Curricular and Extra-Curricular Trips

The county school transportation director shall receive a copy of the approved schedule far enough in advance to arrange safe and adequate transportation ONE WEEK prior to a regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting.


Destination: Number of School Days:

Date of Trip: Departure Time: Return:

Number of Students: Cost per Student*: Funding:

*No student will ever be denied participation on a field trip at as a result of an inability to pay.

Number of Chaperones (list names on Trip Itinerary form):

Type of transportation – indicate number of vehicles to be used:

______School Bus(es) ______Commercial Coach(es) ______Private Auto _____ Leased Vehicle

______Other (specify) Handicapped Bus Needed: Yes _____ No _____

Lodging: yes ______no

Trip Itinerary (attach to request)


1.  Trip itinerary must be included with transportation request.

2.  All trips must have written approval of the principal and the Nicholas County Board of Education.

3.  Each student must have written permission from parents/guardians to participate in field trips and extra-curricular activities requiring transportation.

4.  West Virginia School Transportation Regulations –

Pupils transported in a school bus on such trips shall, in addition to the school bus operator, be supervised by at least one professional employee of the county board of education who shall provide a list of all passengers on the bus to the school transportation director. Each additional bus shall be supervised by a professional employee or person employed by the county board of education.

Sponsor’s Signature: Date:

Principal’s Signature and Approval: Date:

Date of Board of Education Action:

Approved Denied


Curricular and Extra-Curricular Trip Itinerary


Must be submitted with trip request.

If more space is needed, use back of form or attach to this form.

I.  Date of Departure

Time of Departure

Site of Departure

II.  Date of Return to Site

Time of Return to Site

Return Site

III.  Lodging (if applicable)




Dates of Lodging

Number of Chaperones

Name of Chaperones and Relationship (e.g. teacher, parent) – attach list

Chaperone to Student Ratio

IV.  Schedule of trip activities

V.  Description of trip

Brief summary of activities relative to content standards and objectives

OR – Brief summary of extra-curricular activity