Special Commission of Inquiry into matters relating to the
Police investigation of certain child sexual abuse allegations
in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle

Index to TOR 1 MEDIA Tender Bundle

Tab / Date / Description / Page No. / Public Hearing Exhibit No. & Tender Date / Hyperlink /
Volume 1
1.  / Document removed at Commissioner’s direction / 1-2 / View Document
2.  / 8 October 1999 / NSW Police Force COPS Report E 8026529, Sexual Offence, Victim AE / 3-7 / View Document
3.  / 8 October 1999 / Faxed copy of letter from Mark Watters to Bishops Chancery re Information regarding AE / 8 / View Document
4.  / 8 October 1999 –
5 April 2000 / Duty book of Mark Watters:
·  8 October 1999
·  11 October 1999
·  12 October 1999
·  13 October 1999
·  3 February 2000
·  6 February 2000
·  7 February 2000
·  16 February 2000
·  27 February 2000
·  4 April 2000
·  5 April 2000 / 9-15 / View Document
5.  / 11 October 1999 / Letter from Mark Watters to Centrelink re Address of Denis McAlinden, possibly Western Australia / 16-19 / View Document
6.  / 1 December 1999 / Warrant in the first instance to apprehend a person charged with an offence re Denis McAlinden, CNI no. 698137577 / 20 / View Document
7.  / 3 June 2002 / NSW Police COPS event E 14348559 / 21-26 / View Document
8.  / 20 June 2002 / Business card of Peter Fox and handwritten note re Father James Fletcher by Bishop Michael Malone / 27-28 / View Document
9.  / 26 August 2002 / Fax message from Jacqui Flipo to Commander of Field Services (2nd page missing) and fax message from Jacqui Flipo to Commander of Field Services attaching document re Enquiries to be made with Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (26 September 2002) / 29-31 / View Document
10.  / 29 October 2002 / Document relating to the issue of first complaint statement to be obtained from UR4 regarding alleged sexual assault upon AF / 32 / View Document
11.  / 29 October 2002 / Document relating to the issue of First complaint statement obtained from UR5 regarding alleged sexual assault upon AF. Refer to Job 573470 & E 11302712 / 33-34 / View Document
12.  / 31 October 2002 / Document re Application for victims compensation by AF regarding Denis McAlinden and UR3 / 35 / View Document
12A. / Undated / Cover page case file regarding victim: AF / 35(a)-35(b) / View Document
12B. / 4 March 2003 / NSW Police Force Document by Peter Fox re Request by Detective Sergeant Peter Fox to travel to Lithgow Correctional Centre for the interviewing of inmate Vincent Ryan / 35(c) / View Document
12C. / 21 May 2003 / NSW Police Force Document by Peter Fox re Ombudsman notification involving Father James Fletcher / 35(d)-35(e) / Exhibit 55: 2 July 2013 / View Document
13.  / 29 May 2003 / Bundle of documents including: / 36-45(a) / View Document
·  NSW Police Service report by Peter Fox re Ombudsman notification involving Fletcher and AH (29 May 2003) / 36-39 / Exhibit 56: 2 July 2013 / View Document
·  NSW Police Statement of Peter Fox re Recorded conversation of meeting with Michael Malone and James Saunders (28 May 2003) / 40-43 / Exhibit 51: 2 July 2013 / View Document
·  NSW Police Statement of Kay Ingold (29 May 2003) / 44-45(a) / View Document
14.  / 30 December 2003 – 3 March 2006 / NSW Police Force Intelligence Information System, Information Report Summary I107133494 / 46-48 / View Document
15.  / 27 April 2004 / NSW Police Force report by Peter Fox re Request for a copy of Ombudsman’s Report regarding James Fletcher / 49 / View Document
15A. / 27 April 2004 / 3 x unsigned NSW Police Force reports by Peter Fox re Ombudsman notification involving Father James Fletcher / 49(a)-49(l) / Similar version found at:
Exhibit 56: 2 July 2013 / View Document
15B. / 11 May 2004 / NSW Police Force report by Peter Fox re Ombudsman notification involving Father James Fletcher / 49(m)-49(p) / Similar version found at:
Exhibit 56: 2 July 2013 / View Document
15C. / 16 June 2004 / Document by Peter Fox addressed to Debbie Grosskreutz re application for search warrant in relation to James Fletcher / 49(q) / View Document
16.  / 30 August 2004 / NSW Police Service Intelligence Information System, Information Report Summary I21949203 / 50-52 / View Document
17.  / 22 June 2005 / ·  NSW Police IASK 777437 Request for full address of Denis McAlinden
·  Centrelink, Commonwealth of Australia, Release of Information Form re Denis McAlinden / 52(a)-53 / View Document
18.  / 29 June 2005 / Document by T L Nicholas, Operation Peregrine, re outstanding warrant for Denis McAlinden CNI 698137577 for the offence of aggravated sexual assault, warrant no. W33798151 / 54 / View Document
19.  / 3 August 2005 / Email chain between Rosanna Harris and Mark Watters re McAlinden, attaching Copy of Information provided by the then PSO Director to the then DPEA on 24 August 1999 / 55-63 / Exhibit 191: 30 July 2013 / View Document
20.  / 10 August 2005 / Application to RiPS to retrieve archived records by Mark Watters re Denis McAlinden / 64 / View Document
21.  / 20 September 2005 / Application for the extradition of Denis McAlinden prepared by Mark Watters / 65-66 / Exhibit 34: 25 June 2013 / View Document
22.  / October 2005 (approximately) / NSW Police COPS case report C 16128387 AH Sexual Assault / 67-71 / View Document
23.  / 13 February 2007 / Email from Pearl D’mello to Peter Fox re Temporary Appointment, TA_Fox / 72-73 / View Document
24.  / 30 May 2007 / Email from Pearl D’mello to Peter Fox re Perm_Appt_CO_Fox, Job Ref. No. 06/052A – SAP Code - 50001446 / 74 / View Document
25.  / 10 July 2009 / Pages from diary of Detective Inspector Brad Tayler:
·  22 November 2010
·  29 November 2010
·  1 December 2010
·  2 December 2010
·  9 December 2010
·  10 December 2010 / 75-81 / View Document
26.  / 11 November 2009 / File Note re call from Garry Muirhead / 82 / View Document
27.  / 23 April 2010 / Document signed by Joanne McCarthy and Shaun McLeod acknowledging receipt of documents pertaining to Father Denis McAlinden and alleged criminal issues of Church officials within the Catholic Church and attached documents:
·  Letter from Michael Malone to Denis McAlinden (2 November 1995)
·  Unsigned letter from Leo Clarke to Denis McAlinden (19 October 1995)
·  Letter from Denis McAlinden to Leo Clarke (26 October 1995)
·  Letter from William Burston to Denis McAlinden (10 August 1999)
·  Letter from William Burston to John Davoren (10 August 1999)
·  Letter from Barry Hickey to Michael Malone (28 June 2002)
·  Email from John Davoren to Michael Malone (4 March 2003) / 83-99 / Exhibit 67: Letter from Leo Clarke to Denis McAlinden, dated 19 October 1995 (tendered 3 July 2013)
Exhibit 68: Letter from Denis McAlinden to Leo Clarke, dated 26 October 1995 (tendered 3 July 2013)
Exhibit 74: Letter from Michael Malone to Denis McAlinden, dated 2 November 1995 (tendered 4 July 2013)
Exhibit 93: Letter from William Burston to John Davoren, dated 10 August 1999 (tendered 11 July 2013)
Exhibit 95: Letter from William Burston to Denis McAlinden, dated 10 August 1999 (tendered 11 July 2013)
Exhibit 100: Email from John Davoren to Michael Malone dated 4 March 2003 and Child Sexual Abuse Information Dissemination to NSW Police Service Child Protection Enforcement Agency Form dated 4 March 2003 (tendered 12 July)
Exhibit 103: Letter from Archbishop Barry Hickey of Perth to Michael Malone, dated 28 June 2002 (tendered 15 July 2013) / View Document
28.  / 24 April 2010 / Email chain, ending with email from Joanne McCarthy to Shaun McLeod forwarding email from Joanne McCarthy to Brian Lucas (12:04PM) / 100-104 / View Document
28A. / 28 April 2010 / Article by Joanne McCarthy published in the Newcastle Herald, “Pedophile priest victim calls for church inquiry” / 104(a)-104(c) / View Document
28B. / 30 April 2010 / Article by Joanne McCarthy published in Newcastle Herald, “Pedophile priest victim feels pain of justice denied” / 104(d)-104(e) / View Document
29.  / 3 May 2010 / Email from Shaun McLeod to Joanne McCarthy (9:08AM) / 105 / View Document
30.  / Document removed at Commissioner’s direction / 105(a)-105(b) / View Document
30A. / 3 May 2010 / Memo from David Waddell to Brad Tayler re “Complaint of concealing serious offence by Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald, in relation to offences committed by Father Denis McAlinden a Catholic Priest and reported to members of the Maitland Newcastle Diocese of the Catholic Church” / 105(c)-105(d) / View Document
31.  / Document removed at Commissioner’s direction / 106-107 / View Document
32.  / Document removed at Commissioner’s direction / 108-109 / View Document
33.  / 10 May 2010 / Email from David Waddell to Brad Tayler re FW: from Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (8:25AM) / 110-112 / View Document
34.  / 10 May 2010 / Email from Shaun McLeod to David Waddell and Kristi Faber subject Fw: Re: Fw: from Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (01:21PM) / 113-116 / View Document
35.  / 10 May 2010 / Four page email chain, ending with email from Shaun McLeod to Joanne McCarthy Re: Fw: from Joanne McCarthy , Newcastle Herald / 117-120 / View Document
36.  / 13 May 2010 / Email correspondence, ending with email from Shaun McLeod to Norman Redgrove re Father James Fletcher BOE / 121-122 / View Document
37.  / 13 May 2010 / Email chain, ending with email from Shaun McLeod to Suzanne Smith re: FW: Scanned documents and attachments:
·  Email from John Davoren to Michael Malone (4 March 2003)
·  Letter from Barry Hickey to Michael Malone (28 June 2002)
·  Unsigned Decree of Leo Clarke (19 October 1995)
·  Letter from Denis McAlinden to Leo Clarke (26 October 1995)
·  Letter from Michael Malone to Denis McAlinden (2 November 1995)
·  Letter from William Burston to Denis McAlinden (10 August 1999)
·  Letter from William Burston to John Davoren (10 August 1999) / 123-140 / Exhibit 74: Letter from Michael Malone to Denis McAlinden, dated 2 November 1995 (tendered 4 July 2013)
Exhibit 93: Letter from William Burston to John Davoren, dated 10 August 1999 (tendered 11 July 2013)
Exhibit 95: Letter from William Burston to Denis McAlinden, dated 10 August 1999 (tendered 11 July 2013)
Exhibit 103: Letter from Archbishop Barry Hickey of Perth to Michael Malone, dated 28 June 2002 (tendered 15 July 2013) / View Document
38.  / 20 May 2010 / Email from Paul Jacob to Brad Tayler re Please contact [redacted] message from Jacob (Sex Crimes) (2:36) / 141 / View Document
38A. / 20 May 2010 / NSWPF report by Brad Tayler re “Allegations of Conceal Serious Offence by clergy formerly attached to the Maitland Newcastle Diocese of the Catholic Church” / 141(a) / View Document
39.  / Document removed at Commissioner’s direction / 142 / View Document
40.  / 2 June 2010 / Email from Brad Tayler to Anthony Townsend re Fw: From Joanne McCarthy, Newcastle Herald (14:41) / 143-144 / View Document
41.  / 4 June 2010 / File Note from Jacob to Rach re Potential RA from Newcastle and email chain ending with email from Paul Jacob to Brad Tayler (2:44) / 145-154 / View Document
42.  / Document removed at Commissioner’s direction / 155-156 / View Document
43.  / 8 June 2010 / Joanne McCarthy Email 116
Email from Joanne McCarthy to Peter Fox dated 8 June 2010 (16:14) annexing:
·  Email from John Davoren to Michael Malone dated 4 March 2003 re Denis McAlinden (p. 585)
·  Letter from Archbishop of Perth, B J Hickey to Bishop Malone dated 28 June 2002 re Fr Denis McAlinden (p. 586)
·  Letter from Bishop Clarke to Denis McAlinden dated 19 October 1995 requesting Fr McAlinden to petition the Holy See for a rescript of Laicization (p. 589-590)
·  Letter from Fr Denis McAlinden to Bishop Clarke dated 26 October 1995 referring to Alan Hart’s ‘vendetta’ and Brian Lucas’ advice (p. 591-592)
·  Letter from Bishop Malone to Denis McAlinden dated 2 November 1995 (p. 593) / 157-167 / Exhibit 74: Letter from Michael Malone to Denis McAlinden, dated 2 November 1995 (tendered 4 July 2013)
Exhibit 100: Email from John Davoren to Michael Malone dated 4 March 2003 and Child Sexual Abuse Information Dissemination to NSW Police Service Child Protection Enforcement Agency Form dated 4 March 2003 (tendered 12 July)
Exhibit 103: Letter from Archbishop Barry Hickey of Perth to Michael Malone, dated 28 June 2002 (tendered 15 July 2013) / View Document
44.  / 8 June 2010 / Email 114
Email from Joanne McCarthy to Peter Fox dated 8 June 2010 (16:15) annexing:
·  Letter from Father Burston (VG) to Denis McAlinden dated 10 August 1999 re “proceedings underway about matters that you are well aware of”. (p. 577)
·  Letter from Father Burston to John Davoren (PSO) dated 10 August 1999 re Fr McAlinden (p. 578) / 168-174 / Exhibit 93: Letter from William Burston to John Davoren, dated 10 August 1999 (tendered 11 July 2013)
Exhibit 95: Letter from William Burston to Denis McAlinden, dated 10 August 1999 (tendered 11 July 2013) / View Document
45.  / 8 June 2010 / Joanne McCarthy Email 100