Laboratory Report

Lab #:0
Title:Current Division
Date Performed:January 1, 2006
Course: ECET 314 - 102
Instructor: R. L. Maybach
Per Cent Contribution
Lab Partner / Pre-lab / Lab Session / Report
Samuel Adams / 100 / 33 / 0
John Heineken / 0 / 33 / 20
Morten Tuborg / 0 / 33 / 80
Totals / 100 / 100 / 100

Table of Contents





Laboratory Results


Lab Grading



Lab Station #3 plus TE model LCM-1951 Digital Multimeter (no serial number)


This laboratory will help us understand current division, as well as understand the general nature of how to write a laboratory report (the second part of this sentence is for you – doesn’t have anything to do with the report). We will also practice our PSpice skills, as well as learn how to use the DVM in the laboratory.


Using PSpice and circuit theory, determine the current in a 200  resistor, based on the circuit shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Circuit to be simulated.

The current through the 200  resistor can be calculated by first determining the input current (the current through the 1 kresistor) and then use current division to determine the final results.

To determine the input current, the two resistors can be combined, since they are in parallel. The formula used is

, where Rp is the parallel combination of the two resistors.

Based on the values shown in Figure 1, the parallel combination is 66 , and the input current would be:

The current in the 200  resistor, using the current division formula, is

To verify whether this answer is correct, the circuit in Figure 1 was simulated, and the following results were obtained when the bias Voltage display was enabled (Figure 2).

Figure 2 – Circuit from Figure 1 simulated with Bias Current display enabled

The simulation agreed with the calculations

Laboratory Results

The circuit shown in Figure 1 was wired; the power supply was set to 5 V; and the DVM was used to measure the exact output Voltage.

The output of the power supply was connected to a protoboard, having a 1 k resistor in series with the parallel combination of a 100  and a 200  resistor. The experiment also required that measurements be taken at 2 V and 10 V, and compared with calculations made during the lab. Data was initially recorded in a lab notebook, and later inputted into an Excel spreadsheet. For this laboratory, the resistors had a tolerance of 10%. The circuit was wired, and the following results were obtained:

Table 1. Results of experiment on the circuit in Figure 1.

Input Voltage / Current (200 )
2 / 0.60
5 / 1.50
10 / 3.00

These results were obtained by using the DVM to measure the current in each of the branches. Based on the tolerances of the resistors, an error analysis was done (assignment – you do the error analysis – this is where you should put that work). Based on the error analysis, the range for an acceptable current should be ----mA to ----mA.


The measured current was within the tolerance range of the acceptable current values, based on the error analysis in the previous section. The calculations in the pre-lab and the PSpice simulation resulted in the same values. This laboratory provided a better understanding of the current division law, as well as using the bias Current disply in PSpice.

Lab Grading

Score / Wgt. / Item
Cover Page (3 per cent)
1 / Lab number and name
1 / Date performed
1 / Team members
2 / Table of Contents (2 per cent)
Introduction (5 per cent)
2 / Lab station number or list of test equipment with model and serial numbers
3 / Lab objectives
20 / Pre-lab (20 per cent) – simulations, calculations, and designs
Body (40 per cent) – separate section for each circuit
5 / Circuit title and function
20 / Measured response – including all the data required in the lab write-up
5 / Comparison of the theoretical and measured responses – either plotted on the same chart if they are curves or showing the per cent difference if they are individual points.
10 / Discussion – with answers to the questions and a credible explanation of any significant variations
General (30 per cent)
10 / Grammar, spelling, and punctuation
10 / Plot format – independent variable on the x-axis, dependent variables on the y-axis, legible data points and curves, labeled axes with units, linear or log scales as appropriate, figure numbers and captions
10 / Table format – appropriate number of significant digits, clear column headings, appropriate column widths and row heights, table numbers and captions
100 / Total