Palm Cove Elementary
“Teaming For Success”
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 2:30 PM
Our Goal: To produce Student Achievement and Celebrate ALL Stakeholders in a Safe, Family Oriented Environment
I. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Kimberly Charpentier
II. Review and Approve Agenda: Agenda handed out to each member and guest. Each person was able to read over the agenda and review. Motion to approve agenda: 1st: Sheri Trammell 2nd Fila Vaz. All were in favor.
III. Review and Approve Minutes from last meeting: Minutes were copied and handed out to each member present as well as guests. No questions about last month’s minutes. Motion to approve minutes: 1st Ashley Lancaster 2nd Isis Ayubi. All were in favor of approval.
- New Business
A. FSA Camp Begins for grades 3-5: Teachers will choose students based on BSA scores and need in each subject area. Monday will be ELA, Tuesday Math, and Wednesday will be Science. All camps run from 2:15 to 3:15.
B. FSA Writing Parent Workshop: Scheduled for February. Will focus on how to prepare for the FSA Writing Test for 4th and 5th grade students and their families.
C. BSA Testing next two weeks grades 3-5: Information will be sent home.
V. Principal’s Update: Mr. Baer was present to update the parents on school events and answer questions.
- Old Business
A. I-Ready Training for Teachers on Friday Workday: Teachers will be trained on how to access reports, standards mastery, and how to understand the diagnostic assessment results by the I-Ready team members from the county. We directed parents to the link on our website for those who need log in information or further information about the program.
B. Workbooks ordered for Third Grade for FSA: We will be ordering workbooks for the 3rd grade to assist in preparation for the FSA test. We ordered the new 2017 edition of the Florida Ready.
- Title 1 Updates
A. Review Parental Involvement Budget: The budget was handed out to each member and Sheri Trammell explained each item on the budget. Ms. Trammell is our Title 1 Liaison at Palm Cove. She also answered questions about Title 1.
VIII. Announcements: We will be changing our BTU Steward for next meeting. Coach Rodriguez has decided to step down and Coach Boyles and Coia will be the new stewards.
IX. SAC Adjournment: Motion to adjourn: Kimberly Charpentier, 2nd Sheri Trammell. All were in favor.