Monday prior to start of classes
(May 8) / Spring grades due 10:00 AM
Dismissed list provided to colleges at the end of the day
Tuesday prior to start of classes (May 9) / 1st Summer open registration advising ends
Wednesday (May 10) / 1st Summer Session begins
Late registration ($50 fee) and schedule revision period
Spring provisional readmission deadline 8:00 AM
Thursday (May 11) / Late registration ($50 fee)and schedule revision period
End of 100% refund period*; web registration closes at 4:30 PM
Wednesday – Friday (May 10 – 12) / Pass/no pass option period
Friday (May 12) / Non-attendance (NA) reporting open for summer 1
(8:30AM – 4:30PM)
Monday(May 15) / End of 75% refund period*
Registrar’s Office will email students reported as NA
Wednesday (May 17) / End of 50% refund period*
Non-attendance Withdrawal (NAW) reporting open for summer 1 (8:30AM – 4:30PM)
Thursday (May 18) / Registrar’s Office will email students reported as NAW
Friday (May 19) / End of 25% refund period*
Monday (May 29) / Memorial Day, no classes, University closed
Tuesday (May 30) / Last day to drop/withdraw without evaluation (receive an automatic ‘W’)*
Friday (Jun 9) / 1st Summer Ends
2nd Summer open registration advising ends
Monday (Jun 12) / 2nd Summer Session begins
Late registration ($50 fee) and schedule revision period
Tuesday (Jun 13) / Late registration ($50 fee)
End of 100% refund period*; web registration closes at 4:30 PM
1st Summer Grades due at NOON
Dismissed list provided to colleges at the end of the day
Monday - Wednesday (Jun 12 – 14) / Pass/no pass option period
Wednesday (Jun 14) / Non-attendance (NA) reporting open for summer 2
(8:30AM – 4:30 PM)
Thursday (Jun 15) / End of 75% refund period*
Registrar’s Office will email students reported as NA
1st Summer provisional readmission deadline 8:00 AM
Monday (Jun 19) / End of 50% refund period*
Non-attendance Withdrawal (NAW) reporting open for summer 2
(8:30AM – 4:30 PM)
Tuesday (Jun 20) / Registrar’s Office will email students reported as NAW
Wednesday (Jun 21) / End of 25% refund period*
Friday (Jun 30) / Last day to drop/withdraw without evaluation
(receive an automatic ‘W’)*
Tuesday (Jul 4) / Independence Day, no classes, University closed
Friday (Jul 14) / 2nd Summer Ends
3rd Summer open registration advising ends
Monday (Jul 17) / 3rd Summer Session begins
End of 100% refund period*; web registration closes at 4:30 PM
Late registration ($50 fee) and schedule revision period
Tuesday (Jul 18) / 2nd Summer Grades due at NOON
End of 75% refund period*
Dismissed list provided to colleges at the end of the day
Monday – Wednesday (Jul 17 – 19) / Pass/no pass option period
Wednesday (Jul 19) / Non-attendance (NA) reporting open for summer 3
(8:30AM – 4:30 PM)
End of 50% refund period*
Thursday (Jul 20) / Registrar’s Office will email students reported as NA
2nd Summer provisional readmission deadline 8:00 AM
End of 25% refund period*
Monday (Jul 24) / Non-attendance Withdrawal (NAW) reporting open for summer 3
(8:30AM – 4:30 PM)
Tuesday (Jul 25) / Registrar’s Office will email students reported as NAW
Tuesday (Aug 1) / Last day to drop/withdraw without evaluation (receive an automatic ‘W’)*
Friday (Aug 11) / 3rd Summer Ends
Tuesday (Aug 15) / 3rd Summer Grades due at NOON
Dismissed list provided to colleges at the end of the day
University meeting for Faculty/Administrators
Wednesday (Aug 16) / New Student Orientation
Thursday (Aug 17) / 3rd Summer provisional readmission deadline 8:00 AM
*Refund and drop dates refer to standard length courses. Visit or contact Registrar’s Office for special length courses.