School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1

M.A. (English)

Paper Code: MEG– 104

Paper Title: Literary Theory

Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15

Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.

It carries 5 Marks. (1*5=5 Marks) (50-100 Words)

Q. 1. Answer all the questions:

i. What does Walter Pater argue in “The Post script?”

ii.Victorian Age is characterized by propriety of manners. Comment.

iii. Charles Dickens is known for his character creation. Comment on his characterization.

iv. What is the importance of the title “Wuthering Heights?”

v. Give your understanding of the character “Jude” fromthe novel, “Jude the Obscure.”

NOTE: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 Marks. (1*5=5 Marks) (500 Words).

Q.1 Describe the relationship between art and morality in Browning’s poetry.

Q.2 what are Hopkins’s view about the presence of God in the natural world?

Q.3 what are the recurrent images in Hopkins’s poetry?

School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2

M.A. (English)

Paper Code: MEG– 104

Paper Title: Literary Theory

Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15

Q. 1. Answer all the questions.

i. What is a sonnet? Discuss the form.

ii. What is Hopkins’s idea about the beauty of nature?

iii. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the dramatic monologue from.

iv. What are the keyprints of the essay, “The study of poetry?”

v. What is the central idea of Elizabeth Barrett’s, Sonnet No. 51, “I thank all who have loved me.”

Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)

Q.1 critically comments upon Arnold’s ideals of disinterestednessin criticism.

Q.2 Make a character sketch of Jack Worthing, Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen Fairfax.

Q.3 though the novel “A Tale of two cities” is located in two cities there is likeness of people.

Comment on the similarities of people.

Q.4 how does the novel, “Wuthering Heights”, relate to Feminist Literature?