Mathematics Curriculum Guide

Diocese of Sioux City

Grades 1-8

Standard 1: Understands and applies concept of numbers and operations.

Benchmark 1:Describes the properties of numbers and number systems

Benchmark 2: Understands the properties of operations

Benchmark 3:Computes fluently and makes reasonable estimates

Standard 2: Understands and applies concepts of algebra and functions.

Benchmark 1Creates and extends simple patterns

Benchmark 2:Sorts, classifies and orders objects

Benchmark 3:Uses concrete, pictorial and verbal representations to understand symbolic notation

Benchmark 4:Uses models to represent mathematical situations

Benchmark 5:Describes change in a variety of situations

Standard 3: Understands and applies properties of geometry.

Benchmark 1:Identifies similarities and differences between simple geometric shapes

Benchmark 2:Uses coordinate geometry to describe relationships

Benchmark 3:Identifies transformations and symmetry

Benchmark 4:Uses geometric reasoning to solve problems

Standard 4: Understands and applies concepts of measurement.

Benchmark 1:Understands measurable attributes and the process of measurement

Benchmark 2:Uses a variety of techniques for measurement

Benchmark 3:Uses instruments of measurement (ITBS)

Benchmark 4:Makes measurement estimates and checks for accuracy

Standard 5: Understands and applies concepts of data analysis and probability.

Benchmark 1:Collects, organizes, and displays data to answer a question

Benchmark 2:Uses statistical methods to describe data

Benchmark 3:Reads and interprets data

Benchmark 4:Uses probability concepts

Standard 6: Understands and applies problem solving strategies.

Benchmark 1:Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems

Benchmark 2:Justifies the process used to solve a numerical problem

Standard 7: Communicates and reasons mathematically.

Benchmark 1:Comprehends mathematical language

Benchmark 2:Expresses ideas using mathematical terms and representations

Benchmark 3:Analyzes and evaluates mathematical thinking

Benchmark 4:Uses technology to enhance mathematical learning

Process Standards

The statements listed below each process standard are to be used for clarification. The student will use problem solving, reasoning, communications and connections in conjunction with all content standards. The process standards are not benchmarked.

Standard 8: Recognizes that mathematics is an integrated, connected, meaningful body of knowledge.

  1. Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas;
  2. Understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole;
  3. Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.

Standard 9: Recognizes and uses mathematical representations.

  1. Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas;
  2. Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems;
  3. Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena.

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