20 October 2016

Conference room 7, HQ

Ms J McCormick
Mr M Roberts
Ms J Gill
Mr D Bryan
Mr P Woods
Ms W Bebbington
Mrs N Bailey / Deputy Chief Constable (Chair)
Assistant Chief Constable
Assistant Chief Officer
Head of Legal Services
Head of Planning and Performance
Head of Finance
Head of Human Resources
Mr S Byrne
Mrs S Boycott
Mrs S Davies
Mr N Bailey / Chief Constable
T/Assistant Chief Constable
Head of Strategic Change and Portfolio Management
Chief Superintendent of People and Professional Standards
1. / Minutes and action updates (Part two)
The minutes of the last meeting held on 20 September 2016 were agreed as a true record without amendment. The actions were updated accordingly.
2. / Chief Constable update
No update due.
3. / Finance
Ms Bebbington advisedthat the mid-year budget had reported a £1m overspend. A review has been undertaken which includedrecruitment and the overtime budget, this has reduced the overspend to £600k in October 2016. This will be reported toPublic Scrutiny Board on 26 October 2016.
A discussion followed about Priority Based Budgeting panels and the way forward for budget managers for panel 3.
4. / Annual Review of Terms of Reference for COG and FLT
The annual review of the terms of reference for Chief Officer Group and Force Leadership Team took place andwere agreed subject to the Federation and Unison being invited as observers to Chief Officer Group.
The Chief Constable has asked that future COG meetings are held at different LPUs and observers can attend by invitation.
DECISION COG/D/035/2016 - The terms of reference for Chief Officer Group were agreed subject to inclusion of Unison and Federation as observers and as an exception to receive the agenda and decision reports for information.
The updated Force Leadership Team terms of reference, were agreed.
Other Business
Items for Decision
5. / Victims Strategy 2016-2021
Mr Robertsprovided an overview of the updated strategy. A discussion followed and consultation is to take place with victims and an equality impact assessment will be completed.
DECISION COG/D/036/2016 The Strategy was agreed in principle subject to the discussed updates and to go to Management Board in December 2016.
6. / Flexible Working Scheme – to include Senior Management grades within the scheme
Mrs Bailey explained that Senior Management (SM)grades are not included in the Flexible Working Scheme. HR have reviewed the Flexible Working scheme as part of the employment package of benefits for external recruitment and wished to extend this scheme to include the SM graded roles of which there are 17.
Mrs Bailey advised that during internal consultation it has been raised that SM gradesreceived an additional 3 days annual leave instead of being included in the Flexible Working Scheme. Ms Bebbington suggested that the extra additional 3 days annual leave should be given up by SM grades if they accept the Flexible Working scheme as part of their terms and conditions. Mr Bryan concurred and explained what had happened in local authorities when single status was implemented. A discussion followed about options. An option is for SM grades to opt into the Flexible Working scheme and give up theadditional 3 annual leave days they receive, this would be reflected in their terms and conditions within their contract of employment.
DECISION COG/D/037/2016 – It was agreed that the flexi working scheme be extended to SM graded staff. Staff are to be written to individually to consult on the proposal and the OPCC is to be informed. Due to 3 additional days annual leave being afforded to SM grades the first 3 days of flexi accrued will be deducted to balance time off. Following consultation individual terms and conditions will be amended for those that select this option.
Items for Discussion
7. / Staff Survey - Health & Wellbeing
Mrs Bailey advised there is no decision required, as the information and plan was discussed at the Force Performance meeting on 11 October 2016. DCC McCormick asked that communication is arranged for the force, to include whichactions have been completed and what is planned going forward.
8. / Victims Awareness Course
Mr Robertsprovided an overview of the proposal for out of court disposal. A discussion followed about the equality impact assessment and potential impact on financially disadvantaged groups due to the course costs. Mr Bryan explained that individuals should be provided with options, which take account of means and officers would need to be appropriately briefed. It was suggested that a pilot could be undertaken, with the results forming part of a study group.
ACTION COG/A/028/2016 – Mr Roberts to further consider the equality impact assessment,control measures, a review of potential numbers who would use the course,cost of training officers, evaluation of the course and scope of the financial commitmentand time period of the contract in respect of procurementdecision. Updated information to come back to COG in November.
Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment
Mr Woods said the Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment is at the meeting for sign off at this point in time following review by Chief Officers and senior management.
DECISION COG/D/038/2016 The Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment was agreed.
10. / Items for Discussion
Control Strategy
Mr Roberts gave an update on the control strategy, which is on track and being delivered. The thematic areas will be taken quarterly to Force Performance meeting.
11. / Stakeholder Engagement presentation
Miss Lowry attended the meeting to present the findings from the Stakeholder Engagement survey. In depth interviews were held with senior stakeholders, councillors and diverse groups. A discussion followed about the positive results, routes into the force, diversity, positive action and links into Victim Cares.
ACTION COG/A/029/2016 - Ms Lowry to review findings and build into Public Engagement and meet and progress with Mr Woods, Mrs Cain and Mrs Byrom. To reportquarterly to Force Performance meeting.
Reports due at Joint Management Board
12. / None
Items for Information
13. / Performance Update from Collaborations
  • MFSS – Ms Gill provided an update following the Shared Services Joint Committee.
  • Regional Control Centre – DCC McCormicksaid thatT/ACC Boycott will review.
  • Underwater Search – DCC McCormick gave anoverview.
  • Firearms Alliance –update provided.
  • TITAN –update provided.

14. / Alliance Operation
An update was provided on this operation.
15. / Taser update
The briefing is for information.
16. / Future decisions
A discussion took place about future decision dates and the report will be updated to reflect these changes.
17. / Exception reporting
  • BlueLight – no update due.

  • Service Reviews–the update report was reviewed.
DECISION COG/D/039/2016 –The closure ofthe completed reviews asnoted in the report was agreed. It was agreed that the review of the duty planning functionality across FCC and RMU is deferred until the current volume of change in both departments is progressed further.
18. / Strategic Change Dashboard
The information is to be reviewed and new updates included and brought back to the next meeting.
19. / Joint Strategic Risk Register
No issues raised.
20. / Management Decisions
  • For information.

21. / Joint Management Board Decisions
  • For information.

22. / Any Other Business
Advanced Practioner pilot(no report) - Mrs Bailey said that she had indicated in principle that the Constabulary would become involved in this pilot. It is understood that there is no financial cost to the Constabulary. Mrs Bailey will find out more about the pilot and following a discussion will ask if PCSOs and staff can be included.
Insurance for volunteers.
ACTION COG/A/031/2016 - Mr Woods to review with Mr Bryan.

Meeting finished at 16.20