Curlycoated Retrievers

VD (0) PD (3) 1 Mercer & Thomas’ Elkysar Black Arrow over Stotmacre, only 7 months but has potential, just right for age, lovely coat in excellent condition, good head & expression with well placed ears, good neck & shoulders, lovely topline & tailset, good hindquarters, moved so well for one so young, has lots to like & I was pleased to make him BP, I now see he is sired by the BOB; 2 Millichamp’sCuralbull Dark Moon Rising at Wightcurls, older pup who needs to settle in movement, classic head & I loved his expression, good coat & condition, nice hindquarters & a good topline, looked good in profile movement really using his construction to advantage; 3 Stephens’ Brightmeadow Never Say Die. JD (2) 1 Edworthy’sMaycourt Cadillac, brother to the BCC! Excellent head & expression, in excellent coat presented so well, is is balanced & so correct in outline with the correct neck & shoulder placement, good topline & tailset, well boned legs & feet & nice hindquarters, moved well, he is quality; 2 Lacey’sFleetpaw First Officer, a stallion of a dog who needs now to stop growing & tighten up all through, front movement is loose up & back but he has a good neck & shoulders & when he tightens up I am sure this will come right, in good coat, heavier in head but with a good eye & well set ears which are not over-heavy, well boned legs & feet & good body proportions. PGD (0) LD (3,1a) 1 Mercer & Thomas’ Stormacre Take A Bow, loved his head & expression with a beautiful, well shaped eye & lovely ears well set & not too heavy, this balanced dog has the correct hindquarters, excellent neck & shoulders, strong topline & a good loin, good depth of chest, well boned legs & feet, profile movement is correct with lovely head carriage, showed well to win class & his quality took him through to the CC & BOB; 2 Mahon & Newton’s Curlabull New York Jet, stronger all through, this boy is very masculine in outlook & a different type of head which is a good shape if a little heavier than to my liking, good forequarters & a good topline, moved well on well boned legs & feet, in good coat which was well presented. OD (4) 1 Bett’sSh Ch KelsmereKrystoff, balanced black of a good size, this quality male could not be mistaken for a bitch as he has a very masculine head with a good eye & well set ears, which are not overlarge, he is balanced with a good depth of chest & a strong well muscled hindquarter, well set & carried tail, in good coat, moved well really using his construction to advantage to cover the ground effortlessly. RCC; 2 Mistlin’sMaycourtStarman by Crookwood, taller liver male who was well muscled & with a good masculine outlook, good head & expression, good topline & tailset, good depth & width of ribcage, good loin & well muscled hindquarters, moved well to win his place here.

VB (0) PB (1,1) JB (5,1) 1 Courtier’s Maycourt Crimson Moon, beautiful black who really caught my eye, I loved her make & shape, she is so very feminine with excellent body proportions, such a feminine head with a beautiful eye, excellent well set & carried ears, excellent neck & shoulders, strong topline & well set tail, good depth of chest & a good loin, well muscled all through & she is clothed in an excellent coat of tight curls, she gave me goosebumbs when she moved with her correct head carriage & precise footfall. I couldn’t resist her & I knew she was the one to beat. I know she is young but I was pleased to give her the CC; 2 Spraggins’ Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo, I can see now that she is litter sister but this liver is slightly heavier & still needs to finish but she has a feminine head & expression, good neck & shoulders, again a lovely type with a good curl, moved well on well boned legs & feet, much to like about her but just needs fill out & drop into herself; 3 Jones’ LizallwoodHellow Again. PGB (1,1) LB (3,1) 1 Jack’s Maycourt Space Oddity, older full sister to Crimson Moon! Well balanced bitch of an excellent type, pretty head & expression, good topline & tailset, strong rib f a good depth, lovely front construction, moved well on well boned legs & feet, in excellent coat & condition, show well to win the class & RCC; 2 Jones’ Elkysar Run With The Wind at Lizallwood, beautiful bitch who didn’t want to play today, feminine head & expression, well presented coat of the correct texture, good neck & shoulders, good topline & tailset, moved OK but just missing her sparkle;OB (8,1) 1 Legg’s Curltemple Ayres And Graces, feminine bitch of quality, of a lovely shape & size, feminine head & expression, good neck & shoulders, lovely topline & tailset, good depth & width of chest, well boned legs & feet, cover the ground with ease & correct head carriage, in lovely muscular condition & in good coat; 2 Todd & Rahman’sSh Ch Springcurl Leather And Lace, very feminine in outlook, this quality bitch has caught my eye before, of an excellent type & moved a treat really using her excellent forequarters & strong hindquarters to advantage to cover the ground, in excellent curl & showed well, pretty head & expression & run 1 hard but I just preferred on the day the expression of 1 but there is no denying that this excellent girl deserved her placed in this star-studded class; 3 Stephens’ Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look.