OMCS SupportUsing Outlook Express

Using Outlook Express for Windows 95/98


Loading Outlook Express2

Setting Up Outlook Express3

Checking For New Messages7

Reading Messages9

Composing a New Message11

Replying To Messages13

Attaching a File15

Accessing AnAttachment16

Loading Outlook Express

From the desktop double click on the Outlook Express Icon as shown below in Figure 2.1. If you do not have the icon on the desktop go to the Start, Programs, Internet Explorer and finally Outlook Express as shown below in Figure 2.2

Figure 2.1 / Figure 2.2

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Setting Up Outlook Express

If you have just installed Outlook Express or think that your settings are incorrect you will have click on the Tools menu and then go to Accounts. Once you are inside there you will be presented with the screen shown below in Figure 3.1. In this example you can see that under the mail tab we already have a mail account setup called OMCS Tech 2. If you already have an account setup you can skip the next paragraph and proceed to Figure 3.2, otherwise you will need to setup an account.

Figure 3.1

Click on the add button and select mail. Next you will be prompted with a setup wizard. Use the aids below and follow the on screen prompts to fill in the fields.

Display name: Can be anything you like, such as your real name.

E-mail address: Your own personal e-mail address, , where username is the same one you specified when you signed up.

E-mail server names: POP3 type, enter for both incoming & outgoing.

Log on using POP account name & password: Enter your username & password.

Ensure SPA is not checked.

Friendly Name: Keep as

Connection Type: Select "Connect using my phone line" with your OMCS connection.

Click Finish to add the mail account.

If you just setup an account you have finished this section providing you entered the information correctly.

If you have an existing account and you want to make sure the settings are correctcontinue to the next paragraph.

/ Select the account you want to setup with OMCS as shown on the previous page in Figure 3.1 and click on Properties. You will now have the General screen as shown here in Figure 3.2.
In the User Information frame the Name field can be anything you like, such as your real name or company name. Organisation is not needed. E-mail Address: Your own personal e-mail address, , where username is the same one you specified when you signed up.
Figure 3.2

The Reply Address field is the same as the E-mail Address.

Next select the Servers tab at the top of the screen. The new screen should resemble the below Figure 3.3.

/ Inside the Server information frame enter for both incoming & outgoing mail servers.
Inside the Incoming Mail Server frame make sure Log on using is selected not Log on using Secure Password Authentication. Enter your username in the Account name field & password in the Password field.
Figure 3.3

Next select the Connection tab at the top of the screen. The new screen should resemble the Figure 3.4 on the next page.

There are two ways that you can set up the connection to OMCS. Firstly you can set it to Connect using my Local Area Network like we have done in Figure 3.4.With this method you have to Connect to the Internet yourself. You can connect before you load Outlook Express or after you have written some E-mail and are ready to send them. It is slightly more hassle but when you are use to it you have more control and have less problems.

The second method is to set it Connect using my Phone Line then down in the Modem frame tell it to callthe OMCS Connection.

/ With this method it will automatically dialup when you load the program. It will also dialif you are not connectedwhen you go to send and receive. This is the most common choice and easiest to use.
When you are finished click on apply and then on ok to get back into the main window.
Figure 3.4

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Checking For New Messages

When you load Outlook Express it will automatically check for new messages. If you already have Outlook Express open and would like to check for any new messages click on Send and Receive on the toolbar shown below in Figure 7.1 or go to the Tools menu and Send and Receive.

Figure 7.1

When you click on send and receive you will see a box and it will let you know what is happening as shown below in Figure 7.2

Figure 7.2

If you have received any new messages the inbox on the left of your screen will go bold and there will be a blue number next to it. This indicates how many new unread messages are in the Inbox as shown on the previous page in Figure 7.2

If there is no new messages to receive it will also let you know but it can be so quick that you can’t read it. So no news normally just means that there is no new messages, not that there is a problem.

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Reading Messages

To read your messages firstly you have to select a folder on the left of your screen by clicking on it. In the example shown below in Figure 9.1 we have selected the Inbox, which is where all new messages are kept.

Figure 9.1

After you select the Inbox the top right window will display any messages which are inside the Inbox. Any messages in bold are unread.

The From field lets you know who sent you the message and the Subject field is used for a quick description of the messages purpose. Received is simply the date and time which you received the message. Inside the received field you will notice an embossed triangle pointing down. This means that all the messages in the Inbox are sorted by the received field and the newest messages will be at the top. If you want to sort it so the newest messages will be at the bottom just click on the received field and you will notice that the triangle will now be pointing up. And if you would like to sort by a different field just select what field you want by clicking on it.

You will notice that the bottom message has a paperclip on the left edge of it. This means that it has an attached file with the email.

There is two methods to read your messages. The first is to select a message by clicking on it once. Down the bottom right you will notice that the message is displayed, as shown on the previous page in Figure 9.1. The bar will let you know who it is from and what it is about and below that you can see the main message.

The second method of reading your messages is to double click on a message and it will open it in a new window. The only real benefit of reading the messages this way is that you can make the message full screen so it is easier to read.

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Composing a New Message

To write a new message to someone simply click on the Compose Message button on the far left edge of the Toolbar as shown below in Figure 11.1 or go up to Compose and then New Message.

Figure 11.1
Figure 11.2

The To field is the address that you are sending it to i.e . The CC field is for Carbon Copy if you want to send an email to multiple people. The BCC field is the same but each person will not know who else the message has been sent to where as in CC everyone that receives the message will also know who else it went to. The subject field is used to let the receiver know what the message is about. When you have filled out the above fields you can go to the main window below and type in the bulk of your message.

When you have finished the message you can click on Send up on the Toolbar as shown on the previous page in Figure 11.2

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Replying To Messages

Replying to a message will automatically bring up a message ready to be sent back to the sender with a copy of what they sent you and all you have to do is write in what you want to say in the main window. You don’t need to copy and paste anything from the original message for it to make sense to the original sender as all of the message will be included. Soyou do not have to address the E-mail either.

The method you use to reply depends on how you are reading your message. If you have just selected the message and you are reading it in the bottom right window you can click on the reply to author button on the toolbar shown below in Figure 13.1, or go to Compose and then Reply to Author.

If you have double clicked on the message to read it in a large window you can click on the reply to author button as shown below in Figure 13.2 or go to Compose and then Reply to Author. Or just close the window and use the first method.

For help on sending the message read the Composing a New Message section.

Figure 13.1 / Figure 13.2

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Attaching a File

To attach a file to a message first you have to get either a new message open or reply to one that someone has sent you. Next Click on the paperclip icon on the toolbar as shown below in Figure 14.1

Figure 14.1

Now you can select any file on your computer to attach as shown on the next page in figure 14.2.

When you have selected the file click on attach and finish the message as normal. If you need any help with sending mail go to the Composing a New Message

Figure 14.2

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Accessing An Attachment

If you receive a message with a little paperclip off to the left this means that the message has an attached file. Shown below in figure 16.1

Figure 16.1

To save or open an attachment you have to select the message by clicking on it and then on the middle bar there will be another larger Paperclip on the right edge of the bar as shown above in Figure 16.1. Simply click on the Paperclip and select the file or files that you want to save or open.

After you select the file that you want it will ask you if you want to open it or save it to as disk, as shown on the next page in figure 16.2.

If you select to open it, it will open up the file in the associated program. If you select to save it you will have to select where you want to save it to, also shown on the next page in figure 16.3. After you have selected where you want to save it to click on save.

Figure 16.2
Figure 16.3

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