Ms. Daniel

SouthBrowardHigh School

Computing for College and Careers

In this age of electronic technology, it is time that we become familiar and comfortable using the computer and focus on how we can apply this knowledge in the business world. Understanding the principal uses of computers and software in business will give you a good head start in the job world, and the programs you will be using are used extensively in the industry today. As an extra bonus, you will find that these same skills will also be helpful for those of you going on to further your education or for simply making things easier for you at school and home.

Classroom Rules

  1. Students must be on time for class.
  1. Students should raise their hands for permission to speak, leave their seat, go to the printer, etc.
  1. Students must do their best at all times by completing all in-class and homework assignments.
  1. Students must bring all necessary supplies to class (which includes a writing utensil and paper).
  1. Students must read and follow the rules and guidelines set forth by the Student Code of Conduct.

Class Procedures

The following class procedures are designed to make our relationship a smooth one. They are designed to make your time spent here more meaningful and my time more efficient. By conscientiously following these guidelines, our days together will be profitable, rewarding, and FUN!

  1. Be here every day, on time. Students are to be in assigned seats with the necessary supplies before the bell rings.
  1. There is NO MAKE-UP WORK for unexcused absences. Upon returning from an excused absence it is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILTY to get the assignment from the instructor. You are permitted TWO DAYS for each absence to make up work.
  1. Students must raise their hand in order to speak or request permission to leave their seat. If the teacher is talking, she will acknowledge you and will call on you when she is ready.
  1. Students must remain in their assigned seats at all times.

Classroom Procedures Cont’d

  1. Your desk is your work area. The desks are meant to hold the machine and your materials and are not to be used for sitting. The chairs, although they have wheels, are built for sitting and are not to be used as vehicles, recliners, or somewhere to rest your feet.
  1. If a computer is not working properly, please notify the instructor at once. PLEASE REPORT ANY ABUSE OF COMPUTERS, DESKS, OR CHAIRS AT ONCE, otherwise you may be held financially responsible for the damage.
  1. All supplies must be returned to their respective places before the end of class when notified by the instructor.
  1. THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS THE CLASS the teacher does. The class will be dismissed only if all students are in their assigned seats when bell rings.
  1. Each student will receive three bathroom passes at the start of each quarter. These passes may be turned in at the end of the quarter for extra credit. For example, if all three passes are unused, the student will receive six extra credit points. If one pass is used and two are turned in at the end of the quarter, the student will receive one extra credit point per pass. Any additional hall passes issued will result in a grade reduction.
  1. CHEATING OF ANY SORT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. All violators will immediately receive Saturday school and a call home to parent(s).
  1. Food and/or beverages, cell phones, 2-way pagers, CD players, MP3 players, headphones, hand-held games, cards, hats, headbands, or head gear of any sort are NOT allowed in class at any time nor is sleeping.


  1. Warning – Verbal Reprimand
  2. Detention and parental contact
  3. SaturdaySchool and parental contact
  4. Administrative Referral


  1. Teacher Praise
  2. Parental Contact
  3. Free time on Fridays (educational games, vocabulary driven cross-word & word searchers, use of computer for assignments for other classes)
  4. Coupons (make-up a missing assignment, skip a current event paper, 5 extra points on a quiz or test)

Grading Scale

100 – 90A

89 – 87B+

86 – 80B

79 – 77C+

76 – 70C

69 – 67D+

66 – 60D

59 or belowF

Grading Criteria

Daily Assignments30%




Course Syllabus

First Quarter

Week 1 – Getting Started with Word Processing

Week 2 – Creating and Saving Documents

Week 3 – Opening and Editing Documents

Week 4 – Text Alignments and Enhancements

Week 5 – Format and Edit Documents

Week 6 – Additional Formatting and Editing

Week 7 – Working with Multiple-Page Documents

Week 8 – Formatting Columns and Tables

Week 9 – Word-processing Project (Resume Project)

Second Quarter

Week 1 – Merging Documents

Week 2 – Multiple Document and Repetitive Text

Week 3 – Working with Graphics, Rules and Boxed Text

Week 4 – Using Drawing Tools

Week 5 – Advanced Drawing Tools

Week 6 – Adding Special Effects

Week 7 – Desktop Publishing

Week 8 – Classroom Newspaper Project

Week 9 – Classroom Newspaper Project


South Broward High

Ms. Daniel, Room 444

Computer Applications

I, ______agree to follow the rules and regulations of this class.

I am expected to

  1. be on time for class, seated and prepared before the tardy bell rings.
  2. raise my hand in order to speak or leave my seat.
  3. respect the teacher, my classmates, and others.
  4. work quietly in class.
  5. listen carefully to directions.
  6. demonstrate good computer ethics.
  7. turn in all assignments in a timely manner with the proper headings.
  8. report all problems that occur with my assigned computer.
  9. eat and drink only in the cafeteria and not in the classroom.
  10. remain seated until dismissed by instructor.

Computer Policy

Student will not

  1. use software applications that have not been assigned to the class.
  2. change the format of the computer.
  3. save any files on the computer hard drive.
  4. use the Internet for personal use to play/download games, music, etc.
  5. write on monitors, printers, mouse pads, keyboards, and hard drives.
  6. print items unless they have permission from the teacher.
  7. change the icons on the desktop.
  8. remove any programs or make screen savers using profanity.
  9. install unauthorized software.
  10. change the positions of the letters on the keyboard.

The following are the penalties for misuse of lab equipment:

First OffenceInternal Suspension

Second OffenseReferral

Third OffenseOutside Suspension or/and removal from program


Student Signature______Date______

Parent Signature______Date______