Student Name (Print) Parent Name (Print)

We understand the following:

  1. Program eligibility and options
  2. That the student must meet the entrance requirements of the College/University.
  3. We must choose one of the following plans:
  4. OPTION A: College credit only (student pays all costs)
  5. OPTION B: High school and college credit. (Otsego pays tuition, fees, and books. Students pay transportation, application fee, and misc. course fees as needed)
  6. The process of granting final academic credits
  7. Scheduling arrangements and potential difficulties
  8. The affects participation may have on high school graduation requirements
  9. The grades you earn at the University will be averaged into your high school grade point average. This may affect your class rank and eligibility for honors and scholarships.
  10. All high school credits will be determined by the high school. Any disagreements may be appealed by the Board of Education.
  11. If you fail a course, board policy requires that you and/or your parents repay the school for all expenses.
  12. You must meet with Mrs. Clark once each semester to verify grades and credits
  13. You are expected to check your otsegoknights.org email on a regular basis
  14. You must notify the high school counselor by March 31 of your intent to participate.

I understand that this form is not an application to any college/university, but simply an acknowledgement that I understand the above listed topics and have received the required information. I also understand that applying to the college I wish to attend is my responsibility.

I have read and understand these rules. I have received counseling regarding them. I accept and agree to abide by them. I would like to declare my intent to participate in the College Credit Plus program. I understand that signing this form does not require that I participate during the coming school year and I may decide not to participate without consequence. I also understand that it is my responsibility to notify Otsego High School if I do not gain admission to my selected institution of higher education or choose not to participate for some other reason. In addition, I certify that I have received counseling about the College Credit Plus program concerning the rules and regulations for both my school and the college, and that I understand my responsibilities, the benefits and possible risks of participating in the College Credit Plus program.


Student’s Signature Date Parent’s Signature Date

_____ Attended meeting

_____ Applied (BGSU/Owens/University of Toledo)