The following is the report of the Planning Meeting that was held on Tuesday 18th February 2014 in the Crickhowell Resource & Information Centre, Crickhowell, commencing at 7pm.


Councillors: V P Games, A M D'Anna, R Dykes, G J Jackson, D Williams, S Roach,

C M Dietz, A Hughes and the Mayor, A Jeremiah.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr P Williams & Cllr I Kovaleva.

IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor John Morris and Mrs J Pritchard, Clerk.

To Receive Declarations of Interest in items on the Agenda:




It was proposed by Cllr Jackson, seconded by Cllr Hughes and agreed by all those who had been present at that meeting that the report of the Planning Meeting which was held on the 21st January 2014 be signed as a true record of that which took place.

MATTERS ARISING from January meeting:





14/10387/FUL Demolition of garage and extension.

Fonthill, Bellfountain Road, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1SN.

Cllr's D Williams and A Hughes had looked at this application, Cllr Williams explained that the proposal is to demolish the current garage and convert the residence into a two storey dwelling on the same footprint. There are already 2 double storey dwellings on the same site and following a brief discussion Cllr D Williams proposed that this Council have no adverse comments to the application, this was seconded by Cllr Hughes and unanimously agreed.

14/10441/TRCA Remove an overgrown Cypress hedge and replace with an indigenous hedge (e.g. Beech) which will be more manageable in the future; trees affected are a linear group of 14 closely spaced Cypress trees marked "G153" on the submitted plan".

Herbert Hall, Bridge Street, Crickhowell, NP8 1AR.

Cllr's D Williams and A Hughes had also looked at this application, Cllr Williams explained that the application is required because it is in a conservation area but there are no tree preservation orders involved. No neighbours will be affected and the replacement hedge will be more environmentally friendly and easier to maintain therefore Cllr D Williams proposed that this Council have no adverse comments, this was seconded by Cllr Hughes and unanimously agreed.



13/09951/FUL Permission for the removal of existing upper floor window with French style doors. Replacement of existing timber balcony with steel escape stairs to rear courtyard.

51 High Street, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1BH.

CTC considered October 2013 with no adverse comments.

13/10116/LBC Permission for Internal alterations: 1. Removal of internal blockwork wall and installation of steel beam. 2. Removal of Modern studwork partitions and installation of new partitions forming WC. 3. Formation of new disabled WC. 4. Formation of new opening to extend restaurant. 5. Enlargement of existing fireplace.

The Dragon Inn, High Street, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1BE.

CTC considered November 2013 with no adverse comments.



Cllr Jeremiah said that she had looked at the consultation response form and answered Yes to most questions, she was unsure about some questions and these were discussed in Council, Cllr Hughes said that she had read the document too and found it quite technical and abbreviated. Council then discussed question 24, "Do you think a national park authority should continue to have responsibility for planning in their area?" Cllr Jeremiah said that she had answered No to this giving the reason "Because they are not accountable", all members agreed with this.



1. BBNPA, acknowledgement of CTC letter re Local List.

If no actual response was received within 21 days the Clerk was asked to write again to ask for an update on what they are doing in regards to the Local List.

2. BBNPA re Cwrt Y Gollen Development Brief Meeting. Cllr's D Williams and

3. BBNPA - Cwrt Y Gollen Draft Development Brief A M D'Anna to attend.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 7.16pm.

Signature of Mayor …………………..…..………………… Date………………2014

Cllr A Jeremiah