentencing principles

16AMatters to which court to have regard when passing sentence etc.

16BCourt to have regard to other periods of imprisonment required to be served

16BATaking other offences into account


16DNo corporal punishment

Division3—Sentences of imprisonment

16ECommencement of sentences

16FCourt to explain sentence

17ARestriction on imposing sentences

17BRestriction on imposing sentences for certain minor offences

18Sentence of imprisonment

19Cumulative, partly cumulative or concurrent sentences

19ADetention of person in State or Territory prisons

19AARemissions and reductions of sentences

Division4—The fixing of nonparole periods and the making of recognizance release orders

19ABWhen court must fix nonparole period or make a recognizance release order

19ACWhen court must fix a recognizance release order

19ADPersons already subject to a nonparole period

19AEPersons already subject to recognizance release order

19AFNonparole period or prerelease periods not to exceed remitted sentence

19AGNonparole periods for sentences for certain offences

19AHFailure to fix nonparole period or make recognizance release order

19AJCourt may only fix nonparole periods or make recognizance release orders for federal sentences of imprisonment

19AKPossible deportation no impediment to fixing nonparole period

Division5—Conditional release on parole or licence

19ALRelease on parole

19AMPerson not to be released on parole if still serving State or Territory sentence

19ANParole order is subject to conditions

19APRelease on licence

19AQWhen parole order or licence automatically revoked

19ARFixing of nonparole period etc. where parole or licence automatically revoked

19ASCourt to issue warrant of detention where person required to serve balance of sentence

19ATWhat happens when later conviction is quashed?

19AUAttorneyGeneral may revoke parole order or licence

19AVArrest of person whose parole order or licence revoked by AttorneyGeneral

19AWWhere person on parole or licence notified of revocation

19AXWhere person on parole or licence not notified of revocation

19AYAppeals in respect of warrants issued under subsection 19AW(1) or that subsection as applied

19AZEvidence before prescribed authority

19AZADisobedience of summons etc.

19AZBCan person be released on parole or licence if earlier parole order or licence revoked?

19AZCEffect of parole order and licence on sentence

19AZDState and Territory laws providing for leave of absence, prerelease etc. to apply to federal offenders

19BDischarge of offenders without proceeding to conviction

20Conditional release of offenders after conviction

20AFailure to comply with condition of discharge or release

20AAPower to discharge or vary conditions of recognizance

20ABAdditional sentencing alternatives

20ACFailure to comply with sentence passed, or order made, under subsection 20AB(1)

Division6—Unfitness to be tried

20BConsequences of preliminary finding that person unfit to be tried

20BAUpon determining prima faciecase, court to dismiss charge or to determine fitness within 12 months

20BBPersons found by a court to be likely to be fit within 12 months

20BCPersons found by a court not to be likely to be fit within 12 months

20BDReview by AttorneyGeneral

20BEAttorneyGeneral may order release

20BFRelease order may be revoked

20BGAttorneyGeneral to review detention of persons taken back into detention

20BHState or Territory mental health authorities to be notified of certain releases

Division7—Acquittal because of mental illness

20BJAcquittal where person mentally ill

20BKReview by AttorneyGeneral

20BLAttorneyGeneral may order release

20BMRelease order may be revoked

20BNAttorneyGeneral to review detention of persons taken back into detention

20BPState or Territory authorities to be notified of certain releases

Division8—Summary disposition of persons suffering from mental illness or intellectual disability

20BQPerson suffering from mental illness or intellectual disability

20BRMeans by which court may be informed

Division9—Sentencing alternatives for persons suffering from mental illness or intellectual disability

20BSHospital orders

20BTLesser periods of imprisonment fixed under hospital orders

20BUDischarge of hospital orders

20BVPsychiatric probation orders

20BWBreach of psychiatric probation orders

20BXEnforcement of psychiatric probation orders

20BYProgram probation orders


20COffences by children and young persons

21BReparation for offences

21DPrerogative of mercy and other Commonwealth laws unaffected

21EDirector of Public Prosecutions may appeal against reductions where promised cooperation with law enforcement agencies refused

21FPrescribed authorities and parole officers

22Conditions etc. that a court may impose on certain offenders

22AState orders relating to passports

PartIC—Investigation of Commonwealth offences


23Outline of this Part

23AApplication of Part

23AAHow this Part applies to the Antarctic Territories


Division2—Powers of detention

23CPeriod of arrest if arrested for nonterrorism offence

23CAPeriod of arrest if arrested for terrorism offence

23CBSpecifying time during which suspension or delay of questioning may be disregarded

23DExtension of investigation period if arrested for nonterrorism offence

23DAExtension of investigation period if arrested for terrorism offence

23EApplications by telephone etc.

Division3—Obligations of investigating officials

23FCautioning persons who are under arrest or protected suspects

23GRight to communicate with friend, relative and legal practitioner

23HAboriginal persons and Torres Strait Islanders

23JLists of interview friends and interpreters

23KPersons under 18


23MProviding information relating to persons who are under arrest or protected suspects

23NRight to interpreter

23PRight of nonAustralian nationals to communicate with consular office

23QTreatment of persons under arrest

23SRight to remain silent etc. not affected

23TActs authorised under other laws

23UTape recording of information required to be given to person under arrest

23VTape recording of confessions and admissions

23WProof of belief

PartID—Forensic procedures

Division1—Explanation of expressions used


23WBInterview friends

Division2—Authority and time limits for forensic procedures on suspects: summary of rules

23WCHow forensic procedures may be authorised in different circumstances

23WCATime limits for carrying out forensic procedures

Division3—Forensic procedures on suspect by consent

23WDForensic procedure may be carried out with informed consent of suspect

23WEPeople who cannot consent to forensic procedures

23WFInformed consent to forensic procedures—general

23WGInformed consent to forensic procedures—Aboriginal persons and Torres Strait Islanders

23WHConstable may request suspect to consent to forensic procedure

23WIMatters to be considered by constable before requesting consent to forensic procedure

23WJMatters that suspect must be informed of before giving consent

23WKWithdrawal of consent

23WLRecording of giving of information and suspect’s responses

23WLATime for carrying out forensic procedure—suspect not in custody

Crimes Act 1914 1

Investigation of Commonwealth offences Part IC

Obligations of investigating officials Division 3

Section 23W

An Act relating to Offences against the Commonwealth


1 Short title [see Note 1]

This Act may be cited as the Crimes Act 1914.

3 Interpretation

(1)In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears:

Aboriginal person means a person of the Aboriginal race of Australia.

ACC means the Australian Crime Commission.

ACC authorising officer has the meaning given in subsection 15J(4).

ACLEI authorising officer has the meaning given in subsection 15J(3A).

AFP authorising officer has the meaning given in subsection 15J(3).

appropriate authorising officer, in relation to a certificate given under section15M, means:

(a)if the certificate is given by an AFP authorising officer—any AFP authorising officer; or

(aa)if the certificate is given by an ACLEI authorising officer—any ACLEI authorising officer; or

(b)if the certificate is given by an ACC authorising officer—any ACC authorising officer.

associated offence means:

(a)in relation to an offence against section233B of the Customs Act 1901—an ancillary offence (within the meaning of the Criminal Code) that relates to the offence; or

(b)in relation to an offence against section10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 of the Crimes (Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) Act 1990—an ancillary offence (within the meaning of the Criminal Code) that relates to the offence; or

(c)in relation to an offence against a law of a State or Territory—an offence:

(i)under a provision of a law of that State or Territory that corresponds to a provision of Part2.4 of the Criminal Code; and

(ii)that relates to the offence.

Australian law enforcement officer means a law enforcement officer other than a member of a police force, or other law enforcement agency, of a foreign country.

authorising officer, in relation to a controlled operation, has the meaning given in section15J.

bail authority means a court or person authorised to grant bail under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory.

Commissioner means the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police.

Commonwealth offence, except in PartIC, means an offence against a law of the Commonwealth.

Commonwealth officer means a person holding office under, or employed by, the Commonwealth, and includes:

(a)a person appointed or engaged under the Public Service Act 1999;

(aa)a person permanently or temporarily employed in the Public Service of a Territory or in, or in connection with, the Defence Force, or in the Service of a public authority under the Commonwealth;

(b)the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, a Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, an AFP employee or a special member of the Australian Federal Police (all within the meaning of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979); and

(c)for the purposes of section70, a person who, although not holding office under, or employed by, the Commonwealth, a Territory or a public authority under the Commonwealth, performs services for or on behalf of the Commonwealth, a Territory or a public authority under the Commonwealth; and

(d)for the purposes of section70:

(i)a person who is an employee of the Australian Postal Corporation;

(ii)a person who performs services for or on behalf of the Australian Postal Corporation; and

(iii)an employee of a person who performs services for or on behalf of the Australian Postal Corporation.

constable means a member or special member of the Australian Federal Police or a member of the police force or police service of a State or Territory.

controlled operation has the meaning given by section15H.

controlled substance means:

(a)a controlled drug or border controlled drug within the meaning of Part9.1 of the Criminal Code; or

(b)a controlled plant or border controlled plant within the meaning of Part9.1 of the Criminal Code; or

(c)a controlled precursor or border controlled precursor within the meaning of Part9.1 of the Criminal Code.

conveyance includes an aircraft, vehicle or vessel.

dentist means a dental practitioner within the meaning of the Health Insurance Act 1973.

Deputy Commissioner means a Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police.

federal aspect, in relation to an offence against a law of a State or of the Australian Capital Territory, has the meaning given by subsection 3AA(1).

Note:This subsection defines State to include the Northern Territory.

have in possession includes having under control in any place whatever, whether for the use or benefit of the person of whom the term is used or of another person, and although another person has the actual possession or custody of the thing in question.