Minutes for Stephen Hayt Elementary School
Meeting of the Local School Council
Wednesday November 20, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Library
Call to Order
Chair Ana Gehant Ortiz called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Roll Call and Introduction of Members
Daniel Gomez, Donna Brown, Esther Ohiku, Jennifer Kelly, Bridget Harris, Ana Gehant-Ortiz, Laurie Hasbrook, Randall Jacobs, and Arthur Arfa were in attendance. Saira Sheikh, Elisa Salinas, and Kari Michals were absent.
Approval of Agenda
Arthur Arfa moved to approve the agenda. Bridget Harris seconded the motion. The motion was carried 9-0 (all present; 3 absent).
Approval of Minutes
Donna Brown moved to approve the minutes of the Oct. 16, 2013 LSC meeting, and of the Special LSC meeting, Nov. 4, 2013 Jennifer Kelly seconded the motion. The motion was carried 9-0 (all present; 3 absent).
Public Comments
Introduction of bilingual teachers:
2nd grade bilingual teacher: Ms.
1st grade bilingual teacher: Ms. Mariana M. Howard-Paez
Ms. ______demonstrated the i-Pad “Story Kit” which the children are responding to with great enthusiasm. Ms. Howard-Paez told us about “Raz Kids, “ an online guided reading program with interactive ebooks, downloadable books, and reading quizzes.
Chelsea, representing Alderman Osterman’s office, announced the 3rd annual 48th Ward Holiday Celebration, December 5, 2013, 3:30-5:30p.m. at Senn High School.
Neighbor concerned about traffic congestion and vehicular dangers around Hayt was relieved to hear level of concern expressed about this issue by the LSC. Chelsea promised to report the concerns expressed to her office.
New Hayt website is up and running. Mr. Gomez, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Smentek, and Mr. Twomey continue to develop the site: www.haytschool.org
Daily attendance rate is 96.24%
Mr. Gomez noted Hayt’s Least Restrictive Environment policies, provided an LRE written report and reminded the LSC of this operating priority. There are currently 120 Hayt students who are directly impacted by LRE policies.
Mr. Gomez distributed Hayt School 2013 School Progress report. Hayt’s overall all rating is #1. Hayt is not on probation. School is fully staffed.
Mr. Gomez distributed NCLB Funds Summary, SGSA Funds Summary, and sheet detailing Transfer of NCLB SGSA Fund.
PPLC (Professional Personnel Leadership Committee)
Donna Brown reported that the PPLC met with Mr. Gomez within the last 3 weeks. She is happy to see “Raz Kids” being used in school. Next meeting will address soap in the girls’ bathroom, and toilet paper supply.
PPC (Professional Problem Committee)
Union rep is available for teachers.
Bridget Harris reported that attendance was excellent at the last meeting-- 25 or so parents. Mr. Luis Garcia-Juarez, CPS Senior Compliance Facilitator spoke to the gathering.
Meeting held today with Mr. Thomas.
Requests for Approval
Arthur Arfa moved to approve the October 2013 internal accounts. Ana Gehant-Ortiz seconded the motion. The motion was carried 8-0 (all present; 4 absent). [Jennifer Kelly left mtg. before vote]
Ana Gehant-Ortiz moved to authorize moving $10,080.00 from Miscellaneous to contractual services for 6th Recess Coach. Donna Brown seconded the motion. The motion was carried 8-0 (all present, 4 absent).
Arthur Arfa moved to approve use of $200 in annual CPS school allotment to purchase pamphlet holder for front office. Ana Gehant-Ortiz seconded the motion. The motion was carried 8-0 (all present, 4 absent).
Old Business
Principal Evaluation
Vote to go into “Closed Session”
Principal Evaluation: Executive session called to order at 7p.m.
Open Forum resumed at 7:24p.m. Mr. Gomez verbally informed of approval of cumulative and yearly Principal Evaluation with “exceeds” rating.
New Business
Agenda items for December: principal feedback session and contract renewal; check approval
At 7:30 p.m. Donna Brown moved to adjourn. Bridget Harris seconded the motion. The motion was carried 8-0 (all present, 4 absent).