Minutes of March 20, 2007

Members Present: Jean Libby, Karen Asselin, Laurie Brady, Janet Smaldon, Wanda Brissette, & Sue Robitaille

Members Absent: Ruth Waterhouse - Excused

Town Staff: none

Others Present: Kevin Scannell


Home Addition

Owner and Applicant: Kevin and Sharon Scannell

Map 20 – Lot 07, 91 Marston Road

  1. Call to Order: J. Libby called meeting to order 7:05PM
  1. Review and Approval of Minutes:

Motion to review and approve minutes of 3/6/2007

K. Asselin approve as written, second S. Robitaille, Vote 6-0

Note: Comment on minutes of 2/6/2007 item #5 D. Macintosh

Lot may be taken out of subdivision. J.Libby to check on correction of minutes.

Motion to correct, K. Asselin, second J. Smaldon Vote 6-0

  1. Project Reviews:

Home Addition

Owner and Applicant: Kevin and Sharon Scannell

Map 20 – Lot 07, 91 Marston Road

Project review of addition at 91 Marston Rd, no applicant present, project will be placed as first item on next agenda.

Motion to table J. Smaldon, second S. Robitaille Vote 6-0

Applicant arrived approximately 7:15.

Motion to bring project (91 Marston Rd) back to table. K. Asselin, second J.Smaldon Vote 6-0

Questions from board regarding stair location, comment: applicant should work closely with Cumberland County Soil.

W.Brissette questioned use of basement space and if this is to be included in the expansion rules and if this would effect the septic system in place. Applicant is not adding a bedroom or bathroom.

Site walk not required.

Motion to deem application complete with exception of applicant’s signature missing from applications, septic location added to plan and revised plan of stairway following recommendations of Cumberland County Soil.

K.Asselin, second J.Smaldon vote 6-0

Note: Public hearing was not required although W.Brissette would have liked one.

  1. Other Business


  1. Plan Signing


  1. Adjournment

K.Asselin second J.Smaldon Vote 6-0

7. Future Meetings

Minutes prepared by Sue Robitaille

3.20.07 Planning Board Minutes

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