US History Syllabus

Mrs. Mawyer

281-357-3220 ext 2348QR Code for

My web page: my website:

Materials Needed:

  • 2 – Composition Notebooks
  • Writing utensils (PENCILS are important)
  • A good attitude

Daily Objectives and Activities

  • Objectives/Activities will be written on the board daily.
  • I will give quizzes when you need to be quizzed, whether you’re aware of them prior to class or not. Please be prepared at all times.
  • An interactive notebook will be kept, please be sure to keep it up to date.
  • Materials should be brought to class daily.
  • Please be respectful of our limited time together and schedule any visits to the restroom, other classrooms, offices, and/or to your locker during another time.


  • There will be at least 3 major grades per grading session. These grades will be exams, written papers, interactive notebook, and group projects.
  • There will be daily grades. These grades will be in class activities, quizzes, group work, and/or other assignments pertaining to our subject.
  • Please refer to the campus policy in the student handbook regarding late work.
  • Major papers/projects will always have a due date given well in advance. There is no reason that you should not be able to get your assignments turned in on time. If you will be absent due to a school function/event please make sure that you turn them in prior to leaving campus.

Absence Policy

  • If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed. Please try to get the contact information of a fellow classmate so you can come to school prepared to jump back into learning.
  • If you are in ISS, you need to complete all assignments and stay current with our six weeks curriculum (including tests).
  • If you miss a quiz or test, it is your responsibility to meet with me to schedule a time to take what you have missedoutside of your normal class time.


D.O.N.T. D.O. I.T. – E!V!E!R!

I, too, have Google and will know when you cheat by copying and pasting from the internet. I also will read every line of every paper turned in. I am very good at remembering what I have read and will notice if you turn in something that is crazy similar to another student’s assignment.

Tardies and Dismissal

  • Students will be in their seats when the bell rings.
  • Any student not in their seat when the bell rings will be sent to their AP.
  • I dismiss you from class – NOT the bell.
  • Do NOT stand by the door waiting for the bell to ring. You will be made to sit back down and held until I dismiss you.


  1. Be in class, on time, seated, and ready to work when the bell rings.
  2. Respect the teacher (substitutes, especially) and each other at ALL times.
  3. No hats/hoodies/beanies, gum, food, or open containers in class.
  4. No negative, derogatory, or vulgar language.
  5. When someone else is talking, you are not.
  6. No devices out unless instructed by the teacher. When they are out, be on task or they will be taken up.
  7. No earbuds in your ears in this classroom.


I am available to help you. Just ask and we can set up a time that works for us both.

This is an EOC Course!

As such, we will be building a review interactive notebook as we move through each unit. Your absences will negatively affect your participation with this. Please keep in mind that this is not a course where you can just cram information before a test and then forget it. What you learn in here is important to you until MAY!!! (well, forever, really)

I am looking forward to a productive year working together!!!!