Minutes of the L Street Running Club Board Meeting September 7, 2016

Attendance: Laureen Bina, Theresa Cidlevich, Caitlin Doherty, Tom Eggers, Siobhan Farrell, Maureen Moroney, Stan Nyberg, Julianne O’Neil, Joe Perdicaro.

The meeting was lead by President Theresa Cidlevich.

President (Theresa Cidlevich):

People had a good time at the barbeque.

We received thank you notes from St.Vincent DePaul and from Laura Morrissey.

Red Parrott gave $500 to the Jim Kane Race; the Plymouth Rock Foundation gave $1,000.

Laureen will send thank you’s to organizations and people who donated to the Jim Kane Race.

Andrew G. gave $1,000 to the Jim Kane Race.

Secretary (Stan Nyberg): Minutes of the July 6 Board meeting were accepted as corrected.

Theresa and Caitlin will send Stan information they have about positions responsible for club accounts.

Treasurer (Joe Perdicaro): Total $ 14,654.21

LSRC Charities 00.00

Jim Kane Race 6,778.34


Available $ 7,875.86

Membership income: 8/26/2016 $11,440.00; 8/25/2015 $12,320.00.

Joe distributed a sheet summarizing Jim Kane Sugar Bowl revenues over five years from 2012 through 2016. This sheet is attached.

Apparel: (Caitlin Doherty lead the discussion): Caitlin suggested ordering more hats at $25 each. A minimum order is 12 hats. There was a brief discussion about the color, probably green. Caitlin will go to College Hype to examples of colors.

Events (Caitlin Doherty): The Annual South Boston Street Fair will be on East Broadway on Saturday. We will have a table, hand out information about the club including weeknight and Sunday runs. We give out Jim Kane shirts for people who sign up for membership. At a later date we will have a raffle for new members.

Media (Maureen Moroney): Maureen will place a notice in South Boston Online to invite runners to join us for a 3 mile fun run on October 18.

Membership: (Caitlin Doherty reported for Stacie): 138 Females, 143 Males and 46 Families, Total 373 (assuming 2 members per family).

Newsletter Julianne O’Neill: Julianne sent out a newsletter with information about the barbeque and new membership information.

Sunshine (Laureen Bina): Paul Mancuso has a broken hip. Billy MacCleod died. His wake will be this weekend at Dolan Funeral Home in East Milton. On 10/3 we will have a hill run in memory of Billy.

Alternate (Siobhan Farrell): Siobhan Farrell will arrange the fun run water stop on October 18. Light refreshments and a snack will be served.

Massage Works will be here on September 18. A $5.00 tip is suggested for each massage.

Webmaster (Tom Eggers): Nothing to report.

Unfinished Business

Review criteria for being selected for BAA numbers.

Discuss voting procedure and By Laws.

Open discussion on how we can get people to volunteer and generally low level of participation by members.

Submitted by Stan Nyberg