Dear Parents and Carers, 26th May 2017
Here are dates of upcoming events.
Monday 5th June / School reopensThe new trimtrail will be officially opened. Please read the attached information.
Thursday 8th June / Polling Day
As we are a polling station, the Foundation Stage Unit is closed; there will be no part-time sessions, full time Foundation children will need to be brought to and collected from the Main School children’s entrance.
Week commencing 12th June / Transition Arrangements for Year Two begin
In order for the children to feel as comfortable as possible with their move to a new school we plan a series of events with Dimple Well and Southdale. These begin this week. Year Two parents/carers will receive more detailed information after the holidays.
Friday 23rd June / Inset Day
School is closed for all children.
Tuesday27thJune / Potted Sports
Year One in the morning and Year Two in the afternoon (within school hours) will join with other EOCT schools to enjoy a competitive sports event. More details to follow.
Week commencing 3rd July / “Move Up” week – all the full-time children will move up a class, to practice for September
For this week - Upper Foundation Stage will be Year One, so will come in through the Main School children’s entrance, register in and be collected from the Year One classroom all week, Year One will be Year Two, so will register in the Year Two classroom and be collected from Main School Children’s entrance all week and Year Two will be our Summer Campers; they will register in the Hall and do “Summer Camp” activities Monday to Wednesday before enjoying two days at Southdale on Thursday and Friday(more details to follow).
Wednesday 5th July / EOCT Choir Celebration at Ossett Town Hall
Tickets and further details will be sent home with the Choir.
Week commencing 3rd July / Reports
End of Year reports will go out during this week.
Tuesday 11th July / “Walkabout”
This is an opportunity to come in to school from 2pm and “walkabout” with your child, in both Main School and Foundation Stage. They can show you their classrooms, talk about where and how they work, and the displays. There is tea/coffee/water and squash available and we will have a cake stall too.
Tuesday 11th July / New Parents Meeting – 4.30 pm
A meeting will be held in the Main School Hall for Parents/Carers whose children are starting Upper Foundation stage in July this is a chance to meet the teachers, find out more about the structure of the day, the curriculum, expectations and to ask questions.
Wednesday 12th July / School Trip
All the full-time children and the staff will be going to Nell Bank for the day. On this day the coach will leave at 9.00 and we will leave Nell Bank (near Ilkley) at 2.30; therefore the children will arrive between 3.30 and 4.00pm at school.
I know that some of our children have siblings at Southdale or are collected by childminders so wanted to give you all plenty of time to arrange for this later pick-up time. If there are any problems, please contact me after the half term.
This is for full time children; as all the staff go with the children school is closed to part-time children on this day. An additional session will be offered to part-time time children; more details will be sent to LFS parents/carers.
Thursday 13th July / New Parents Meeting – 4.30 pm
A meeting will be held in the Main School Hall for Parents/Carers whose children are moving up to Year One and Two in September; this is a chance to meet the teachers, find out more about the structure of the day, the curriculum, expectations and to ask questions.
Tuesday 18th July / Sports Afternoon
Subject to the joys of the English weather, sports day will be held on this day ; more details to follow.
Friday 21st July / Leavers’ Celebration – for Year Two children and parents/carers
More details to follow
Friday 21st July / School Closes for Summer
If you have any questions or comments, please speak to me or your child’s teacher. If you cannot get into school in person; call or email. We will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible if whoever you wish to speak to isn’t available to take your call.
Have a lovely half term everyone,
Kind Regards,
Mrs Shute
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