
French Revolution WebQuest

Bonjour! You will have several tasks to complete today, using websites provided for you in this worksheet. Be sure to take your time and go in order. You will be expected to work independently and turn in your work.

NOTE: Be sure not to copy any sentences or phrases directly from websites. That would be considered plagiarism and will earn you a grade of zero.

Rephrase EVERYTHING in your own words.

STEP 1: Biographies

Your first task is to visit this website:

Browse the site, then select the “biographies” tab and read about King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and Maximilien Robespierre. Then find more information on these figures at the following websites: (General information) (Marie Antoinette) (lefthand side links to all 3) (Robespierre)

Then fill out the following:

King Louis XVI

Born (date, place):

Describe 3 interesting things about his life:

List major accomplishments/failures:

When, where, why, and how did he die?

What is his legacy (how is he remembered in France and the rest of the world?)

Marie Antoinette

Born (date, place):

Describe 3 interesting things about her life:

List major accomplishments/failures:

When, where, why, and how did she die?

What is her legacy (how is she remembered in France and the rest of the world?)

Maximilien Robespierre

Born (date, place):

Describe 3 interesting things about his life:

List major accomplishments/failures:

When, where, why, and how did he die?

What is his legacy (how is he remembered in France and the rest of the world?)

STEP 2: Portrait

Which of the three people above do you find most interesting (Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette or Robespierre)?______

You will eventually work on a writing assignment about this person.

Find and print a portrait of this person and staple it to this packet. Write down the address of the website where you got it.

STEP 3: Guillotine Website

Visit and explore the links on the left. Answer the following questions using the information you find:

1.  What did Dr. Guillotin say should happen to the corpse of someone who was executed?

2.  What is another name for the blade?

3.  How tall was the 1792 model of the guillotine?

4.  Who was Anne Leclerc?

STEP 4: Global Revolutions

Play the video timeline of global revolutions at and click on various countries to find out their history of revolutions. Then respond to the question: Why do you think there were so many revolutions during this 200 year period? Even if you’re not sure, take a few guesses:

STEP 5: Review Games

If you get this far, try these:

-Matching game:


(Click “play this game”) to play a matching game that will test your knowledge.

-Trivia game:


(These questions include some topics we haven’t discussed yet)

You’re finished!