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Proposed restructure of The Heritage Office, Royal Adelaide Hospital

Consultation Paper


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In February 2014, Central Adelaide Local Health Network endorsed the model of Single Service Multiple Sites (SSMS) and has been implementing this model across a range of services.

The purpose of the Royal Adelaide Hospital(RAH) Heritage Office, within Operational Services, Central Adelaide Local Health Network is to actively seek, collect, research, preserve and display items that have been part of the medical, corporate, clinical, academic and social life of the RAH. Consultation and liaison across sites has occurred over the last few months to identify the most efficient and effective way of implementing the single service, multiple site approach to heritage across Central Adelaide Local Health Network. Currently the RAH Heritage Office consists of 2.4 FTE (0.6 FTE ongoing, 1.8 FTE temporary), with a sole focus on the RAH and is the custodian of a collection for SA Dental Services. This is the only site in Central Adelaide Local Health Network where funded resources have been allocated to the management of heritage.

Heritage at sites such as the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH), Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre (HRC), Glenside and St Margaret’s Rehabilitation Hospital (SMRH) are operating through volunteers, with no consistent management across sites. Heritage items at the individual sites are managed in isolation and there is no standard approach.

It is proposed that the RAH Heritage Office move to a Central Adelaide Local Health Network wide approach, using the practices, processes and technology that is already in place. The focus for the Central Adelaide Local Health Network Heritage Office over the next 18 months will be to implement consistent administrative process at each individual site and provide support to the volunteers to ensure items are collected, registered and stored. In order to achieve this strategy, a change in structure within the current RAH Heritage Office is required.


The purpose of the new organisation restructure is to establish a single, cohesive approach to the operational and strategic aspects of Heritage Office under the Central Adelaide Local Health Network SSMS model.


A Central Adelaide Local Health Network Heritage Committee will be established with representatives from the existing committees at TQEH and RAH to guide and support the direction of the Heritage Office. Existing committee members will be invited to form a Central Adelaide Local Health Network -wide Heritage Committee.

Web-based Museum (e-Hive)

In 2013, support was given to develop a web-based museum through the e-Hive technology for items catalogued through the RAH Heritage Office. Through the proposed model, a consistent process will be implemented across sitesto ensure all Central Adelaide Local Health Network artefacts and items are catalogued and loaded onto this web-based museum. This is an opportunity to display and share all Central Adelaide Local Health Network items with the public in a consistent way.


The current reporting arrangements for volunteers will change. Under the proposed model the volunteers will move under the new management structure of the Central Adelaide Local Health Network Heritage Office to enable consistent processes and management across sites.

Site Heritage

The history and heritage of each site will continue to be recognised and preserved through the proposed model. It is anticipated that a presence will be continued at each site.

With the change in approach, the positions within the Heritage Office need to support the priorities of collecting, logging and storing items into the database.

It is therefore proposed that the temporary Archivist (PO1) position is disestablished and an additional 2.0 FTE temporary ASO2 Administration Officer positions are established to assist the Team Leader in the coordination of activities across CALHN. These temporary administrative positionswill be critical in ensuring that effective administrative processes are in place across sites for the collection and processing of items received within the Heritage Office and in providing administrative support to the newly formed HeritageCommittee.

Further, there is a need to expand the scope and responsibility for the current Team Leader ASO3 role to ensure the appropriate coordination across sites. This will involve the disestablishment of the existing Team Leader ASO3 role (currently 0.6 FTE) and the establishment of a new Team Leader ASO4 role with an increase in hours to full time (1.0 FTE).


The main changes to current practice this proposal will enact are:

  • Disestablish the temporary Archivist (PO1) position within the RAH Heritage Office.
  • Establishment of two temporary ASO2 Administration Officer positions for a period of one (1) year, in line with available grant funding.
  • Disestablish the existing Team Leader ASO3 role and establish a Team Leader ASO4 role.

Please refer to the existing and proposed Organisational Charts.


Feedback on the consultation paper and the proposed Team Leader ASO4 Job and Person Specification will be sought from the staff and unions by close of business on 7 April 2015. All feedback will be considered and subject to the outcome of the consultation process, the new arrangements willcommence from 4 May 2015.

Staffcan access further support from their manager, the Human Resources Department, or via the Employee Assistance Program. Converge International can be contacted on 1300 687 327 and Access OCAR can be contacted on 1300 667 700.


Feedback is welcomed can be provided through any of the following methods:

By email:Titled “Heritage Office” to email

By mail:

Kate Librandi
Manager Administrative Services

Operational Services

Margaret Graham Building Level 4

Royal Adelaide Hospital

North Terrace

Adelaide SA 5000

Attachment 1: Current and Proposed Organisational Charts

Current Structure

Proposed Structure

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