Parent/Student Handbook

Prairie View Students have…


Dear Students and Parents:

Welcome to Prairie View Elementary School! We look forward to an exciting and successful

school year of working together to provide the best possible educational experiences for each of

you. The information in this handbook is designed to answer most of your questions about our

school. Students and parents, we encourage you to be involved with the school and all of the

activities and opportunities made available. Research has shown that those students and parents

who are most involved with their schools have the most successful and rewarding school

experiences. We are happy to have you at Prairie View Elementary!


The Faculty and Staff





























Appointments for students should be scheduled after school hours. If this is not possible and

a student will be late, please notify the office. If a child must leave early, come to the office and we

will call your child. Please remember to obtain a doctor’s note when a student does have an

appointment during school hours, and send that note to the office.


Students should arrive at school between 7:15 AM and 7:40 AM. There is no adult supervision before 7:15 AM and students should not be at school prior to that time. First bell rings at 7:30 and instruction will begin promptly at 7:40. Students arriving after 7:40 will need to be checked in at the office by an adult and will be marked tardy. Breakfast will be offered beginning at 7:15 AM. Students eating breakfast are expected to not be tardy to class.

Dismissal time is 2:35 p.m. If parents need to pick up children before regular dismissal time, please come to the office. We request that students not be picked up after 2:20 because students are in transition to the dismissal areas. Students are not allowed to leave school grounds during school hours unless their parent or persons designated on the enrollment form comes in person to check them out. Students will then be called to the office. Please send a note to the teacher if leaving early. Parent/Guardian must call before 2:00 to make a change in transportation. We cannot guarantee messages being delivered after that time.

If a student is a car rider, parents are to pull through the front loop to pick up their child. Please do not park in the east or west parking lots to come in and get your child. While this may seem quicker, there will be busses and daycare vans in these loops which presents a safety issue. When in the car line, DO NOT get out of your car because this causes delays for other car riders. If you must get out of your car to assist your child/children, please park in the parking lot, walk to the front entrance, and wait for us to call for your child. All other students are walked to their assigned bus/daycare van by a classroom teacher, and the crossing guard will walk students to their designated area.


Regular attendance is necessary for the academic and social development of all students.


All students must check in or out through the school office during school hours. Please do not

attempt to pick up your child from the classroom or the playground. Parents must sign the child out

in the school office at which time we will send for the student.

District attendance policy requires that: “If a child is absent without valid excuse four (4) or

more days or parts of days within a four week period or is absent without valid excuse for ten (10)

or more days or parts of days within a semester, the attendance officer shall notify the parent,

guardian, or custodian of the child and immediately report such absences to the district attorney in

the county wherein the school is located for juvenile proceedings pursuant to Title 10 of the

Oklahoma statutes. (Reference: 70 OS. #10-106.)”

A written request from the parent or guardian must be presented prior to the absence of a student for the purpose of observing religious holy days or family vacations.

A student will not receive credit for a course if he/she has in excess of twelve (12) absences during the semester. If a student exceeds the twelve (12) absences, a No Credit (NC) will be posted in place of a letter grade. A student may be considered for retention if he/she has in excess of twelve (12) absences during the semester. A conference with parent(s) or guardian(s) will be held prior to the retention of any student.


One of the most important lessons children learn is that of how to behave in a courteous and

controlled manner at all times. The purpose of the Prairie View Elementary school behavior policy is

to help our students learn these behaviors and to provide an environment in which our teachers

can teach and our students can learn.

Just as you, the parents, model and teach acceptable behaviors at home, our teachers teach

and model acceptable behaviors for school. We hope you will also discuss appropriate school and

social behaviors with your child and let them know that you expect the school rules to be followed.

We expect all students and parents to cooperate with us to ensure that we have a safe, orderly


Children generally behave in the ways their parents and teachers expect. By working together,

we can provide consistent expectations for student behavior. While teachers and parents benefit

from this approach, it is our students who gain the most.

In addition to this school policy, Prairie View Elementary students are expected to follow those

procedures and policies found in the MPS Student/Parent Policy Guide. Within this policy guide

are behaviors that may be grounds for suspension. These behaviors include possession of tobacco,

gross misconduct, alcohol and/or drug abuse, vandalism, criminal acts, dangerous weapons,

wireless telecommunication devices, missing and stolen property, and violent act or reckless

disregard. Each student is provided a copy of this guide, and we encourage you to review it with

your child.


Children will have library and text books at home from time to time. We try to instill in our

students a love and respect for books and the need for care in their use. Please help your child

assume the responsibility for the books and their return. Parents are asked to pay for books and

materials that are lost or damaged.


Please do not send your child to school with a note requesting to ride a different bus for

purposes of going home with a friend. Transportation must approve any requests for a change in

bus assignments. A student will not be allowed to ride other than his/her assigned bus without the

approval of transportation. The privilege of free transportation is contingent on reasonable behavior

by the student and will be withdrawn as necessary to correct behavioral problems. See also

Student Transportation in the district Student/Parent Policy Guide.


1Stay out of the street or road while waiting for the bus.

2Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver opens the door before

boarding the bus.

3Board policies and school regulations which apply to fighting, use of tobacco, and

dangerous weapons, and vandalism also apply to riders on the bus.

4Use of gum, food, shaving cream, toothpaste or beverage is not permitted on the bus.

5Keep all objects out of the aisles of the bus.

6Remain seated while the bus is in motion

7Use a quiet voice.

8Keep hands and heads inside at all times.

9Follow the directions of the bus driver or bus monitor.


All children should come each day with a sack lunch, lunch money, or money in their lunch

account. When children must charge they will be asked to call home to inform the parents that

they are out of money. Lunch charges should be paid the next day. Soda pop is not allowed. Parents are cordially invited to come and eat lunch with students. Pleasecheck in and out with the office when visiting.

Breakfast - All Schools / $1.75
Breakfast - Reduced Price / .30
Visitors and Teachers / $2.00
Lunch - Elementary/Intermediate / $2.50
Lunch - Middle Schools / $2.75
Lunch - MHS / $2.75
Lunch - Reduced Price / .40
Adult Visitors and Teachers / $3.50


Please mark all clothing with the student’s name. All items found will be placed in lost and

found. Lost and Found clothing will be donated to a charity at the end of each nine weeks.

During warm weather children should dress accordingly. Skirts, dresses, and shorts length should be

below fingertips with arms extended down; a slit in skirt must be below fingertips. Shirts are required

to cover the midriff both in front and back. Croptops, half shirts, and cut out T-shirts are inappropriate.

Hats are to be worn only outside or on designated “hat days.” Advertisements, phrases, or pictures on

clothes should always be in goodtaste and certainly not promote violence or any product that would be

illegal on schoolpremises or in the possession of a minor. Flip flop type shoes are discouraged forsafety



Conferences will be scheduled during the first and third nine-week periods. If you would

like a conference in addition to those times, please call the office or your child’s teacher to make

arrangements. Regular class time, performances, and PTA meetings are not good times to discuss your child’sprogress.


7:15 AM-2:50 PMStaff on duty

7:40 AM -2:35 PM Student Hours for K, 1, 2,3, 4, grades

7:40 AM -10:40 PM Half Day Kindergarten

7:40 AM – 10:15 AMMorning PreK

12:00 PM – 2:35 PMAfternoon PreK


Each year, periodic drills will be held for the following situations: severe weather, fire, and

other dangerous situations.


Students are allowed in the building at 7:15. First bell rings at 7:30 and tardy bell rings at 7:40.

Students arriving after 7:40 must go through the main office to receive a tardy slip and should be

checked in by an adult. Students will be dismissed at 2:35. If a student attends less than (2) two hours

of the first (3) three hours in the morning or attends less than (2) hours of the last (3) hours in the

afternoon they are considered one-half day absent.


When students are absent, parents may want to have homework collected. Teachers will allow extra time to complete missed work. However, if you want homework collected please follow our policy:

  1. Call before 9:00 the day you want homework collected for that day.
  2. Teachers will collect the homework after school and have it in the office to be picked up between 2:35-2:50.
  3. It is important not to interrupt the instructional day so please do not request homework before the school day is over or go directly to the classroom.
  4. Requests for homework after 9:00 will be available the following day.

Parents may need to take a child out of school for a family trip. We discourage this as classroom discussions and learning activities cannot be made up by just doing the homework. Teachers are not able to prepare lessons in advance for individual students who may be out because of family trips. Students may take work that is routine each week. Students will be expected to make up other work when they return. They will have the same number of days to make it up as they were out.


4th grade students will be recognized at the end of the year for earning grades which qualify them for the Superintendent’s Honor Roll, Principal’s Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance. The requirements are:

Principal’s Honor Roll: No grade lower than B

Superintendent’s Honor Roll: No grade lower than A

Perfect Attendance: No more than three (3) tardies and no “Left Early.”


If your child becomes seriously ill at school, we will contact you immediately. If we cannot reach you, we will use the emergency contact information you have provided on the enrollment form. Children should stay home if their fever is above 100.4 degrees, and they should be fever free and no diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours off of medications before returning to school.


Any type of dangerous weapon is prohibited from school. Confiscated items will be sent to the

office and not returned to the student, but may be claimed in the office by the parent. Also, toys,

dolls, skateboards, personal athletic equipment, makeup, are not appropriate for school. Such items

will be held by the teacher and may be claimed by the student at the end of the day. A second offense

requires that a parent pick up the item.


Lost and found articles are kept and may be claimed by the owners. Items marked with the

student’s name will be returned automatically. Unclaimed articles are given to a charity at the end

of each 9 weeks.


We cannot dispense any medication unless the Request and Release for Medication form is

completely filled out and signed by the parent and physician (in the case of prescription medications).

Prescribed medication must be in a container clearly labeled with the name and strength of the

medication, name of the patient, date of original prescription, and directions for use and proper

storage. Medications may not be sent home with a student. Forms with a full set of instructions are

available in the office or are also available on the MPS Home Page under the Parents tab.

Asthma Inhalers: State law requires that if a student carries their own inhaler, there must also be one left in the office. A separate form must be filled out if the doctor allows the student to carry their own inhaler.


Parents and eligible students have the following rights under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and Mustang Board of Education’s policy:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records;
  2. The right to seek to correct the student’s educational records in a hearing if necessary;
  3. The right to exercise a limited control over other people’s access to the student’s educational records;
  4. The right to report violations of the Act to the Department of Education;
  5. The right to be informed about FERPA rights.
  6. If translation to another language is necessary, it will be provided.

All rights and protection given parents under the FERPA and this policy transfer to the student when he or she reaches age 18 or enrolls in a post-secondary school. The student then becomes an “eligible student.”

The adopted FERPA policy is included in the Board of Education Policy Book. A copy of this book is located at each school.

It is the policy of the Mustang Public School System to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or qualified handicap, in its educational programs and activities. This includes, but it not limited to, admissions, access to, and treatment in educational services, financial aid, and employment. Inquiries concerning Section 504 responsibilities can be sent to Special Services Department, 906 S Heights, Mustang, Oklahoma 73064, 405-376-2461.


Mustang Public Schools is able to provide parents the opportunity to view their child’s school

information via the web. The program that allows this is called Parent Portal.

This password protected website will allow parents to view their child’s grades, assignments,

school information and attendance. All a parent needs to gain access to the Mustang Public Schools’

Parent Portal is a connection to the Internet and a password.Please contact the office at 405-256-6989 for password information.


Only two parties will be held each year in the classroom; Winter and Valentine’s Day. We do not have individual birthday parties or allow birthday invitations to be passed out at school. Since Prairie View was awarded the “Excellent” level of Certified Healthy School in 2014, we are encouraging healthy lifestyles and diet. Therefore, we do not allow cupcakes or cookies to be distributed for a student’s birthday. Healthy snacks are, however, permitted. If you choose to send cupcakes/cookies, teachers will send them home in baggies for classmates to enjoy at home.


School closings due to severe weather will be announced on local radio and TV stations. Mustang Public Schools uses a rapid communication system. This system will deliver emergency messages to parents individually by the communication method(s) of your personal choosing. For example, should schools need to close due to weather, this system would notify you by your home phone, cell phone, and/or email. In addition, schools may use this system to keep you up-to-date on important school-wide information or changes relating to groups in which your child participates. All students will be entered into the system using the information provided on the enrollment form.


Because our phone stays very busy throughout the day, use by students is limited to emergency

situations. Emergency messages from parents will be taken by office personnel and delivered to

students. You can help eliminate the need for student use of the phone by seeing that your child

has schoolbooks, materials, lunch money or sack lunch, and instructions for after school when

leaving the house in the morning.


Parents are welcome at school, but the following procedures will help ensure a safe learning

environment for all students: Parents should not take class time for individual conferences with the