God’s Own Country - Definition:

Often abbreviated toGodzoneor less oftenGodzown, it is a phrase that has been used for more than 100 years by New Zealanders to describe their homeland. God's Own Country as a phrase was often used and popularised by New Zealand's longest serving prime minister, Richard John Seddon.

What is GODZone Adventure? GODZone Adventure, presented by 100% PURE Racing, is New Zealand’s only multi-day, non-stop, expedition-style adventure race. This annual event, run in April, hosts domestic and international teams from around the world.

Competitors - Mixed teams of four from around the world will be expected to travel day and night with decisions to rest and sleep left solely to the discretion of the teams themselves. Teams will be expected to navigate, trek, mountain bike and kayak over a vast array of different landscapes. Other disciplines may be included which will test the mental and physical skills of participants. All team members must complete the course for the team to be ranked and it is a requirement of the race rules that they stay within 200m of each other at all times.

Course – The route is kept secret from teams until the day before the race. There will be multiple route options for teams, meaning strategic decisions will be very important. Competitors change from one mode of transportation to another at designated transition areas.The route will traverse a distance of approximately 450km and it is anticipated that the fastest team will reach the finish line in about 3 and a half days. Other teams will be allowed as many as 5 and half days to reach the finish. The majority of travel will take place through untracked wilderness meaning that navigation will be critical to a successful outcome.

Unsupported – In the spirit of a true expedition teams do not get the assistance of a support crew. Teams are expected to meticulously plan what gear and supplies they need and then pack them into gear boxes which will be strategically located on the course. At designated transition areas, teams will have the chance to change clothes, restock food and drink and perhaps even grab an hour or two of sleep.

Satellite Tracking – Teams will wear satellite tracking devices throughout GODZone Adventure and this information is displayed on the live website during the event. On-line spectators will be able to follow their team over the map as the days unfold, all the navigational mishaps, the breaks for sleep will be captured. Photographers, cameramen and journalists will travel to the event providing coverage of the race and all news developments will again be posted on the event website and facebook page.

World Series – GODZone Adventure is a member of the Adventure Racing World Series (ARWS), an international circuit of premiere adventure races in 10 countries. The Adventure Racing World Championships culminates each year and sees the winning team from series races vying for the World Champion crown. You can find more information on the ARWS here www.arworldseries.com

100% PURE Racing – 100% PURE Racing are the organisers of GODZone Adventure, comprising; former World Adventure Racing Champion Warren Bates; double winner of the Southern Traverse Adam Fairmaid; and event management expert Anna Bastin. Management and media expertise is also provided by Paula Kay Rogers and Margo Berryman. The team is also supported by some of New Zealand’s most important endurance athletes of the past two decades including; Bill Godsall, Wayne Oxenham, Richard Ussher, Kristina Angelm, Keith Murray and Steve Gurney.

Some odd facts:

Sleep strategy – Some teams might try to go the whole race with no sleep. Yes, 80hrs of racing with no sleep. That strategy seldom works. The winning team will probably sleep for 3-5hrs in nearly 4 days of hard physical exercise. The slower teams will sleep more but if they stop too much, they won’t reach the finish in time.

Mixed teams – the format of teams having at least one male and one female is perhaps unique in world sport. The very best teams work together as a strong unit whilst the demands of the race can lead some teams to fall apart at the seams.

Adventure & racing - It’s an unusual sport. Part adventure, part race, part human experience, it’s a sport that accommodates the wanderlust of the most ardent traveller, the competitive urges of the seriously trained athlete, and the spiritual desires of a wilderness devotee. Can adventure be a sport? Is racing ever an adventure? Nobody seems to know for sure but the format seems to a create some wonderful, and sometimes life changing, experiences for those who take part.

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